At the moment when Kirihara launched the technique.

Li En, who has the ability of [Information Decomposition],

The technique he performed was recognized immediately.

"Vibration system, high-frequency blade...... This is going to kill someone?!"

Modern magic academically classifies magic into four systems, eight categories.

They are the "acceleration-weighting" system, the "moving-vibration" system,

"Convergence-divergence" systems, as well as "absorption-release" systems.

The [high-frequency blade] used by Kirihara at this time,

It's magic that belongs to the "vibration" category.

With Lane's [Technique Deconstructor] talent,

Not only can you even see what kind of technique he has launched,

And it can even restore the technique completely!


【High Frequency Blade】

Level +: E+

+ Seek: Intelligence 20, Strength 15

+ Fruit: Vibrates melee weapons at high frequencies, causing them to gain a large damage increase, but severely depleting the weapon's durability


This kind of high-lethal technique that should have appeared on the battlefield to see blood,

At this time, it was used in the competition between clubs.

Seeing this, Li En knew that it was time for him to come in handy with the armband he had just worn on his arm.

At the moment when Kirihara waved the bamboo knife and slashed at Sayaka.

Dawn jumped out and activated the spell on the Silver Horn at the same time.

- [Invasion Method: Forced Shutdown]!

To deal with such a single target, there is no need to use [Organ Prohibition].

The [Invasion Technique] that has just been sent out by 633 is enough!

Almost in the blink of an eye, Kirihara's magic machine screen dimmed.

Having lost the continuous activation source of the technique, the bamboo knife in his hand naturally withdrew from the [High Frequency Blade] state.


[You take 35 Physical Damage!]

Li En blocked the bamboo knife for Shayexiang, leaving a white mark on his arm,

But in the blink of an eye, even this little trace was gone!

Taboo Surgery - Self-Healing!

"Who are you?!"

Kirihara saw that someone was involved in the battle between him and Sayaka, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

"In the name of the Discipline Commissioner, I announce that you have violated the law by using magic to attack your classmates. "

Li En read out the words of the Discipline Committee member with an expressionless face,

"Please cooperate with my work, or I have the right to subdue you on the spot. "

"You, a member of the Discipline Commission?"

Kirihara glanced up and down Rie's body as if he had seen something unbelievable.

His gaze lingered for a moment on his armband, as well as on his uniform without the corolla logo.

"When will [Weed] be able to be a member of the Discipline Commission?"

"One more point, the use of offending words in public. "

Rien sighed.

"Why bother, isn't it good to be obedient?"

The next moment, his figure disappeared in front of Kirihara's eyes.

Not because he teleported, but because he was too fast to catch him.


Kirihara had a big alarm in his heart, and he just wanted to use a technique to fight back.

only to find that his magic machine had been forcibly shut down at some point!

Although it won't take long to reactivate, this moment of hesitation is enough to be fatal in a battle of this level!


Li En directly threw Kirihara to the ground, rolled over and pressed to the ground,

Grabbing his wrists, he used his knees to stop his struggles.

Then, he pulled down his headset and reported to the Discipline Committee headquarters.

"This is the second small gymnasium, a student was arrested, he has been subdued. "

"The other person may have minor injuries, so just in case, you can notify the school medical office in advance......"

In the venue that suddenly fell silent, only Li En's methodical report sounded harshly.

Aware that members of their own community are to be held accountable by a second-year student,

A member of the Sword Club in the front row hurriedly yelled at Li En.

"Hey, what's going on?!" (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Rien glanced at him and patiently explained.

"Due to the improper use of magic, I need to ask Kirihara-senpai to go with me......"

"What are you kidding, kid!? You're just a weed student!"

This member obviously looked down on Li En, who was a second-year student and a junior student.

Even the armband worn on his arm couldn't stop him from making even more rude moves. []

"Tsk, the law doesn't blame the public, is that what it means?"

Lane took a step back, dodging attempts to grab him by the collar.

At the same time, a new piece of information about the incident emerged.


[Chain Event: Shock Therapy]

+degree: E+

+ Reward: 5000 reincarnation points, 5 skill points, 5 attribute points, E-level optional technology side items x1

+ Note: After completing this event, you will get a clue to the next chain event


"There is actually a reward of 5,000 points, which is worthy of being the precursor to that event. "

Ryne's expression moved slightly, and he didn't have time to think more about the reward.

Because the other members of the Sword Club also surrounded him, and his face was not good.

"Do you want to defeat without causing casualties...... It's a real problem. "

The composition of his current combat power is divided into two parts.

On the one hand, it is a tactic against the current copy of the C.A.D. Magic Machine,

directly paralyze the Dharma machine, and then quickly get closer,

Use your powerful attributes and melee abilities to render your target ineffective.

On the other hand, it is a multi-manipulation tactic with [Red Wing Array] as the core.

In Lien's ring, there is also a storage of his gift from the [God's Workshop]

The confiscated "Angel" series automaton was collected.

and a "Lucifer" with D+ power!

Once fully activated, the [Red Wing Array] can allow him to manipulate up to 11 automata at the same time!

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as you are well prepared,

Li En alone can deal with ten times as many enemies of the same level!

But this is a desperate tactic to deal with such small scenes......

More extravagant than a cannon to fight mosquitoes.

So, Lane chose a compromise approach.

- Zero Spawn - Floating Cannon Array!

The pieces of metal hidden in his body quickly decomposed and reconstructed.

After a dizzying array of assembly operations.

Miraculously turned into floating cannons that shimmer with blue light!

These floating cannons were specially modified by Lane and did not fire live ammunition.

Instead, it is equipped with a memory chip of the same specifications as the C.A.D. machine......

In other words, these floating cannons are essentially magic machines!

They don't shoot bullets, they attack with magic!

"Vibes. "

Dawn snapped his fingers, and each floating cannon was connected by mechanical power,

Executing the same command at the same time!

This is a simple technique pre-stored in his exclusive magic machine "Silver Horn".

Use the wave resonance of the thinker to make the target with the mage's talent "faint".

To put it simply, it is a magical version of forced seasickness and motion sickness.

Although the principle and the process of launching it are very simple.

The difficulty is that you have to use multiple spells to take effect.

A normal mage, who can operate up to 1 magic machine.

Because you can manipulate multiple spells at the same time, you will fail to cast spells because the spells will interfere with each other.

But Rien is different, he has a [Red Wing Array] and can operate multiple additional machines!

Each machine counts as a separate Caster and is not affected by interference!

[Resonance] technique with the blessing of 11 magic machines!

At this moment, the effect of the technique far exceeded that of the original work!.

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