Chapter 414 The Earth Crashes Down!!

“Good to be here.”

Ansenas couldn’t hold back, she was actually very eager to fight.

Immediately turned into a ray of thunder,

Rush straight into dozens of skeleton monsters.

Between the elf maidens took a step with force,

Let out a sharp scolding! On exposed skin,

Suddenly a light green pattern flashes! – Howl!

Even the undead who crawled out of the ground,

Under this scolding, I couldn’t help but feel fear, and I turned around and fled!

Lane saw Anthinas break into the enemy line and immediately made a decision.

“Crescent, make up the control skill!”

The dark-haired girl moved quickly behind Anzenas.

The next second, a ring of frost bloomed,

Quickly cover the surrounding skeletons with a layer of frost!


A row of bullets poured out instantly, if not because of material constraints.

Lane even wanted to give his skeleton a pair of electromagnetic rifles! The miscellaneous soldiers who stand in the way of the rare monsters possessed by the sinners,

It crumbled under this series of offensives.

And the mighty golden skeleton,

Finally, you can launch an attack without hindrance! Clang!

No need for a reminder from Lane.

Yasna has taken the initiative to come forward,

Raise your shield to block enemy attacks!

At the same time, her other hand glowed with milky white light, holy and pure light,

She smashed the golden skeleton straight in front of her! Holy Light Bomb!

[Paladin] Level 6 unlocked combat skills.

It’s not so much a combat technique as it is magic! Because it can not only restore life for friendly units,

And can inflict pure damage on undead units that ignore resistance! Under the infusion of the Holy Light, the skeleton’s action was also slowed down, and it suddenly fell into a brief state of shock.

Such a flaw will naturally not be let go by Anzenas! Only to see her transform into an electric light and rush forward,

The blade of the sword in his hand carries the glow of several elements and directly slashes at the immobile skeleton monster. – Ghost Strike!

– Strike!

This blow carries an extremely heavy force, taking away a lot of health at the same time.

Also will be directly thrown back by the rare skeleton possessed by the sin spirit!

“It’s over.”

Lane glanced at its blood,

Eventually the skeleton carried out a round of firefight.

End the battle.

Throughout, the enemy failed to make a decent counterattack.

That’s the benefit of squad collaboration.

If only Lenn had to deal with it alone.

He certainly couldn’t have been in continuous control for such a long time.

As the blood tank emptied, golden skeletons scattered on the ground.

A grudging-faced humanoid ghost screamed and condensed.

This time, though, it didn’t try to escape again.

It was as if bound by some force, fixed in place, constantly struggling.

At last…… Boom!

The sky full of gold coins fell from the sky.

It’s like the next golden rain.

But compared to the reward of drops.

3 reincarnated players including Lane.

More concerned about the prompts that appear in front of you! Tips from the space of reincarnation!

[You killed a rare unit possessed by a sin spirit]

【Goal-based level, you get the following rewards】

【10,000 reincarnation points, 10 attribute points, 10 skill points (10 times the gain)】

【The attribute points and skill points you get in this quest can be put into the virtual body】

[When you leave the quest, the skill points and attribute points you consume will be returned] because not the entity enters the quest world.

So even Lane has thousands of free attribute points, skill points.

It is also impossible to pull all the attributes of the virtual body at once.

But now, he found a shortcut that could return to peak state early to kill rare monsters possessed by sinners,

Skill points and attribute points that also earn 10 times the payoff!

“But it’s not enough to have attributes.”

“More skills and items must be unlocked as soon as possible.”

Lane thought silently.

Because of this rare level skeleton.

It’s not a Dark Gold boss.

So no loot chests dropped.

Except for picking up soft coins.

It’s just a few pieces of blue magic-quality equipment.

There are also dozens of bottles of miniature grade potions.

“Divide it up, and then we’ll go…”

Just as Lane was going to explain the follow-up action plan.

A sudden violent shaking.

Erupt without warning!

As the ground shook, Lane quickly pulled Yasna, who had almost fallen, up for the next moment.

Several prompts appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

It’s information that samsara space is mixed with the game system!

[Full Service Announcement: The team led by the player Yudola – Shivret – Sunshine killed the Dark Gold boss Bisu Hirosu for the first time! 】

[Full Service Announcement: The cause of the blood shortage on the 1st floor was destroyed for unknown reasons, and Rogre moved to the 2nd floor]

[Tip: The countdown is over and the 1st floor is crashing!] The crash of the 2nd floor will come in 72 hours! 】

…… It shook like an earthquake, and it came quickly.

They also disappeared extremely quickly.

For a time, whether it is Lane, Ansenas, Dragon Crescent Moon, these reincarnation players.

Or Yasna, who is an Aboriginal player.

A complicated look appeared on his face.

“Your Highness, they succeeded!”

Ansenas was sincerely happy for her people.

Lane raised an eyebrow.

Since His Highness Yudra had killed Bisu Bosu.

That means…

[Free Alliance] lost this battle for the Dark Gold BOSS.

“I’m not counting adultery.”

Self-deprecating spit in the bottom of my heart.

Lane turned his attention to the new countdown.

There are less than 3 days left before the collapse of the 2nd Layer Evil Cave.

Although he is now in the 4th layer that has not yet been affected.

And soon will be on the 5th floor.

But this sense of crisis being chased by death.

But it has been lingering in my heart.


Suddenly, the voice of a young girl as thin as a mosquito came from the side.

Yasna was relieved from the earthquake just now.

Then I found that my little hand had been being held by the whole grace.

“Captain, is it okay… Loosened? ”

Although it is a virtual game, the senses of this body are not inferior to reality.

Yasna could feel it from Lane’s great hands,

The constant warm heat.

“Sorry, I was negligent.”

With an apologetic response,

The large hand covering the Maiden Queen’s hand suddenly withdrew.

Some cool and fluttering sensations made Yasna still a little uncomfortable.

“Perhaps… I just shouldn’t have reminded him. ”

Yasna suddenly had such a thought in her mind.

Such a bold idea, she had never thought of before!

“No way! I’ve only known the captain for a few days… What a shame! ”

The girl reacted, turned around, and covered her hot cheeks with her hands.

For high school girls who have never made friends of the opposite sex.

This level of contact is already a very warm experience.

“It is hard to imagine that the famous Benzi Na in the past life… It would be so pure. ”

Lane coughed softly, interrupting some divergent thoughts.

After the first crash.

In front of his eyes, a prompt message that belonged to him appeared alone!

[You get a new exclusive personal mission: Cold Start].

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