Chapter 409 Trading the Place of Buried Bones!!

Level 3, Ice Plain, Teleportation Station.

“This time we are willing to gamble and lose, and we are willing to bow to the wind.”

After handing the Rune Stone to Lane.

Thor asked tentatively.

“Mr. Lane, are you interested in Bisu Bosu?”

“Why don’t we cooperate…”

“No interest.”

Lane shook his head and said in denial.

“Come on, and strive for the last full service announcement.”

In the face of Lane’s refusal without the slightest drag.

Thor could only give up.

Watching the back of Lane and the others leaving.

Caught up in thought.

“This Dragon Man… He wanted to go straight to the 4th floor! ”

If Thor insists on competing with Lane.

Maybe you can really compete for a high or low.

But he was also reluctant to Bisu Bosu this dark golden monster.

Good thing this is also a first kill!

The first player to discover a new floor doesn’t have any rewards other than announcements.

But get the dark gold monster first kill,

There will definitely be plenty of loot!

“Contact other alliance members.”

Thor gritted his teeth and finally made a decision.

“It seems that this time we can’t eat this “big meal” ourselves. ”

“That’s it.”


After leaving the portal.

There was a moment of silence along the way.

Ansenas suddenly approached Lane and asked softly.

“Did you really give up that Dark Gold BOSS?”


Lane glanced at her.

Suddenly understood her inner thoughts.

“If you have to fight with Bi Shubo, it will be too much of a delay.”

“With this kung fu, it is better to enter the 4th layer early and unlock more skills and props.”

A camp of hundreds of fallen demons.

plus 5 elite-level Fallen Demon Wizards,

and a dark gold boss that can resurrect the Fallen Demon Wizard.

A swarm of monsters of this size could be eaten if they could.

It would be a huge gain – but nothing more.

Lane is not short of revenue, and he knows where the Dark Gold boss of each region is.

There is also a god-level pathfinding function of copying maps.

There’s no need to waste time with just one Dark Gold BOSS.

Moreover, Thor belongs to the Free Alliance of the White Eagle Empire and they are unable to deal with this Dark Gold BOSS on their own.

Will definitely call their brothers to come and help…

At that time, the scene may be out of control.

“If that’s the case…”


The elf maiden hesitated for a moment.

Finally it was said.

“Can you put the intelligence of this dark gold BOSS!” Sold to the Elves? ”

She actually realized it a long time ago.

Lane possessed some sort of means of mastering information about the enemy.

may be a natural ability,

It may also be other special methods. Lane never hid it either.

Before each battle with a strong enemy,

will tell all the team members about the abilities and characteristics of the other party.

Ansenas saw it as a kind of wordless trust.

That’s why.

When she said that.

Actually, I’m a little nervous.

Because that means she’s already made it clear.

He joined Lane’s team in order to obtain some information.

But what she didn’t expect.

Lane actually knew her mission when she joined the team.

“Sold to the Elves? Let me think. ”

Lane wasn’t too surprised,

Since he acquiesced to the entry of Ansenas into the team.

Nature has long considered this day.

However, I didn’t expect to come into contact with the Elven Clan so early.

“What price can you offer?”

In the face of Lane’s problem,

Ansenas was silent for a moment.

It seems to be a private chat with a player.

After more than ten seconds, she said.

“Your Highness would like to hear what you need.”

“Your Highness?”

Lane had long wanted to inquire about His Highness Eudora for information.

At this time, I just took the opportunity to ask out.

“Eudora – Shivret – Sunshine, the youngest daughter of a Duke of our Elven Clan.”

“That’s an honor.”

Lane shrugged and said.

“Bisu Bosu’s intelligence is not worth a few dollars.”

“The first time I trade, I can do it for free.”

A bitter smile appeared on Anzenas’s delicate face.

“Lane… Free is the most expensive, and that’s what you often say to me. ”

“That’s right.”

Lane chuckled.

“Please convey it to His Royal Highness Yudora.”

“I hope that in this copy, we can reach a long-term relationship.”

“I can provide information on the Dark Gold BOSS, or other goods.”

“But correspondingly, I need to use the hands of the elves to help me collect something.”

“For example… Like the one I just got. ”

“Rune Stone”. ”

Ansenas nodded with a complicated look.

“Well, I have forwarded your request to Your Highness… She agreed! ”


Lane raised an eyebrow.

Secretly said that His Royal Highness Yudora,

But he is also a decisive person… Genie.

Since this was the case, he did not have any doubts.

Directly put the information related to Bisu Bosu.

Compiled a copy for Anzenas.

“Flame immunity, the boss will actually explode after death…”

Ansenas listened to Lane’s description.

One side was secretly frightened.

Without the information given by Lane.

I’m afraid that players of the Elven Clan have a good chance of casualties! After a few minutes, Ansenas breathed a sigh of relief.

“Your Highness asked me to convey her gratitude to you.”

“In addition… She would like to meet you if she can. ”

Faced with this offer, Lane pondered for a few seconds.

“We’ll talk about it later.”

Because it’s not time for halftime. After killing the icy crows.

Lane accomplished an accomplishment: the prohibition of firing.

[Achievement: No Fire]

+ Conditions: In the battle against the icy crow, she has not been hit 1 time

+ Achievement Rewards: Selecting 1 item to unlock this achievement allows Lane to choose 1 item to unlock it.

Although not a skill that is urgently needed at the moment.

But if you can choose yourself, it is acceptable.

Lane did not choose the type of equipment on his body.

Instead, it specifies the Rubik’s Cube in the Space Ring! Not a modified “mechanical box.” ”

It’s a Rubik’s cube that was originally used as a portable workbench!

“Nice, familiar feeling… It’s much more convenient to have tools. ”

Look at the dazzling workbenches.

Lane nodded satisfactorily.

In this way, he can no longer be limited to simple mechanical making.

Including various drawings that have been studied before, self-created machinery.

It can also be made.

Dragon Crescent Moon chooses to unlock the bracelet used to suppress his talents.

It seems that she still cares about the negative effects of the death of all things.

After wearing, her field range is compressed to a radius of less than 10 cm.

Normal communication and activities have been possible. Anzenas, on the other hand, chose a piece of jewelry.

Her choice is the most normal of the 3.

After all, jewelry is equipped in a lower condition than weapons, armor.

It works well in the early stages.

“It looks like we’ve arrived.”

Lane stopped.

In front of him, a huge rusty iron door,

Half open and half hidden, it seems to welcome the arrival of the living. From both sides of the iron gate, an endless fence is extended.

Look inside through the fence.

It seems that you can see a continuous ghost fog,

And endless streams of tombstones, or dilapidated, or complete.

【You found the place where the nun’s bones were buried】

【Warning! There will be a sin invasion in the area.

[After the sin is discovered, it will run away]

[Kill it and get great rewards!] 】

(As it stands, rest for a few days at the end of the month, temporarily 3 more, the beginning of the month to recover… Words say that next month will be the National Day Sun)

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