Chapter 420 Knotted Intelligent Life!!

Appearing in front of Lane’s eyes,

It’s a ghostly little girl.

Extrapolating from height, body shape and appearance.

She was probably just in elementary school.

What they wear is not the beginner’s outfit that the player originally brought with them after entering this world.

It’s a plain white dress.

Long black hair like a waterfall,

Even longer than her people.

But it was not dragged on the ground, but like her people, it was floating in the air!

The girl’s figure is somewhat illusory,

Players who came and went, as if they hadn’t seen her, passed straight through her.

It was as if she were just a massless projection.

“This is…”

Lane had a rare look of surprise.

Because he thought it would be a long time later,

Only to see this Ian Grant’s plot character…

Strictly speaking, the girl in white was not human.

It’s an AI, which is artificial intelligence.

Of course, her technical content

Much more esoteric than the intermediate AI knowledge used by Lane.

After all, she is the legitimate creator of Iron Grande,

The player emotional monitor 190 control AI developed by “Kayaba Jinghiko”. It not only has a strong human emotion imitation system.

He also has a strong ability to learn.

It can be said that it is almost no different from real people

But the girl in white in front of her, the state did not seem right. Her eyes were not radiant, lifeless. Just mechanically scanning every player in the past.

The small face is cold and does not reflect any emotion at all.

“Only I can see her?” Maybe…… She was waiting for me. ”

Li En’s heart moved, and he followed the flow of people closer to the other party.

As he expected.

When the eyes of the girl in white glanced at his figure.

A large number of command strings immediately appeared in his eyes!

In Lane’s perspective, he could now read the meaning of these instructions.

【Supreme privilege owner detected, trying to send error logs…】 Sent failed! 】

【Warning! There are 1551 unknown errors in the subsystem, which have seriously affected the normal operation of various functions! 】

【Self-healing failed!】 Application failed to be submitted, error code: 0xd0051】

【Execution of emergency countermeasure plan, turn off emotion, personality simulation, the current system operates with minimal computing power!】 】

Lane’s arrival revived the program that seemed to be stuck.

But with that comes more errors and warnings.

Even as he was interpreting the implications of the information.

The girl in white had quietly floated to his side.

It was still that lifeless look, and his eyes were lifeless.

But somehow, Lane could feel her inexplicable dependence on herself.

“Nominally, I created her and have the authority to hold Kayaba.”

“That’s why you want me to fix her?”

Lane thought thoughtfully.

“Hmm… Or follow the title in the original work. ”

“Knot clothes.”

After the name, a hint suddenly appeared in front of Lane’s eyes.

Apparently, he triggered another task.

【Exclusive personal mission: warm start】

+ Difficulty: C

+ Description: The inhabitants of this world are not only players, but also intelligent beings born here, and as the world merges, the AI in front of you is damaged… Fix it and maybe have unexpected gains

+ Objective: Complete repair of the knot (current progress: 0%)

+ Rewards: World Shards x1, Special Followers – Knot Clothes, Virtual World Privileges 15%

+ Notes: “I… Who is it? ”


After seeing the mission objectives, Lane frowned with some difficulty.

“Fix… It’s okay for me to go and wreak havoc. ”

“It seems that we still have to find other world fragments.”

Lane shook his head, it seemed that this task was not something that could be completed in a moment and a half.

Before coming to this copy.

The only virtual class skill he has mastered.

It’s a virtual intrusion.

If you want to repair the knot coat this grade of AI.

Must have the appropriate knowledge and skills.

Otherwise…… He couldn’t do anything about it!

Knowledge barriers are so simple and rude.

Without the knowledge you have, you won’t be it.

“So, before I fix you, you’ll follow me?”

Lane tries to communicate with Yuki.

The other party is an artificial intelligence, and he can’t read the mind.

Her attitude can only be obtained in this way.

“Command received.”

Yuki said expressionlessly.

“Execute Instruction: Follow.”

Then she consciously floated to Lane’s side.

Like a spirit behind him, follow him.

“Fortunately, the other players can’t see the knot clothes.”

Lane was relieved, though it always felt a little weird.

He seemed to sense something and took a few casual steps.

The knot also floated over, followed by it.

This feeling…

It’s like walking a dog.

Or a little more graphic… Fly a kite.

Thinking of this, the corners of Lane’s mouth twitched.

Wipe away the images that come to mind.

“In short, the debris on the second floor has been recovered.”

“It’s time to go and meet your teammates.”

Elite players of Sakurajima Country,

It has reached the 5th floor – the stone wilderness.

Naturally, Lane couldn’t be too far behind.

“The Dark Gold boss of the Stone Wilderness is… Lacanihue. ”

Lane sighed in disgust.

Because this boss is good to die and has the [lightning boost] ability. Lightning damage is almost equal to immunity to it.

“Anzenas, where are you now?”

He opened his friends list and sent a private message directly to the elf girl.

Soon, Ansenas replied.

“I’m talking to Her Royal Highness Edora, Lane, are you going to assemble?”

“This is not urgent… Just help me to tell His Highness. ”

Lane thought for a moment, organized the language, and then spoke.

“Does she need information about the 5th Layer Stone Wilderness?”

“Includes information about the Dark Gold boss and the conditions for achieving the relevant achievements.”

As before, Lane wasn’t going to go to Lacanihue’s trouble. Such a high lightning resistance, playing this thing is purely to find guilt for oneself.

Therefore, it is better to sell the intelligence directly.

Incidentally…… You can also harvest personal feelings.

It can be said that it is a double win.

Lane believed that the Duke of the Elven Clan was in good spirits.

Will not refuse their own conditions.

It wasn’t long before Ansenas’s response arrived as expected.

“Lane, are you free now?”

“Your Highness Yudola would like to talk to you personally.”

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