Chapter 315 Base Ten Million Points!!

“Excessive” demands………

How do you look at the appearance of the Holy Heavenly Son, what are you expecting? Lane pushed his glasses and looked slightly strange.

What was going on in this woman’s head…… By the way.

Because the Chaos of the Seven Stars has been completed. So Lane got the full reward. Includes 1 gold cup.

150,000 reincarnation points, 150 skill points, attribute points.

and 70 points of the favorability of the Holy Heavenly Son,

The IP ranking will also be greatly improved as for the specific value of the improvement,

Wait until IISO has made calculations before making a decision.

If the results can be given within today,

Maybe you can catch up with the settlement of the [Police Star]. Of course, these things have nothing to do with the scene in front of you.

Because the ‘request’ promised by the Son of Heaven does not count as a mission reward.

It’s an added bonus.


Lane coughed softly.

Take out a map that you have prepared.

“……… This is? ”

Saint Tianzi didn’t seem to expect this kind of development.

Some puzzled blinked.

“I want to apply for a piece of land.”

Lane put the map on the table,

Draw a circle in an area with your hand.

“Of course, it’s not a precious downtown area.”

“I can’t afford the house price here……”

“It’s this area of the Outer Periphery.”

At the same time, Lane’s fingers drew a straight line.

However, it crossed the ‘boundary’ of the ‘boulder tablet’ and fell directly into the ‘forbidden area’.

“At the same time, I hope to gain the right to explore this forbidden area.”

After speaking, Lane waited for the reply of the Holy Heavenly Son.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

The young regional Fuehrer’s expression was somewhat stunned.

“As it is, it is indeed quite an ‘excessive’ demand.”

Saint Tianzi sighed lightly, and his eyes were slightly resentful.

“And, Mr. Lane, ten of you, these are two requests.”

“The land in the outer perimeter, with the mining rights of the forbidden area, you can only choose one.”

“But these are all things that Lord Saint Tianzi said, aren’t they?”

Lane smiled,

He did not give up because of the words of the Holy Son of God.

Have the ability to read minds,

Enough to put him in an invincible position at the negotiating table.

“Even I can’t abuse the power in my hands.”

Saint Tianzi glanced at Li En,

“The land in the outer periphery is not worth much.”

“Or rather, if someone is willing to develop, the government will also support it.”

“But… Why did you choose the area behind Monument 32? ”

To this, Lane shrugged,

Reveal a meaningful smile.

“I think it may appreciate in the future.”

In fact, the 32nd back to the stone monument.

It is the fuse that triggered the ‘Third Winter War’.

This huge stone stele because of cutting corners,

The ‘suppressive magnetic field’ emitted is of low strength, so it has attracted the attention of a ‘stage IV’, which is already fragile under perennial erosion.

Once it collapses……… It will become a breakthrough for protozoans! In other words, this will be the front line against protozoa!

If you are a regular player, you will definitely see this place as an extremely dangerous place.

But Lane is a mechanic with great manufacturing capabilities…

Enough to turn this place into a war base! This is where he wants to show his fists!

“Mr. Lane, what a strange man.”

Saint Tianzi looked at Dawn, who was full of self-confidence,

I said with great emotion.

“In addition, the right to explore the forbidden area…… In your capacity, not quite enough. ”

“Oh? What a high opinion of the Holy Heavenly Son. ”

Lane’s heart moved.

He sensed something the other person was thinking.

It can be said that it takes the initiative to send the next plot to the door.

“[The legacy of the Seven Stars] cannot be exposed, but you saved Dongjing City, which is an indisputable fact.”

Saint Tianzi is familiar with a series of operations.

“I will use this incident as a model and let the media publish a press release to publicize your deeds.”

“At least let some people understand that you have.”

The strength and qualification of “exploring the forbidden zone”. ”

“This avoids a lot of trouble, both overtly and covertly.”

Speaking of these things,

Saint Tianzi showed determination that matched his identity.

“In addition… There is one thing next week that needs your help. ”


Dawn took up the topic in time,

Even though he already knew what the other person was trying to say.

“You should be a delegated task.”

Saint Tianzi smiled.

“The object of the guard is me.”

After leaving the Holy Residence,

Lane received an email from IISO.

“Oh? It seems that the final result of the IP ranking is out. ”

Lane was refreshed and clicked on the details of the email.

【Based on the agreement between IISO and His Excellency Saint Tianzi, Head of State of Dongjing District】

[It is now decided to rank the police officer ‘Li En’ with IP ranking 104520]

【The basis for improvement is as follows:】

[1. Beat the top IP ranking 134 ‘Leech Shadow Yin’ and ‘Leech Little Binai’ combination]

[2. Sieged by more than 300 ‘stage I’ to ‘stage III’ protozoa and wiped them all out]

[In summary, IISO rated this record as ‘1 Special Level II Victory’]

【The IP ranking of “Li En” and “Blue Plains Yanzhu” has been raised to 4500 places】

Ranking in the thousands! Even if it has been predicted,

The palm of Lane’s hand holding the phone was still shaking with excitement! This means…… After today.

[Police Star] once settled,

He will be given more than 10 million reincarnation points!

However, this still does not reach the level of improvement in the original game.

In the original work, the male protagonist directly from the ‘crane tail’ of more than 120,000 people, and rose to the 1,000th place in one breath!

Because he also did something that Lane didn’t do… That is to use the ‘ladder’ device,

Kill the ‘Stage V’ protozoa ‘Scorpio’ summoned by Leech Shadow Yin!

For Lane, killing Scorpio is not a must.

The value of the “ladder”,

Much higher than killing a ‘stage V’.

“More than 10 million points… Can you score points for the time being? ”

Even Lane, now has a somewhat blank brain.

Such a huge fortune,

Let him not know how to use too many places where he can burn money,

Instead, the first time I couldn’t figure out where to use the points.

“In short, let’s get the base thing done.”

Lane patted his cheek, he was still on the tram, in public, to avoid showing too strange an expression.

Suddenly, his phone rang.

the name on the caller ID,

It is not Mugen, nor is it the Holy Heavenly Son.

It’s the person labeled ‘teacher’.

The moment you see this name.

An ominous feeling of foreboding welled up in Lane’s heart.

“Oops, I’ve been busy with [Seven Star Chaos] things all this time……”

“Forget about it.”

He hurriedly connected his phone.

A slightly hesitant Sven voice sounded in his ears.

“Hello, are you the guardian of Lan Yuan’s classmates?”

“About her identity as the [Son of the Curse]…… Is this true? ”

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