Chapter 308: The Way of Sniper Balance!!

Seeing that the palm of Lane’s hand was pierced by a sharp arrow,

Blood splattered like a fountain.

Yanzhu instantly panicked,

She didn’t expect that in public, someone would actually launch an attack!

“Lane! Your hands are bleeding! ”

“It’s all right.”

Lane gave a short answer.

The arrows in his hands instantly disintegrated, and the wounds healed.

The regenerative effect of [Surgical – Self-Repair], although it cannot be compared with that of proenterozoans,

But it is also the ability to understand beyond the scope of ordinary people.

[You are under attack by the ‘Sniper’ skill!] 】

[500 physical damage is absorbed by the Energy Shield!] 】

【”Tortoise Armor Shield” is overloaded, and it regains charge after 1 hour! 】 】

[You have taken 1350 physical damage!] (150 points are resisted) [You have been marked by the ‘Mark’! 】

A series of battle messages appeared in front of Lane’s eyes, totaling up to 2,000 damage, which made him feel shocked!

If before he obtained the Void Bloodline, this arrow was enough to severely damage him to death!

Even now, he had almost knocked out 1/5 of his health! And there is also an extra ‘Divine Mark’ on the body!

[Mark: You are being watched by a sharpshooter, and all ranged damage received is increased by 20%]

[Source: Rui Yu – Celia ]

“Another player of the Elven Clan, but this time… Appears as an enemy. ”

Seeing this imprint, Lane knew that the other party was still looking for a chance to do it.

But the problem is that he has no vendetta against this elven player named ‘Celia’.

Why should this guy attack himself for no reason?

“It seems that the problem is with that so-called ‘bounty’…

Lane thoughtful,

Suddenly, he lifted his head and looked in a certain direction.

The corners of his mouth couldn’t help but show a hint of a dangerous smile.

“Got you.”

An arrow was fired, and the bowstring fluttered slightly.

The elf maiden, who tied her long blonde hair in a ponytail, frowned slightly.

Feedback obtained through battle information,

It made her look stunned.

“What are you kidding?!”

“Aimed at him for 5 minutes, a full of [sniper] skills…”

“Only hit him with less than 30% of his health?!”

Celia’s first class was ‘Ranger’ and her second class was ‘Sharp Feather’, who specialized in archery.

[Sniper] Although it is not the ultimate skill of the class,

But it is the most terrifying skill of single body damage, and there is no one.

When locking on a specific target,

For every 15 seconds of aiming, you will get a level of ‘Waiting for Opportunity’ status.

Each layer of ‘Ready to Strike’ increases the total damage of this shot by 50%……… Up to 20 layers are stacked, which is 5 minutes of aiming time.

In total, you can increase damage by an astonishing 1000%!

Horror 10 times damage increase, for Wan is still an intellectual player.

Celia had thought that the sneak attack was a matter of ten to nine.

But I didn’t expect that the other party’s health was so amazing! Calculated according to the damage caused,

This D-level human player named ‘Lane’ has a terrifying health of 6,000 points!

“No wonder it is the number one high-risk assassination target on the [League of Assassins] reward list.”

Celia muttered quietly.

An unexplained chill appeared in her heart. This kind of powerful and terrifying reincarnation player, regardless of race.

There will always be some hole cards,

A blow of his own did not have the desired effect, and it is reasonable to say that he should retreat.

But Celia didn’t want to give up such a ‘fat sheep’.

The nearly 1,000 killing points carried by the opponent are extremely attractive.

“With so much killing value, he must be a great demon king who is unforgiving!”

“If I can get rid of him, my practice on the [Path of Balance] will definitely be a huge improvement!”

The class of the elven girl is somewhat special,

“Sharp Feather” is not a simple long-range class, it has the power of ‘Sharpshooter’ and also has faction ability.

Just like Aram of the Silver Knight,

It’s just that the camp to which ‘Rui Yu’ belongs is not good or evil, but ‘orderly and neutral’, following the ‘way of balance’.

By killing targets with kill values,

to get the corresponding benefits, and even the strength of the improvement! Obviously, at 10x earnings,

With nearly 1,000 killing points, Lane became Celia’s number one target.

In her opinion, Lane has so many killing points, and her hands must be stained with the blood of the reincarnated player.

Even if you die a hundred times, it is not a pity to die!

Eradicating such a ‘scourge’ for the reincarnation space yourself will definitely get a lot of rewards!

So, there was the previous arrow.

“It seems that his detection ability is not very strong…”

Celia held her breath and added an ‘Eagle Eye’ to herself.

She could see that Lane hadn’t looked for cover after being injured.

Instead, she looked around, which made her laugh.

“The second arrow……”

The longbow carved with delicate patterns is slowly pulled open,

Just as the elf girl was about to shoot the second [sniper], the ‘target’ in the field of vision suddenly raised her head,

Look in the direction she is.

This made Celia’s heart skip half a beat, and what frightened her even more was that

A strange voice suddenly sounded in her heart.

“Got you.”

The voice is calm and indifferent,

But in Celia’s ears, it was no less than a thunderclap!

“Oops, he found out!”

With a bad feeling in her mind, Celia decided to preemptively attack,

Either way, take the lead in the attack, then flee while the other side is hiding! But when the idea first came up,

Her mind suddenly flooded with a lot of mixed information! The surging and chaotic fragments of memory poured into her heart, directly making the elf girl’s expression stiff in place,

She’s not like Lane.

I have become accustomed to the baptism of information flow.

Sudden information storm,

Directly broke her will defense.

If it were not for a necklace on the chest of the elven girl,

Radiating a brilliant green light, protecting her mind,

I’m afraid that in a few moments, she will foam and turn into a fool.

Even so, Celia could only feel the sky spinning, as if a powerful blender had been drilled into her head.

The intense pain, accompanied by an indescribable feeling of nausea, made her lean down and vomit.

Perhaps she did not think that this was the pain that Lane had to endure every day.

“Cough, cough… What the hell is that guy……”

I don’t know how long it took,

The elf girl finally felt the movement in her head gradually subside.

She struggled to get up from the ground,

But she found a figure that made her feel familiar and frightened, standing in front of her.

“Awake? Exactly, I have a question……”

Lane looked at the elven maiden in front of her,

Although the elven clan is rich in handsome men and beautiful women………

But the other person’s appearance is very similar to that of one of his friends.

An intriguing smile appeared on Lane’s face.

“What is your relationship with Anzenas?”

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