Chapter 361 Tyrannosaurus Equipment Upgrade!!

The night’s attacks came to an end.

But the shocked police officers did not have the heart to sleep.

Fear of being attacked by protozoa again.

Lane simply used the time before dawn as a preparation period for the next day’s action.

Because the location of the Pleiades is in the forbidden area outside the battlefield.

Therefore, it takes 100,000 meritorious fire support.

Lane can’t use it for the time being.

It is just possible to spend the Merit class to redeem some items that can be used.

“Speaking of which, I haven’t updated my equipment in a long time.”

Looking at the assortment of meritorious shops,

Lane then remembered that the last time he updated his equipment was in the copy of Ghost Blade.

The Meritorious Shop of the Third Winter War is full of items that can be used by players on the technology side, and Lane just happens to redeem some equipment for over… That’s right, excessive.

For Lane, who is about to rise to the C level.

Sooner or later, these devices will face the fate of being eliminated after the quest.

However, Lane’s feats were obtained with astonishing efficiency.

I don’t care about this waste.

After sweeping around,

Lane picked out some equipment that could be used…

【”Tyrannosaurus” class tight combat suit】

+ Level: C

+087 Required: Constitution >30, Agility >30, Strength >30

+ Defense: 75 physical resistance, 50 corrosion resistance

+ Special Effects (1): Reduces physical energy consumption due to exercise by 25%.

+ Special Effects (2): When the suit is complete, reduce the bleeding and poisoning probability by 30%.

+ Note: “Military combat suits made of nanoscale high polymeric fibers are extremely flexible and well ventilated.” ”

+ Price: 30,000 merits.

【”MARK-III” tactical helmet】

+ Level: C

+ Requirements: None

+ Defense: 100 Physical Resistance (Head)

+ Accessories: tactical rails, windproof eyepieces, night vision goggles, tactical headphones, earbuds

+ Special Effects (1): Reduces Shock Bullet negative effects and duration by 50%.

+ Special effects (2): Enhance hearing, can perceive sound information within a radius of 15 to 30 meters

+ Remarks: “Made of high-strength ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene material, light weight and high strength.” ”

+ Price: 20,000 merits…

Both pieces of equipment use items with lower demand.

Something like an exoskeleton combat suit, Lane didn’t even look at it.

First, the price is too high, 500,000 meritorious starts.

After all, it was a high-end product that could only be used by IP ranking in 3 figures, and even Yi Xiong General Jian did not have money to buy such goods at that time.

Second, even if it can be exchanged, it cannot be used.

Lane’s attributes are currently limited to the D-level.

Equipment, which requires more than a hundred strengths and physiques, is an ornament for him.

The combination of a tight combat suit + helmet requires a total of 50,000 merits.

Lane bought 3 sets and used all the merits he earned yesterday.

Wear your own set,

The other two sets were given to Mu Geng and Nameless.

Both of them are melee type combatants, and… He is also a member of Operation Hunt.

“Change it now, and when the day comes out, we’ll go.”

Lane looked at the sky.

There are still a few hours before the sun rises.

Wait for the dawn… This is the death date of the “Pleiades”!

“Phase III of the mutation should be very good material.”

“With the sample of [Pleiades], there should be a breakthrough on the real name side.”

According to observations made on the first day of the war, the whole situation could be turned upside down in an instant by simply initiating the Lost Christmas “Plan”… The problem is simply the scope of the impact. ”

As he pondered, a commotion suddenly came from Lane’s ear.

Mu was even more flustered in his voice.

The “Mechanical Magic Box – Building Box” structure of the room sounded.

“Wait, wait! Little nameless, can’t just go out like that—”

What caught Lane’s sight was the delicate body of a young girl who was wearing a tight suit.

“Len, I won’t wear it.”

Nameless tugged on his tight combat suit.

With her movements, her fair skin suddenly shook.

“Help me put it on.”


Naturally, Lane would not refuse the nameless request.

Military style combat suits,

If you have no experience in using it,

Without the help of others, it is really difficult to wear.

It’s like an exoskeleton combat suit,

Even when you take it off, you need help from others.


Lane’s palm skimmed over the smooth curve, then pulled the zipper tight and took a small step back.

Looking up and down at his own achievements.

“How’s it going?”

Nameless turned in a circle,

A look of anticipation on Lane.

“It’s meant to protect you, but it’s not always taken.”

Lane knocked on the nameless head.

“Don’t forget to put on your outer clothes.”

He then looked at Mugen, who was hiding behind the door.

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“If you want me to help, just say it earlier.”

“Who, who wants your help getting dressed?”

Mu Geng’s face turned red,

Enviously looked at the nameless without scruples,

The girl’s reticence still made her dispel the thoughts in her heart.

After a soft hum, he disappeared into Lane’s sight.

A moment later, a stunning figure came out.

Kigen’s figure is already proud,

Under the background of the tight combat suit, the combination of sailor suit + short skirt is even more eye-catching.

“Look at what you see, hate.”

Despite the rhetorical statement,

But when he noticed that Li En had thrown his gaze, Mu Geng was still a little proud in his heart.

“You’re ready to warm up, I’m out there for something.”

Lane retracted his gaze and walked out of the room.

Appreciate beautiful things, always cold people are in a good mood.

But then… It’s an uphill battle.

“Xia Shi, come and help me.”

Take advantage of the time when there are few people in the middle of the night,

Lane pulled out a couple of building boxes.

A courtyard-like building was erected outside the camp.

Because it’s outside the camp,

So Lane placed dozens more.

“Sword dancers” and rangers, as security forces. The purpose of this building,

is a front-line shop for special mobile force factions.

In other words, it is a stronghold specially set up for the reincarnation of players.

“I’ll leave it to you.”

After the construction was completed, Lane threw the follow-up to Xia Shi.

“Buy the carcasses of the protozoa and sell the camp props.”

“Teacher, is this also part of the practical curriculum?”

Li En looked at Xia Shi, who was obviously a little unhappy.

Smiled and touched the little girl’s head.

“No, it’s work-study.”

Xia Shi’s face showed a look of doubt.

“Tuition… Didn’t I already pay it back with my body? ”

The corners of Lane’s mouth twitched,

He knew why Xia Shi said this at such a time…

“What, what?!”

At some point, the elven maiden who came behind the two of them looked at Lane with frightened eyes…

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