Chapter 379: The Legendary World is Real!!

[You killed Stage V – Scorpio (Dominator)]

[Since your contribution is less than 0.1% in this kill, you will not be able to get the Loot Chest]

【The third stage of the promotion task is completed, you have unlocked the new attribute limit】

【You completed the hidden challenge to take charge of the Star Palace】

[You get 1 million reincarnation points, 100 skill points, 100 attribute points]

[You got an unknown video recording]…

After manipulating the ladder launch.

Lane’s consciousness suddenly sank into darkness.

He has a clear consciousness,

But there was no way to resist.

Fortunately, he can also view the information panel.

“An unknown video?”

Lane reacted to this,

Where does the familiarity in front of you come from.

This dark environment…

Isn’t that the screening hall in front of the dungeon! Since it is the territory of the reincarnation space.

Then he can put his mind at ease.

At least it wouldn’t pollute his mind like a twist. — Until I saw the contents of this video.

That’s what he thought.

In the darkness, the title first emerges.

After seeing this title, the name “The Aldi Archives”

A hint of foreboding appeared in Lane’s mind.

“Aldi” is not a common personal name.

It is a synonym for the oldest known hominid to date.

In other words, all humans in the current world.

It may be the descendants of this ancient primitive man.

It is similar to say that it is the ancestor of human beings in the biological sense.

Lane held his breath.

Immediately afterward, darkness returned to the surroundings.

But it didn’t last long.

A rude sound similar to the breathing of a beast came from nowhere.

At this time, the picture suddenly became clear.

A man barely holding his human-like, bandage-wrapped man, was staring at Lane with his unusually fat right eye.

Or rather, staring at the people who made the film.

He — it should be her,

Judging from the slightly bulging chest and waist curves, this should be a little girl.

Other than that, however, she had no appearance at all.

It was as if she had a skin disease.

The surface of the body is full of knots,

The head has lost all its hair, has become unusually swollen, and the bright red right eye is swollen,

Pressing the surface of the facial organs such as the left eye, bound by shackles,

Growing tentacles like deformed limbs,

Her lips are sorted into strips of granulation, constantly squirming, and from time to time there are yellowing saliva flowing out of them.

And on the surface of these abnormal organs, there are a large number of pipelines,

It’s like an abandoned vehicle waiting to be overhauled. A strong sense of nausea welled up from the bottom of Lane’s heart.

He suppressed the discomfort in his heart,

Keen to perceive, the bottom right corner of the picture.

Displays the text of the demon virus.

“Is this the prototype of a protovirus?”

See here,

If Lane doesn’t understand what this video material represents.

He might as well throw his head away and go back to his hometown to sell sweet potatoes.

[Aldi] symbolizes the ancestors of mankind. ”

“The ancestors of the world’s protozoa are stage V that cannot be achieved through evolution.”

“Because” Phase V. ”

“It’s not a naturally transformed protozoa at all.”

“They are human experimenters of demonic virus experiments.”

“The protagonist in this video… It should be [Scorpio]. ”

Lane sighed.

Although it has long been expected.

But now, he realized more and more that the world was rotten.

In every sense, it is the end of one’s own death.

Compared to the world of Crown of Evil that led to the arrival of the book of Revelation due to the invasion of an alien virus.

The copy of “Dark Bullet” is simply the result of a collection of various deaths, and the next moment, his consciousness returns to his body.

Before he knew it, he had been thrown to the ground by Unwoven.

The girl rode on him excitedly, shouting.

“We did it!”

“Scorpio is really dead!”

and other words.

After thinking about it, Lane didn’t say what he had just seen.

That doesn’t make sense.

“Okay, it’s time for me to go to the Holy Heavenly Son’s side and make a report.”

Lane rubbed his temples,

After peeking into a corner of the truth of the world, he suddenly felt a sense of emptiness.

“The reward for the hidden challenge was to show me a video… It’s disgusting. ”

Shaking his head, Lane scolded the reincarnation space in his heart.

He then left the abandoned ladder base. Killing Scorpio doesn’t get a trophy chest.

It was something he expected.

After all, even in a normal boss battle.

There is also a setting where the reward for players who participate in the battle if the contribution rate of the natives exceeds 50% will be drastically reduced.

And this time to kill Scorpio, Lane’s greatest contribution… It was with Sima Weiwei that he launched the ladder.

What can be done with the touch of a finger, the degree of contribution is naturally very small.

And the ladder does not belong to Lane, nor is it the mechanical equipment he made.

So it’s only natural that there are no loot chests.

He pays more attention to the harvest after the kill.

The most critical point is that the third stage of the promotion task is finally completed.

All of his stats are capped to 200.

With a direct wave of his hand, Lane consumed 600 free attribute points.

Fill all 6 attributes!

After the full property reaches 200,

His overall strength has risen directly to a higher level! The total mental strength value is increased to 120,000!

After discarding the reserved 90% upper limit, there are also 12,000 values,

Health is also a staggering 12,000! Mechanical strength also increased to the upper limit of 24,000.

If you calculate the effect of [entropy change] consuming up to 50% of the mechanical force, Lane can create an impact area of 1.2 km radius with full force!

“This is what… The power of intermediate reincarnation players! ”

Lane slowly opened his eyes,

Adapts to the changes in the body that result from the improvement of various attributes. He hadn’t completely stepped into the threshold of a mid-level player at this point.

Because the promotion task has not yet been completed.

He hasn’t earned the perfect career with a C grade yet!

“The promotion task of the fourth stage… Hey? ”

Lane just wanted to open the task list,

But I found that I didn’t know when, there was a series of prompts…….

【Based on your performance in killing Scorpio】

【IISO makes the following ranking changes】

【Your IP ranking is increased to 49 (formerly 98)】

【In this copy, you have completed the following deeds】

[1. Raise your IP ranking from 100,000 to less than 50]

[2. Destroyed hundreds of thousands of protozoa, casting the name of the xeno exterminator

[3. Killing Pleiades, Bisu Wu, laying the foundation for the victory of the Third Winter Summit]

[4. Using the ladder to kill one of the only 11 zodiac in the world, enough to be recorded in history]

[Even if you don’t need to record it in pen and ink, your deeds will be sung by future generations]

【You gain 1 legendary reputation】

[Each Legendary Reputation will provide you with +10% Basic Favorability, +1 Base Reputation Level, +50% Faction Prize Pool Cap】

[You have taken the first step to legend].

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