Chapter 329 Tina Emergency!!


Formally known as a linear super-electromagnetic projection device.

A high-tech weapon originally intended to be launched into lunar orbit.

A next-age weapon capable of directly attacking the Earth’s surface from near-lunar orbit… Originally a weapon used to annihilate stage V,

However, it has not yet been put into use.

Humans lost the Protozoa War.

Retreat to the defensive line of the megalithic monument.

The unfired railgun ladder was also abandoned in the restricted area.

If not destroyed by a protozoa.

It is still of considerable scientific value.

“The ladder…”

Walking out of the holy house, Lane stretched out.

He asked Saint Tianzi for the right to explore the forbidden area, except for Sima unwoven conditions.

He himself actually has a little selfishness.

That is to find the whereabouts of the ladder.

In the original plot,

Stage V – Scorpio, attracted by the legacy of the Seven Stars.

It is killed by the super-holmium alloy prosthesis fired by the protagonist with a ladder!

This also caused the ladder to be irreversibly damaged and could not continue to be used. Lane prevented the exposure of the Seven Stars’ legacy.

So after the event,

The ladder is still intact somewhere in the restricted area.

Qi Wu Xuanzong’s purpose in obtaining the Heavenly Ladder was also very simple.

Railguns are things that can be used to attack protozoa… Nature can also be used to attack humans.

This is the sword of God that is not affected by any factor.

Just like the white blood cells in the world of “Crown of Evil”, only one unit can have the deterrent power to shock the whole world!

By the time we left the holy dwelling, the sun was already tilted to the west.

The talks begin officially tomorrow.

It is estimated that it will take a regular and rather boring week.

But because Yuki is more in the ranks of followers,

Let’s go through various support requests together.

So Lane wasn’t slow to get the trophy.

On average, you can harvest 2 to 3 gold cups per day.

After all, Dongjing District is not a Dragon Pond Tiger Cave. There can’t be a dozen emergencies a day.

Most are small missions that only reward faction experience.

“In a few days, you can meet the requirements of 50 gold cups.”

“When the time comes, you will be able to unlock the next stage of the promotion mission…”

Suddenly, Lane raised an eyebrow.

He lifted his head and looked forward with some subtlety on his face.

“I didn’t expect to really bump into…”

A bicycle is circling the fountain in the square ahead.

The owner of the bicycle is a girl with long white blond hair.

He was about the same age as Yan Zhu and wore a loose pajamas.

As if he hadn’t woken up, he looked a little confused.

This also led to the ensuing car accident…

“What a stinky little devil!”

In a trance, the girl was dragged off the bicycle.

“Don’t you have eyes?!”

3 golden retriever teenagers who looked like little, looking at the girl with a blank face on their toes.

“Talk, are you dumb?!”

One of the bad boys spit on the ground and viciously spoke harshly to the victim in front of him.

“Your bike ran into my foot, you know?!”

“If you don’t want to break your bones, get the medical expenses out!”

Apparently, this is a bunch of who are bullying.

Even if Lane continues to plan to wait for things to develop.

But the next moment, a task prompt appeared in front of his eyes.

【Emergency: The road is uneven】

+ Difficulty: E

+ Goal: Help the girl who is bullied by the bad boy to break the siege

+ Rewards: 1000 Reincarnation Points, 1 Skill Points, 1 Attribute Points, Tina – Sprunte Favorability 10 points

+ Note: “The road is uneven, draw the knife to help.” ”


The girl still had a sleepwalking, confused expression.

I don’t seem to understand why these people are yelling at themselves.

The surrounding passers-by quietly cast their eyes,

One side avoided bypassing the location where several people were.

Seeing the situation, the arrogance of these undesirable teenagers became even more arrogant.

“Oh, this little girl is still a beautiful embryo, and it is also a good looking at the girl’s body when sold to the bubble bath shop.”

At the same time, he stretched out his own salty pig hand.

But before he could make further movements, his palms, along with his half-amputated arms, shattered directly into a powder on the ground.

Strangely, there was not a single gush of blood at the fracture site.

It was as if his arm was only half-amputated.

“This, this…!”

Several undesirable teenagers were startled by the sudden change.

Until a gentle male voice sounded behind them.

“I don’t want to make things too big, after all, it’s at the door of the Holy Residence.”

“So… Can you please get out of the way? ”

The looked behind them in horror,

The leader of the 3 swallowed a mouthful of spit and took a dagger from his pocket that flashed with a cold light, “What did you just do?!” ”

“, quickly change his hand to the same place!”

It seems to be playing the piano to the ox.

Lane sighed and dealt with these ordinary people. The mechanical force required for decomposition is not even 3 digits. The next moment, the arms of the Chaos Leader suddenly disappeared.

It’s the same as the scene just now.

“The next time it disappears is hands and a leg.”

Lane looked at the other two.

“Huh… Do you want to try it again? ”

The bad boys finally broke their guts,

Rolling belts crawled with each other and left the scene.

Then Lane turned around,

I saw the girl with long white blonde hair raising her small face and staring at herself with a trance expression.

“Just… Hero, for the first time… Encounter. ”


Lane smiled softly and muttered in his heart at the same time. This reincarnation space will really make trouble… Obviously, it is such an important plot character. The trigger is just a normal E-level event.

If it is another player,

You might really think this is just an ordinary emergency.

But Lane was very clear.

Tina – Sprente, that’s the girl’s name.

She is also the initiator of IP ranking 98! Although it looks confused,

But in reality, this is the characteristic of the owl factor she carries.

During the day it will be more sleepy.

But the night can be at its best!

Vision, perception, and basic attributes have risen dramatically! Good at long-range sniping and various hot weapons.

The most important thing is…

She was employed by Emperor Xuanzong of Qiwu,

A killer who aims to assassinate Saint Tianzi!

【The unexpected road is uneven! 】

[You get 10,000 reincarnation points, 10 attribute points, 10 skill points]

【”Tina” increases your liking level by 100 points】

【”Tina” and your relationship has reached an admiration】

【Do you enter a special relationship?】 】

“Ah this…”

The corners of Lane’s mouth twitched slightly.

Saint Tianzi 100 good feelings you do not come to prompt.

Now you give me this out?

Reincarnation space you deliberately?!

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