Chapter 348 Outpost Guardian Star God!!

With a loud roar,

In the soaring black fog and fire,

The palatial [Heaven Clubhouse] was reduced to ruins.

“If the cause of the accident is concerned, write the gas explosion.”

Lane ended the call with Saint Son of Heaven,

Several prompts immediately popped up in front of me.

【War entrusts Anne’s method of progress to 100%!】 】

【You get 1 million merit points!】 】

【”Special Mobile Force” gain 1 million faction experience! 】 】

【”Special Mobile Force” upgraded to C-level camp!] 】

【Daily prize pool cap increased to 300,000 Reincarnation Points, 300 Skill Points, 300 Attribute Points, 30 Gold Cup!】 】

【”Special Mobile Force” gets faction characteristics: Division of Justice!] 】……

“It seems that the other players are quite efficient.”

Lane nodded satisfactorily.

The Raiders difficulty of [Heaven Club] should be at the D+ level.

The ordinary stronghold of the “Dongjing Pure Blood Society”,

There may be only a few ordinary guards at most, so it is faster to deal with.

When he’s done on his side,

The war commission immediately issued the reward.

It seems that they should all be waiting for him to finish his side.

The rewards entrusted by the war are quite generous,

But for Lane,

Only 1 million meritorious deeds are recorded,

In addition to this, more is the camp growth of up to 1 million camp experience,

Grow the Special Mobile Force into a C-level faction directly! It has exceeded the initial size of the funeral society!

And it also gains an extra faction feature!

[Master of Justice: Orderly, members of the Good Faction will receive an additional 50% of Reincarnation Points and Merit Points after completing the Faction Mission!] 】

“This is a nice feature, and most players should be able to enjoy the bonus.”

Lane’s eyes lit up, and this feature came out,

The faction he created became more attractive to ordinary players! After a brief glance at the harvest of this time,

Lane left the ruined Paradise Clubhouse.

This incident, there are still many follow-up things to deal with.

The basement of the “Paradise Clubhouse”,

It’s not just snow songs,

Before Lane went to the Paradise Arena,

A prison was discovered for the Cursed Son.

Before using the high-yield support provided by Sima Heavy Industry, Li En asked his real name to leave early with the children.

So as not to be affected by the explosion.

“Lord, those children are in a fairly healthy state, but…”

A look of sympathy appeared on Butterfly’s face.

“They have more or less mental problems, which may have something to do with past experiences.”

A butterfly pillar that often heals wounded swordsmen.

Butterfly has seen too many such cases.

Because of some kind of physical or psychological trauma.

The spirit becomes fragile and sensitive.

“Well, I see.”

Lane nodded, he had anticipated this.

“Real names will take care of their affairs, and if she needs anything, just cooperate with her.”

“Real name Miss?” Good…… I know. ”

Shinobi was quite surprised and agreed.

Although she did not have much contact with Sakura’s real name.

But the image of the latter… How to say it,

It doesn’t look like the type that can be related to children.

Lane was not worried about the responsibility of his real name.

After all, in the eyes of the latter.

These cursed sons all have the qualifications to be her children.

“Son of the Void…”

Lane chewed on the word, the corners of his mouth rising slightly.

“Yes, much better than the Cursed Son.”

The reason he put his real name in charge of the children who were rescued, the most important point is…

He began to plan to cultivate the Children of the Void!

Combining the power of the Void Emperor and the Apocalypse Virus Queen to create a special “Void Race.” ”

In the whole space of samsara, this is the only one!

The most important thing is the special ability possessed by the Children of the Void.

Primitive animalized void arms!

Take the swan of the snow song as an example.

【Void Armed Swan Star】

+ Void value: 1000

+ Effect: Summons its own guardian star god Swan Star, who is immune to all damage

+ Correction: When the Star God is present, it can consume 1 Void Value, restoring 1% of the maximum health and spiritual power for nearby allies

+ Charge: 10 Void Values/Hour

+ Advancement: As the strength level increases, the Swan Star will also co-evolve, gaining additional void points and effects

+ Note: “The stars are shining, the galaxy is shining”…

Obviously, this is a void weapon with the ability to recover, however, judging from the title of the Guardian Star God.

The star god named Swan Star is not the only one with these abilities.

It can continue to grow as Xuege’s strength increases!

Although the effect is still relatively general,

But as long as you can grow to B level or even A level, or even legendary level.

The effect of the “Swan Star” will definitely far exceed the current form! For Lane, who can use all the Void Arms, this is undoubtedly a matter of killing two birds with one stone.

That is, to improve the strength of the Children of the Void,

It can also allow him to master a richer Void Weapon! Predictably, the sons of the curse

As long as it is transformed into the Son of the Void,

You will have your own guardian star god! The type of guardian star god should be related to the protozoan factor carried by the child of the curse…

“Yanzhu’s words should be rabbits, Tina is an owl, Ruri is a dog, Natsu is a dolphin…”

A series of figures suddenly appeared in Lane’s mind.

“It’s time to solve the problem of erosion in them.”

Previously because of the “unknown bloodline conflict and irreversible impact”

Lane never dared to forcibly convert them into the Void Race.

After this time there is a precedent,

He can safely carry out this matter.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside.

“Please come in.”

Lane doesn’t need to cast his gaze,

I knew who was coming to him at this time.

“Lane, you will.”

“Dongjing Pure-Blood Society.”


The pretty face of the Holy Heavenly Son was filled with joy,

It could be seen that she was quite pleased with the matter.

“Well, the things they do are unforgivable.”

Lane nodded.

From the moment he called the Saint Heavenly Son to help him finish, he didn’t intend to talk about it secretly.

“That’s right, I’ve always wanted to deal with this organization…”

Saint Tianzi sighed softly.

“But they have too many people and relationships involved, so there has been no progress, Lane sneered.”

After all, the officials who handled the matter,

Maybe it’s one of those spectators in the Arena of Paradise.

Nature disobeys the orders of the Holy Son of Heaven in yin and yang.

“The [new law on protozoa] that I proposed earlier is also obstructed by the forces of the pure-blood society.”

Saint Tianzi seemed to have laid down a boulder in his heart, and his tone became relaxed.

“Not only that, but they even want to go one step further and deprive the Son of the Cursed of his household registration and nationality!” ”

“In other words, these people don’t want to give the children of the curse half of their civil rights!”

That’s not all.

Lane shrugged,

From the information he had gathered in the Heavenly Club, these people did not regard the Cursed Son as a human being at all!

“However, the situation will change quickly.”

Lane said lightly.

“After all… War is almost over, isn’t it? ”

Saint Tianzi suddenly returned to his senses, and his look gradually became serious.

“That’s right, there’s another thing I’m looking for you.”

“The erosion area of Monument 32 has expanded to a point where it cannot be concealed” in other words… Early tomorrow morning, the whole of Dongjing District people. ”

“We will all know the news that the monument is about to collapse!”

“To appease the people, the official army will build war outposts in the outer region.”

“Len, the [special mobile forces] you have organized must also participate.”

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