"I think you can come into the store and sit and wait......"

At the door of the café, Li En easily found the target of this appointment.

Because Sayaka stood straight on the street where the students came and went.

It's like a girlfriend who arrived at the date scene early, but was tragically released by the pigeon.

"In that case, Senior Brother Li En might not be able to find me, right?"

"Since it was my invitation, it would be too much to waste your time coming to me. "

Well said, I hope a certain red-haired girl can learn it.

The two walked into the store and sat down in a normal place.

But I didn't know how to speak for a while.

"Uh, that...... I've already thanked you, but let me say it again. "

Sayaka placed her hands on her legs together, sat upright, and saluted Rie.

"Thank you for your assistance last week, and thanks to your timely stopping, it didn't cause a catastrophe. "

Compared to the overwhelmed appearance at the beginning,

Now Shayaka seems to be more serious.

Probably because I've never taken the initiative to date a boy,

Only when it comes to business,

Sayaka will appear to be at ease.

"Senior sister doesn't need to thank you, I'm just based on the duties of the Discipline Discipline Committee. "

Lane stirred the sparkling water in front of him with a straw and gave a decent 600 reply.

Until the opponent's true purpose is revealed, he intends to defend like this.

"No, it's not just about stopping the riots in the gym. "

Sayaka shook her head and added.

"Actually, it's not just Kirihara-san who caused this riot, but also everyone in the Kendo Club and Kenjutsu Club......"

"The reason why no one has been punished is because Senior Li En didn't hold us accountable, right?"

Hearing this, Li En hesitated for a moment,

Nodding his head, he accepted the statement.

"It's just a small scene, and in the end, no one was hurt, and Senior Kirihara later apologized. "

"And...... The senior sister should also be regarded as a victim, and there was no need to pursue it from the beginning. "

After all, if it's just a normal community dispute,

Then it should be under the jurisdiction of the Shiwen Keren, who is the president of the Federation of Societies.

But when Kirihara was impulsive, after using the [High-Frequency Blade] in violation of regulations,

The nature of this conflict has changed and it must be up to the Discipline Commissioners to intervene to stop it.

Hearing Lane's excuse for herself, Shayaka's originally stiff gaze softened.

"It would be nice if other people could be as empathetic (BGCE) as you are. "

"In fact, in the aftermath of this incident, there were many reports of normal inter-community conflicts. "

"There are even many students who have been disciplined...... Probably those members of the Discipline Committee want to rush to the performance. "

"Well, I'll interrupt. "

Rien coughed lightly.

"I'm one of those members of the Discipline Committee. "

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean that, Li En, don't get me wrong!"

Only then did Shayexiang react, and the junior in front of her was also a member of the Discipline Commission.

She quickly explained.

"I mean, Junior Lien, you're different from those people......"

"Although it is true that I am speaking ill of the Discipline Commissioner, Junior Li is special to me...... Huh?"

Because she was too busy explaining, she made her words gibberish.

After saying certain lines that might be blacklisted by Deep Snow, he calmed down.

What I saw next was Lane's smiling gaze.

“...... Senior Brother Lien, has anyone said that you like to bully people very much?"

"I'm just sighing that such a heroic senior sister on the field also has such a cute side. "

"Uh......h Don't say any more, just don't see what just happened!"

After a small episode, Rien glanced at the time,

If you don't get into the main topic, it's going to be too late to go home.

may have been suspected by Deep Snow of doing something unwarranted.

He took the initiative.

"So, what does Senior Sister want to talk to me about this time?"

“...... I'll get straight to the point. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Sayaka also seemed to be ready, she closed her eyes slightly and took a deep breath,

Then he said with a solemn expression.

"Would you like to join the Kendo Society, Senior Brother Lien?"

An invitation that was completely expected, or that there was no other option.

Lane did not rush to refuse, but asked rhetorically. []

"Why did Senior Sister invite me to join the Kendo Club?"

"Frankly, I haven't touched a sword since I was born. "

That's true.

Even if you count the previous life before the crossing,

When Lane was closest to "Kendo",

It's nothing more than a child wielding a tree branch as a weapon.

This answer is not brilliant, but it goes straight to the core.

Sayaka sighed, as if she had no intention of hiding it.

"Although I don't know why, with the strength of Li En, he will be enrolled as a second-year student. "

"But at least in terms of the gap in teaching resources, you should also have some experience, right?"

Rien nodded, a fact he couldn't deny.

The teaching principle of the high school of magic is to give priority to magic grades.

Whether it is a first-degree student or a second-degree student,

It is only after accepting this principle that they enter this school.

Therefore, in the allocation of teaching resources,

Students who are more talented in magic will be able to enjoy more resources.

"There was a difference in the treatment of the class, which was inevitable because we had no talent. "

Although Sayaka's tone was flat, she could still see her unwillingness.

Although she is a second-degree student, this is one of only nine magic colleges and universities in the country.

With her qualifications, put it in a general high school,

It's also an elite class like no other.

In the "one high", it can only become a [weed].

"However, I think it's wrong to even focus on magical prowess in club activities. "

Sayaka's tone became agitated, as if she had said something that made her care.

"Even if I'm not good at using magic, I can't afford to be looked down upon by the [Kendo] I insist on!"

"So, we want to change the status quo of negating everything just by magic and magic!"

Lai notes that the word Shayesan uses is ......we".

"Please continue, Senpai. "

He said softly.

The fish has taken the bait.

As if encouraged by Rien, Sayaka took a sip of juice and continued.

"We decided to unite clubs that weren't part of the magic competition genre. "

"Establish an organization independent of the club federation and communicate ideas to the school!"

"We want the school to hear the appeal and shouts of our second-year students......"

"Tell them that magic isn't everything to us!"

After saying this, Sayaka seemed to burn out, and her tone suddenly relaxed.

She looked at Rien with expectant eyes.

"So, I hope that Junior Lane will be able to join in. "。

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