Chapter 338 Erode the Doomsday Event!!

Hot summer night,

The air is dull and hot.

Even if you wipe it with a towel, sweat is constantly bubbling up.

Even the wind that blows through the body is full of heat.

The soldier tugged at the heavy gun belt embedded in his shoulder.

This was the only thing he relied on when patrolling such a ghost place.

“Damn, you’ve got to get a new flashlight.”

As he walked, he slapped the flashlight with a flickering flashlight, which looked like it should be a problem of poor contact.

After the angry hard beating,

The flashlight suddenly returned to a stable light source.


The soldier breathed a sigh of relief,

Continue patrolling this gap between heaven and hell.

To his left is a never-ending thick jungle.

To the right, there is a huge dark and straight wall. This is the monument that protects the remnants of human civilization.

The length, width, and thickness of the megalithic monument are amazing!

A week of round-trip travel takes at least half an hour.

Standing at the feet of such a behemoth,

There is an illusion that he is extremely small, as if he has broken into the kingdom of giants.


The soldier shines a flashlight on the side of the edge of the monument. Huge numbers emerge from the rays of light.

Monument No. 0032.

A stone monument like this one will have one every 10 kilometers. Formed a boundary that prevents the invasion of proenterates. That’s why soldiers dare to patrol the borders of hell alone.

Suddenly, there was a rustling movement in the grass in the darkness! The soldier reflexively points the flashlight at the source of the sound.

Saw something passing by at high speed.

I fixed my eyes on it, but I recognized it as a mouse.

“What the hell am I afraid of?”

The soldier shook his head, just as he was about to give up his deep dive. A strong pungent stench suddenly invaded his nasal cavity.

It forced him to cover his nose.

But it still couldn’t stop the disgusting smell like the mud of the stinky gutter.

Where exactly did it come from…


Suddenly, a drop of water fell on the soldier’s head.

He raised his hand in confusion and touched his head.

“It’s raining?”

But then there.

Overhead, there was the sound of beast-like breathing.

Let his body freeze.

The sweat that oozes changes from hot to cold.

The soldier took a deep breath, not caring about the stench in the air.

Then slowly turn the flashlight around…

The body with a warm luster reflects the light and reflects into the soldier’s retina.

As if to cover the sky of the huge body,

Attached to the giant stone stele about tens of meters above the ground.

In the interweaving of night light with the light source of the flashlight.

The body of the unknown giant protozoa rises and falls with its breathing, and each breath of it emits amazing heat,

At the same time, it is accompanied by the humming sound of vibrating air.

“Impossible… How could a protozoa ignore the magnetic field of the megalithic monument?! ”

The soldier muttered to himself,

What was happening in front of him was beyond his common sense.

Just because he was too shocked,

And when I can’t figure it out, the roar and scream, accompanied by the sound of gunfire,

Coming from the direction of the sentinel barracks!

“Enemy attack?!”

Soldier cold sweat DC,

Force yourself to step on heavy legs,

No longer looking at the huge body that was enough to make people have nightmares, they rushed to the door of the dormitory built of simple building materials.

Gritting his teeth, he slammed open the closed door

Monsters are gnawing at fallen comrades.

It was a monster with the appearance of an ant, a giant body blessed by the protovirus, and even if it crawled on the ground, it was more than half a person tall!

At some point, countless ant-type protozoas had surrounded the soldiers.

The screams and gunshots around them had disappeared.

This made the soldier aware of one thing.

The humans at this outpost… Only he was left.

Protozoans emit a fishy smell that does not look like ants, and they open their mucus-filled mouthparts.

Gradually narrow the circle towards the last survivors. In desperation, the soldiers erupted in a roar.

Pulled open the latch of the grenade.


Dongjing District, District 1.

The Commander’s Office of the National Security Council, located in the underground bunker of the Holy Residence, was forcefully opened, and Saint Tianzi walked quickly into the room.

All the officials who had arrived stood up together to welcome her arrival.

“How’s it going?”

Saint Tianzi’s mind replayed the picture he had just seen from the institute.

Although the soldier’s plight was miserable,

But more serious things are yet to come.

“There are hostile protozoa near Monument 32.”

A military officer immediately reported.

“Nearby troops have come to support.”

Just then, an emergency communication line rang out.

After the Minister of Defense answered in a hurry, he said breathlessly.

More than 100 “stage I” ant-type enterotypes were found near the devastated outpost camp. ”

“The army that came to support had already wiped out the infection before it broke out!”

The atmosphere in the war room was loose.

But the next words of the Minister of Defense dropped the atmosphere to a freezing point.

“There are follow-up reports…”

“The army encountered a giant procasate suspected of being the leader near the 32nd Megalithic Monument.”

“After that… At the end of the battle, a total of 371 members of our army were killed. ”

“The giant protozoa was gone before the follow-up support arrived.”

“This is an image of the head protozoa.”

On the huge cold light panel, several blurry images are displayed.

Saint Tianzi narrowed his eyes slightly, and his body trembled a little.

Although the real body of the enemy had been seen in Lane’s institute. But when I saw the huge monster attached to the boulder tablet again.

It’s still a bit tingling and goosebumps.

Finally, someone identified the monster that appeared in the image.

Saint Tianzi said the name that no one wanted to face.

“Protozoa with the ability to erode holmium… Taurus’s left and right hands. ”

“Stage IV – Eve 5.”

Members of the military who have experienced hundreds of battles,

I can’t help but be creepy when I hear this name.

Saint Tianzi enlarged the image of the five Bisu attached to the boulder tablet.

“Check the No. 32 Stone Monument now, don’t let go of any details” Guys, today will be the longest day in Dongjing District. ”

A few hours later.

The disfigured analyst rushed into the room holding aloft a stack of documents.

“Holmium erosion liquid!”

“Bi Su Wu injected holmium erosion liquid into the boulder stele!”

“The erosion fluid can no longer be eliminated, and it will continue like this…”

“In a week, the No. 32 Stone Monument will be completely eroded!”

“At that time, the magnetic field will completely disappear and then collapse!”

Hear the news.

The room was silent.

Everyone knows what that means.

They are all people who have experienced protozoan wars.

Therefore, it is more clear what hell has been like after being invaded by protozoans.

Saint Tianzi slowly took a breath.

She straightened her chest and said sonorously and forcefully.

“Guys, we have a week left.”

“Dongjing District is already our last living space.”

“We must guard this place at any cost!”

“I give the supreme order in the name of the third generation of Saint Heavenly Sons—”

“From now on, Dongjing District will enter a state of wartime control!”

The big men in high positions,

When turbulent because of news from the front line. A special group that does not belong to this world.

It boiled over with an announcement!

【Copy Notice! 】

【The Third Battle of the Winter of the “Doomsday” level of war events will break out in 7 days! 】 】

【From today onwards, as a unit, a large number of war missions will be refreshed!】 】

[Complete war missions to earn merit points, which can be redeemed in the merit shop]

Lane looked at the copy of the notice in front of her with a relieved smile on her face.

“War… It’s finally time to start. ”

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