Chapter 321 Sublimate Rare Ability!!

Although this is not the first time it has evolved.

But every time evolutionary energy poured into the whole body, it seemed to be a sense of unimpeded feeling that broke out of the shell and an experience of rebirth.

All let Lane immerse himself in it, unable to extricate himself.

Five evolutions in a row,

Directly emptied all the evolutionary energy that Dawn had accumulated! At the same time, in his mind,

There is also an influx of memories and knowledge…….

[You gain a race ability: co-evolution!] 】

[You get the Race Ability: Directed Mutation!] 】

[You have acquired the Race Ability: The Sublimated Body!] 】

[You have acquired the Race Ability: Thought Transmission!] 】

[You have acquired a race ability: Void Furnace!] Dongjing District, outskirts.

In an abandoned factory.

Night and night dodged the acid spewed out by the protozoa, and then stepped on the floor,

The crescent-like battle array lit up instantly, and countless fist shadows were like raindrops,

Crush this hapless stage II proctate into a meat paste!

“Done, finished!”

Although it didn’t take much effort at all,

Night wiped the sweat that did not exist on his forehead and gestured toward the corner of the abandoned factory.

“Little Ruri ~ It’s over, you can come out!”

Hearing the shouts of the night and night,

The beast-eared maiden dared to stick out her small head, and after seeing the protoinal animal lying in a pool of blood, she breathed a sigh of relief and stepped out from behind the pillar.

“You can’t do this 463, your guts are too small.”

Night and night look like a big sister’s head,

Patting Ruri’s head,

Then he caressed the girl’s dog ear lovingly.

“If only I were as strong as Sister Night.”

Liu Li looked at the night with some envy,

Although nominally it is a two-person operation.

But the most she could do was provide some intelligence support. The battle aspect is almost entirely solved by night and night.

And she could only hide from a distance and watch.

Even if she joins the battlefield, it will only be a hindrance.

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Lane said that everyone is good at… Not. ”

Night and night just wanted to comfort a few words.

Suddenly, his face changed, and he subconsciously turned his head to look in a certain direction.

That’s the direction where Lane is.

“Sister Night, what happened?”

Ruri asked nervously.

After a moment, Nightshade seemed to receive a message, laughing and rubbing the beast-eared maiden’s hair into a mess.

“It’s all right, Lane that guy seems to be doing something fun again!”

After a long time,

Only then did Dawn take back his will from the vast ocean of knowledge.

He breathed a sigh of relief and then said to himself.

“I didn’t expect to have two rare abilities.”

“Fortunately, unlike taboo knowledge, it has negative effects.”

“Otherwise, it’s really hard to say…”

Although the evolved racial abilities do not have a strict hierarchical distinction like skill skills.

But the amount of information carried is not the same as the potential. Therefore, there are also common, rare points.

The racial abilities that Lane has evolved this time,

Luckily, there are two rare abilities.

【Race Ability: Coevolution】

+ Effect: You can now give your evolution to other Void races

+ Description: Doing so will not increase your Evolution Cost, but the Race’s Evolution Level cannot exceed yours

+ Note: “The void will eventually rise above all things.” ”

【Race Ability: Directional Mutation】

+ Effects: When evolving, you can specify 1 race ability and have a chance to obtain its derivative ability

+ Description: Derived abilities will be randomly generated based on the knowledge you have

+ Note: “Let every inch of the tree of evolution flourish”…

【Race Ability: Sublimated Body】

+ Effect: Units that are transformed into Void Races by you will have 1 chance to sublimate the shell

+ Description: Body sublimation will completely reshape the body, erase the negative effects of the physical level, and obtain basic attribute correction

+ Note: “Abandon the body of the old days and meet the gift of the void”…

These 3 racial abilities belong to the normal level.

Although in Lane’s view,

Their effects are already very powerful!

Coevolution allows Lane to give other Void races a chance to evolve!

This means that he can enjoy the strength of the Night and Night races without increasing the cost of evolution!

Of course, Lane’s own evolutionary level determines the upper limit of the race’s evolution.

If he only evolved 5 times,

Then all races can only evolve up to 4 times.

In the final analysis, it is their own strength that is the most important.

“Directed mutations” are somewhat similar to Lane’s occupational skills. That is, the search of the pioneers.

It’s just that one derives knowledge based on props.

Directed mutations are based on existing abilities and knowledge to determine the outcome of evolution!

The “Sublimated Body” is entirely aimed at the ability of the Void Race, and when Lane sees the effect of this ability,

The first thing that came to mind was Ayase Shinomiya.

Although with his help,

Ayase is now able to walk and run on assistive devices.

But that’s certainly not as good as moving with your own legs.

And she’s like Lane.

It is also more resistant to the transformation of mechanical prosthetics.

But…… If there is a sublimated body,

She will be able to reshape her body, and the disability of her legs will be erased! Thinking of this, the corners of Li En’s mouth couldn’t help but show a smile.

“Call her over and surprise her.”

“Ayase’s words… Vultures can’t fall either. ”

“She can just be entrusted with the task of monitoring the network of police.”

After a moment of contemplation.

Lane set his sights on the remaining two abilities.

Both of these are marked as rare race abilities!……

【Racial Ability: Thought Transmission (Rare)】

+ Effects: You can now share your knowledge and skills with the target race by consuming skill points

+ Correction: E-level knowledge costs 1 skill point, and for every 1 level increase, skill points cost +1

+ Description: The target ethnic group needs to meet the learning requirements of knowledge and skills

+ Note: “Knowledge is priceless and infinite.” ”


【Race Ability: Void Furnace (Rare)】

+ Effect: You now have the initial knowledge of using the Void Energy

+ Description: Void Crystals are the foundation of Void Technology

+ Notes: “From nothingness to entity, achieve a great leap”…

These two races have special abilities.

“Thought Transmission” at first glance seems like an ordinary teaching skill. At first, Lane thought it was a dojo similar to “Nine Folds and Eight Clouds.” ”

This is a mechanism that allows other players, races, to learn skills.

But after he tried,

I was surprised to find that the skills shared through mind transmission were actually lossless!

In other words, what he shared with the race was not Lv1’s brand-new skills.

Instead, Lv10 has a full level skill with a breakthrough bonus!

Equivalent to using a small number of skill points,

Go replicate a full-level skill you already have!

“Now you don’t have to worry about the skill points not being spent.”

Lane instantly conceived of several application solutions in his mind.

The most urgent at the moment,

It is Sakura-man, Butterfly Shinobu, and Pearl of these research-type followers.

I only need to spend a few skill points now,

You can share all kinds of knowledge and skills that will help them with research! This can make Lane’s own research efficient,

Take it one level up again!

However, in all 5 racial abilities. What Lane values most is the last ability.

Void Furnace!

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