Chapter 341: An Invitation to Recruit the Sages!!

【Exclusive personal mission: the Third Battle of Winter Kyoto】

+ Difficulty: C+

+ Objective: Resist the attack of the protozoa and persist until the new megalithic monument is built

+ Objective (1): For every 100 Stage I protozoa killed, 1 bronze cup is rewarded

+ Objective (2): For every 20 Stage II protozoa killed, 1 silver cup is rewarded

+ Objective (3): For every 2 Stage III protozoa killed, 1 Gold Cup is rewarded

+ Objective (4): Kill Stage IV – Ultimate Five, Reward 10 Gold Cups, Class C Rare Item Gift Box

+ Duration: 14 days

+ Note: When you accumulate more than 100 trophies, you will receive 1 legendary prestige

The exclusive personal mission received this time is not a one-time reward.

It’s like a mainline mission.

is a long-term task with a deadline.

Simply complete the kill condition and get a trophy reward!

“Accumulate 100 trophies of butterflies and reward 1 legendary prestige… Carefully examine the task information in front of you. ”

Li En felt that the big night, he estimated that he could not sleep… Because there are so many things happening today!

In addition, he was more concerned about the permissions that the Holy Son of Heaven had entrusted to 260 himself!

[You get permission to form a temporary faction once!] 】

【Faction name fixed as Special Mobile Force!】 】

【Faction level is initially E level】

【After the faction is formed, you will become the leader of the faction】

【This faction will receive official resource support, open the Meritorious Shop, Trophy Shop!】 】

【The higher the faction level, the richer the support materials of the store!】 】

[After the faction formation is completed, you will receive a commission from the official war]…

In short, the space of reincarnation is powered by the hand of Dawn.

Auxiliary troops with similar status in the original plot were formed. Although the direction of the plot has changed a lot under the influence of Lane.

But in terms of identity, the identity of the protagonist he plays.

Still assuming this responsibility, it can also be regarded as restoring the plot.

The obvious benefits are many.

For example, after opening the camp management panel,

Daily Quests alone plus weekly quests are rewards.

There are 20 gold cups!

Not to mention the other invisible benefits.

“It’s just that there is a shell of the empty camp, and if no one joins…”

Lane thought about it with a headache.

In addition to Mu Geng, Saint Tianzi, Yan Zhu.

He had little contact with other indigenous peoples.

“However, there is no need for door-to-door invitations to go from place to place.”

“After all… Except for the indigenous people. ”

“Reincarnation players are a group that will take the initiative to come together when they smell benefits.”

Yes, Lane is not going to recruit the Aboriginal police.

In contrast, reincarnation players are a bit more manageable.

As long as enough benefits are given, this group of people dare to do anything! So, the next day.

Celia had just stepped into the door of the institute with her left foot.

I saw a very conspicuous electronic screen.

“This is… Camp Bulletin Board?! ”

The elf maiden was startled, because she just looked at it,

A series of faction missions appear in front of you!

“Special mobile units… It turns out that this institute is the sense of smell of the reincarnation players belonging to this camp.”

It made Celia suddenly excited.

“There are so many camp missions?!”

“Most of them are killing missions… And turn in a carcass of a prototype? ”

“Hey, does recruiting new people count as a task?”

【Faction Mission: Emergency Call】

+ Difficulty: E

+ Objective: The faction is currently short of manpower! Launch your network and bring more new forces to the camp!

+ Rewards: For every new player recruited to join the special mobile unit, 1000 faction contributions and 1000 reincarnation points are awarded

+ Note: This task can be claimed repeatedly, refreshed at 0 o’clock every day…

1000 points for 1 player, 10 is 10,000!

If you can pull 100 players into the company… That is 100,000 reincarnation points for ordinary reincarnation players, even C-level players.

This is already a heart-warming reward! Celia’s eyes lit up instantly.

Immediately after, she sent a message on a special communication channel.

“Guys, I found a good place!”

“There are fewer people here, more money, come quickly!”


Will, who was staring boredly at the computer at the Mishima Royal Guard, suddenly received an email.

“The quest world also has spam?”

Will hadn’t received any decent support missions in a few days.

He impatiently clicked on the email and prepared to delete.

But soon, when he saw the contents of the email.

His face instantly became refreshed.

“Fark, I knew there was such a good camp, I came to this broken company to do what the next second, he will pack up his things,”

Grab the door and head straight out and head in the direction of the Institute! In the seemingly calm Dongjing district,

Some of the reincarnated players quietly moved into action. It has been less than 1 week since the collapse of the megalithic monument.

However, the Dongjing District is a peaceful scene.

It’s like the calm before the storm.

Night, hospital.

Two figures, one high and one low, holding hands.

Walk down the corridors full of disinfectant-smelling agents.

“Tina, your hands are shaking, are you afraid of something?”

Lane slowed down and looked at the girl next to him.

Tina at night is like two people in the daytime.

Agile and alert, full of energy.

Hearing this, Tina raised her head slightly.

“I’m going to meet Dr. Muroto next… I would be very uneasy if I was alone” However, with Lane here, I am very relieved. ”

“Huh? Do you know her thing? ”

Lane asked casually.

“Yes, I’ve heard about it from the professor.”

The so-called professor.

It refers to Tina’s former facilitator.

Ann-Rand, like Muroto, belongs to the same Four Sages. After the assassination mission fails and is exposed,

In order to clear up the relationship, Aynland abandoned Tina very crisply and neatly.

Although this was also expected and planned by Lane.

That’s for Tina, though.

It shouldn’t be something to be happy about.

So Lane didn’t go on to ask about the professor.

“I’ve heard that Dr. Muroto is a genius who can be called a freak.”

As it turned out, this should be the source of Tina’s worries.

“Rest assured.”

Lane smiled and squeezed Tina’s face with her hand.

Soft to the touch, quite cold, very comfortable.

“When you see her, I guess you’ll have a whole new impression.”

Just don’t have a strange misunderstanding of the word genius.

Lane brought Tina over, just by the way.

The latter has a mechanized transformation part,

He does not have the relevant knowledge and skills to carry out maintenance.

Murodo, one of the Four Sages, should be able to do it. But his real purpose doesn’t stop there.

But…… Dig Muroto into the research institute!

Become a member of the Special Mobile Force faction!

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