Chapter 304: Entering the Medium of Annihilation!!

“Fine, so no one is going to quit?”

The bald officer looked around again and repeated the question he had just asked.

After confirming that all members of the meeting have no intention of leaving.

He nodded in relief.

“Well… I would like to ask another person to explain the details of the task for you. ”

This time, he did not reach out to stop the presidents of Mingan Company from standing.

Including Kigen, who was sitting in front of Lane,

When a close-up of a ‘big man’ is displayed on the screen.

All the presidents stood up in a hurry.

Even the most defiant police,

After seeing this dreamlike beautiful face, he also retracted his own madness.

“You don’t have to be polite, take it easy.”

Despite the fact that the girl on the screen says so,

But no one dared to sit down.

Because the person they are facing is the 3rd generation of ‘Holy Heavenly Sons’.

That is, the ruler of today’s Dongjing District.

Pure white dress and dazzling silver hair,

Let her be shrouded in a color as holy as snow.

Saint Tianzi sat leisurely on a seat with exquisite carvings.

Artistic paintings hanging from the room,

As well as the bed with the curtain tied to it, the place in the picture should be her private room.

This is still the people here,

The first time I saw the Holy Heavenly Son appear on an unofficial occasion.

“The content of the commission is actually very simple.”

Saint Tianzi seemed to be able to observe the scene in the conference room, and her eyes stayed on Tendo Kigen,

And a moment on Lane’s body.

“A few days ago, there was an accident in the Dongjing area where a procadoscope attacked civilians.”

“Although the infected have been cleared, the protozoa that is the source of the infection is still at large.”

“Your task is to exclude this dangerous infected animal…”

Speaking of this, Saint Tianzi brewed for a while.

It seems that the next thing to say is the real purpose.

Lane meditated in his mind predictably.

It’s coming.

After a pause, Saint Tianzi continued to speak in a calm tone.

“In addition, please properly recover the suitcase that was swallowed by the target from the target.”


This thing, which had nothing to do with protozoa, left most of the people present confused.

Immediately after that, in an empty space on the screen, another window pops up.

A picture of a silver-gray suitcase appears above.

The number next to it is a huge reward that makes everyone stunned! This made the atmosphere of the scene quickly come alive!

The police company that originally thought that the official would let them work white-time,

At this point, immediately start calculating the probability of getting these rewards.

Even Mu Geng was excited, and her body couldn’t help but tremble.

If you can complete this commission, rely on this remuneration alone,

Even if she pretends to be a big lady for a lifetime, she has no problem! Soon, though, someone calmed down.

The police are outlaws who lick blood on the tip of the knife.

This fluctuation in mentality,

It will soon calm down.

“If you have questions, ask me.”

The content of the delegate seems to be that simple.

Saint Tianzi did not go on to say more,

Instead, the right to ask questions was given to the police officers present.

Someone quickly raised his hand.

Lane noticed that on the sign in front of him.

It is written ‘Mishima Royal’ Guard”.

If I remember correctly……… This should be the police company where General Ikuma and Senju Natsusei are located.

However, the former has been misled into the forbidden area by Juen and stretched out.

The latter is one step closer to joining the [Tiantong Private Operations Company]. Standing behind the president at this time was Will.

Lane raised an eyebrow,

It seems that the question of the president of the company,

It also seems to be related to this ‘peer’.

“May I ask, was that suitcase swallowed or implicated by a protozoa?” Saint Tianzi nodded slightly, and his every move seemed extremely elegant. ”


This means that unless the protozoa is killed completely.

Otherwise, it is impossible to obtain the items in its body by other means.

“Clues about the shape and type of source of infection, and its location…… Is there any official intelligence? ”

“It’s a pity.”

Saint Tianzi shook his head slightly and whispered.

“At present, only known are protozoa carrying the [spider] factor.”

“As for the stage of evolution it is in, there is no information.”

Listening to this somewhat awkward question and answer, Lane raised an eyebrow.

It was all side knocking, and I didn’t ask for ideas at all.

What kind of words do you care about at this time……

Getting straight to the point is the key.

Suddenly, Mu Geng also lifted up,

Let Saint Tianzi’s eyes fall on her.

“May I ask…… What’s in the suitcase you want to recycle? ”

The surrounding presidents suddenly panicked.

They did not expect that the first person to raise this question was a young girl.

Even Saint Tianzi’s ancient and beautiful face showed a slightly surprised look.

“May I ask you to be…”

“Tendo Ki-no.”

Hearing the name,

Saint Tianzi obviously remembered something.

After all, her most powerful assistant was the patriarch of the ‘Tento’ clan.

“……… I’ve heard your rumors. ”

“However, this matter belongs to the privacy of the client and cannot be answered.”

But Mu was clearly not going to accept such an explanation.

Even if the person facing it is the Holy Son of God.

She also has to ask the truth at the root.

“In this case, this commission is also a little too strange.”

Wood more organized analysis of the road.

“What you call spider-type infected people is that my company’s employees are involved in solving the problem.”

“Judging by the law that the source of infection is at most 1 evolutionary stage higher than that of the infected person.”

“The source of infection is most ‘stage II’ proentero.”

“For an enemy of this magnitude, the official dispatch of a few initiators is enough to clean it up, right?”

This is true.

Even the surrounding police officers quite agreed with Mu Geng’s statement.

Stage I and stage II level proenterozoa,

The power it possesses is still in the category that conventional firepower can handle.

Even without relying on the initiator with holmium alloy.

They can also be killed directly with ammunition.

Take ‘Phase III’ as the dividing point,

The latter two stages of protozoa become extremely difficult to deal with.

“Stage IV” protozoa,

Even possess cunning and wisdom that does not belong to human beings! As for the ‘stage V’ that cannot be achieved through evolution,

Each one is a natural disaster-level terrifying enemy capable of destroying cities and even countries!

“The question is, why such a simple commission……”

Mu Geng pointed to a long string of numbers on the screen.

“The official will pay such an exaggerated commission fee…… And the clients are experts in the civilian police. ”

Lane will put this last sentence together,

As a recognition of his strength by his superiors.

“That being the case, I speculate…”

Finally, Mu took a breath,

With a serious expression on his face, he said his conclusion.

“The contents of the suitcase are quite dangerous, and it is worth the silence of the conference room for a few moments.”

In the end, the Holy Son of Heaven did not give an exact reply from 863.

“I don’t think it’s necessary for you to know about it.”

“I’m sorry, Saint Heavenly Son.”

Mu Geng shook his head.

“If the authorities want to conceal this important information, our company will withdraw from this commission.”

At this time, Mu Geng, there was no more

Just watched the huge amount of commission gold drooling.

The sharp aura is like a sharp blade out of its sheath.

“……… If you quit now, you may have unexpected punishments. ”

Saint Tianzi threatened in a half-joking tone.

“Even so———”

Just when Mu Geng wanted to say something more.

Dawn suddenly pressed her shoulder,

With his actions,

The screen in front of me suddenly tore apart, one for two! On the other side of the Holy Son of Heaven,

A face appeared that was extremely familiar to Lane.

“It’s a pity to play in this way…”

The tall and thin man with the mask of a fake smile bowed down in salute,

Out of nowhere, a magnetic electronic synthesized sound came from.

“But if I show up in person.”

“It’s very likely that the guy over there will take it directly.”

Lane shrugged,

It seems that the last confrontation,

It left an indelible psychological shadow on the leech shadow.

“I don’t mind having a close encounter with Lane.”

The leech shadow yin let out a piercing laugh,

Then the tone suddenly cooled down.

“However, I won’t be able to host this [Game of Death].”

“You have no right to refuse, because…”

“This is a key prop for the survival of the entire Dongjing District.”

“The suitcase contains the medium that can attract [stage V] extinction medium.”

“The legacy of the Seven Stars.”

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