Chapter 392 Announces the Name of the Legend!!

【Your level has been raised!】 】

【Current Level:2】

【Your attributes have been restored】

Lane looked at the low demon that was dissipating into a stream of data and opened the personal status panel.

Under a bonus of 10x gains. He killed a few monsters at will.

It was upgraded to level 2.

He then found that all of his attributes had increased by 5 points, and the average attribute had reached 15 points.

At the same time, there are 5 free attribute points that can be used.

This is the setting in Diablo.

Each time you level up, you get 5 free attribute points.

Because it is a virtual body.

Lane’s previous stats and skill points are frozen.

At present, only these 5 attribute points can be used.

“Level 1 is a 5-point attribute, and at this progress, level 50 will almost restore the original attribute value…”

“That’s 250 extra free attribute points out of thin air!”

“No wonder the officials of various countries are rushing to send their own elites into this copy!”

Lane did a rough calculation.

Just find out the current upgrade progress.

The reincarnated player can end up with hundreds more attribute points! Of course…… The premise is that they can leave the quest alive.

The area where Lane is currently located is called the Blood Wasteland, which is a relatively low-risk novice area.

There are only 3 types of monsters.

One is the carrion that Lane first encountered.

This guy moves slowly and attacks stiffly. Even ordinary people can easily cope with a wooden stick.

The second was the dwarf demon that Lane had just killed.

They were purebred demons from hell—the Fallen Demon’s skin was as red as blood, and though it was very small, it was less than Lane’s thigh.

But it is quite evil and fierce.

And it’s usually in groups.

The weakness is being very timid – once a companion is injured or killed.

They will disperse and retreat.

The danger level of the Fallen Demons is quite high because they are agile.

Fortunately, the body is very fragile, and the amount of blood is less than half of that of the carrion.

The last is a beast called the hard-haired rat.

It is capable of firing hard stabs in the back to kill and injure enemies.

Under normal circumstances, it is more docile, as long as it does not provoke, it will not take the initiative to attack.

“Although I would love to spawn monsters and upgrade, I will find Rogreydi first.”

Lane looked at the sky.

The lead-gray sky gradually dimmed, and the surrounding scenery was already somewhat blurred, and it would be a while later.

It will fall into pure darkness.

Rogrey’s Land is the main city of Diablo Act I. It’s a safe zone-like existence.

Players can rest here, or resupply.

The quest that Lane just released to all the players.

It is to direct them into [Rogrey’s Land].

In this way, Lane also makes it easy to merge with other players. The quest he released was not a quest of reincarnation space.

It’s the task in this “virtual game.”

Lane’s authority had not yet reached the height at which he could replace the space of reincarnation. He can only influence the player’s action trend to a certain extent.

Add 5 free attribute points to the will.

Lane’s will reached 20 points.

The Spirit Power and Energy Shield reached an astonishing value of 1000 and 2000 respectively! Basically all the way to Rogrey’s Land.

When he saw the silhouette of the continuous building complex, it appeared at the end of his sight.

I found that my understanding of the two words camp may be slightly biased.

“Such a large scale is no different from a small village and town, right?”

“The facilities are really rudimentary.”

Looking over the low wooden wall, Lane saw a series of tents.

It should be a resting place for players.

After all…… There is no option to go offline or log out of this game. Near the camp, guards armed with torches and short bows patrolled back and forth.

To ensure the safety of the camp.

This is Rogleidi’s specialty class, the Rogue Archer.

They are one of the heroic professions of Diablo.

A spin-off occupation of “Amazon”. So all the staff are young women. Although it is not possible to master powerful throwing, javelin and melee abilities at the same time as the Amazon. But in terms of archery, there is also a power that cannot be underestimated.

Lane remembered after completing a task.

You can also qualify for hiring Rogue archers.

“Stand still and explain your intentions!”

By this time some lucky players had already arrived at Rogreydi.

But he was immediately intercepted by the dutiful Rogue archers.

After a lot of interrogation, you can be allowed to enter the camp.

This scene makes the players behind them a little flustered.

He began to make up his own background and history.

However, when these Rogue archers saw Lane.

Immediately changed into a respectful attitude.

“I didn’t expect you to come to Rogrey’s Land.”

“Lord Akara will be very happy to hear that you have joined.”

Even Lane couldn’t help but be slightly stunned…………

What is this speed of face change?

He had also planned to fool the past 0 with a random identity… I didn’t expect to be invited into Rogrey’s land.

“No, even if it is the identity of Kayaba Jingyan, there is no bonus in the Dark World.”

Until Lane officially stepped into the gates of Rogreydi.

A series of prompts appeared in front of my eyes.

He only reacted to the reason for the exact reason.

【You entered Rogrey’s Land】

【You are in a safe area】

[No form of attack is allowed in the security zone]

【Your reputation level in Rogreti has been updated】

【Current prestige: Respect (0%)】

【You get 10% discount in Rogretti】…

The initial prestige level is not friendly but… Esteemed!

Li En patted his head and should have a sudden realization.

Legendary prestige!

His legendary reputation in the world of Dark Bullets! You can increase your initial reputation level by 1 level!

“Well, it’s worthy of the attributes with legendary words.”

“Even a virtual copy can’t be sealed.”

When thinking, the heterogeneous Ann suddenly appeared.

Li En only felt that the space around him was blurred in an instant. By the time he returned to God, he had been teleported to the open area in the middle of Rogrey’s land.

The whole body seemed to be fixed to space, and it was impossible to move half a step.

There are constantly players flashing nearby, judging by their reactions.

It should also be the appearance of being teleported over suddenly.

“Is it true that… Is it the plot of the opening? ”

Lane looked at the players who were constantly gathering, and his heart had already predicted what would happen next.

He scanned the players to see if he could find a few familiar faces.

However, it is obvious that…

It’s still a little difficult to find people you know out of thousands of strangers.

However, it allowed Lane to find that several momentum was obviously different from ordinary people, and one look was the figure of the reincarnation player.

“I don’t know what happened to the other members of the Hidden Dragon.”

The conditions under which the teleportation is triggered appear to be based on the arrival of Rogrey.

So the whole process lasted a long time.

In the end, under the watchful eye.

A huge figure shrouded in black robes suddenly appeared.

“Gentlemen, welcome to the world I have created and participate in [Game of Death].”

“What I’m talking about next.”

“It will be your life and death at stake!”

(Broken net for a day, depressed)

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