Chapter 301 Ranking Experimental Potions!!

See the girl on the screen who seems to be shrouded in pure white.

Lane slowed down and stared at the other person’s face.

Today seems to be a special day for the ‘Holy Heavenly Son’ to give a public speech as the supreme leader of the Dongjing District.

This reminds Lane of a plot related to the ‘protagonist’, or his identity at this time.

“Speaking of which, it’s about the same time.”

As Lane pondered, the speech had already begun with a pleasant voice.

Saint Tianzi’s voice was not as soft as her appearance.

Instead, it is filled with a magnificent and inviolable majesty.

Although he took over his current position as a ‘hereditary’,

But this generation of ‘Holy Son of Heaven’ not only possessed otherworldly beauty.

There are also iron-fisted means that cannot be ignored.

After losing the war with the protozoa,

can manage the surviving human beings in an orderly manner,

The “Holy Heavenly Son” was by no means as innocent as she seemed on the surface. Lane listened for a moment,

A ‘sure enough’ expression appeared on his face.

The content of today’s speech of “Saint Heavenly Son”.

It was the bill she had always wanted to push.

A bill dedicated to the protection of ‘sons of curse’……the New Protoprotozoa Act

Unfortunately, even if her approval rating among the people is very high.

This kind of thing is not something she can do by forcibly promoting it. Perhaps that’s what she’s doing in her public speech today. I want to convince more people through my own influence.

It’s a pity………

Lane took off her glasses,

Expand the scope of the ‘unrestrained eye’, then shrug your shoulders and reload it.

This has nothing to do with self-interest,

Or rather, it will trigger some people to resent the bill.

Even with the push of the Holy Heavenly Son,

Most people also have a ‘don’t care about themselves’ mentality. There are even some people who have developed a grudge against the Holy Son of Heaven because of this.

There is a saying that says it well,

Cutting off people’s financial paths, such as killing parents.

After all, once the New Protozoa Act is implemented.

Protect the ‘Son of Curse’.

Some obscure black industries are bound to be seriously affected.

Lane took his attention away from the voices of ordinary people and turned his gaze back to the screen.

He noticed that next to the ‘Holy Heavenly Son’, an ancient rare old man with a serious expression,

Standing straight in the picture.

“Well, this should be Kigen’s grandfather…”

“Tendo Kikuyu.”

Although Kigen, who runs the [Tendo Civil Security Company], looks like a big lady who has fallen into disgrace.

In fact, she is a direct member of the famous ‘Tento’ family.

It’s like Arissa’s relationship with the Offering.

“Tendo Kikuno-no-no-no However, the relationship between the latter two,

It has risen to the point of immortality.

The reason why Kigen runs away from home,

Just to one day,

To kill the Tendo Ju no Chu with his own hands,

Take revenge on your parents who were killed by their people.

The speech did not last long,

Because the ‘Holy Son of Heaven’ himself is very busy with his own affairs.

Being able to squeeze in this amount of time for public speaking is already a very extreme schedule.

So, after a moment of observation,

Li En returned to the “Tendo Civil Security Company”

Unexpectedly, Kizen, as president, was not in the office.

Instead, there was an unexpected member of the room.

“Nameless, what about Mugen?”

Li Enqiang suppressed a smile,

Looking at the nameless in a maid costume,

“……… President Kigen was absent, and it seemed that there was something related to the meeting. ”

Nameless face slightly red,

Some unnaturally pulled the hem of the skirt,

Tried to cover the exposed white thighs.

“Also, that’s what she made me wear… Say what an onboarding test. ”

Nice dry, wood more.

Li En silently gave his boss a thumbs up in his heart.


“The meeting-related thing, it seems that there is only one thing.”

Lane thoughtful.

Then give up a position,

“Xia Shi, this is the police company where I work.”

“The president is out of business now, and you are resting here now… I have other things. ”


The girl looked at the nameless with a strange look, and then asked with some hesitation.

“I… Shouldn’t I have to dress like this too? ”

“If you want to wear it, the president probably won’t refuse.”

“Please forgive me for refusing.”

After sending Natsushi to the company.

Dawn went alone to the hospital where Muroto was located.

Because the next step may be to participate in a very important plot.

So before that,

He needs to deliver all his tasks.

so as not to miss the delivery time.

“This place is still so messy.”

Dawn pushed open the iron door of the basement,

It’s a messy scene again.

If Iruri, who likes to be neat and tidy, can see it, the blood pressure is estimated to increase by several points.

Suddenly, a negative test voice came out of Lane’s side.

“I’ve helped you bring your child for so long, and you have this attitude?”

“Dr. Violet, don’t say anything so ambiguous.”

Lane sighed and looked at the female doctor who had stepped out from behind the human specimen.

“It’s like I have some kind of love crystallization with you.”


Hearing Lane’s ridicule, Muroto pondered for a moment.

“Indeed, I am still in my best age for childbearing.”

“But it’s still too much trouble to have children, so it’s just lonely and old.”

“It’s right.”

Lane twitched the corners of his mouth.

He then turned his gaze to the figure behind Muroto.

Since just now, he had noticed this small figure.

“Kudō Ruri, that’s her name.”

Muroto handed over a handwritten information sheet.

“I’ve already dealt with her identity.”

“So, Brother Leen, did you bring me what I wanted?”

“Of course.”

Lane placed the backpack behind him lightly on the table.

From the perspective of movement and static, the things inside are full of weight.

Muroto opened her backpack and looked at it,

Then my eyes lit up,

Various well-packaged tissue samples are continuously taken from the inside.

“The preservation method is very professional……”

“What equipment did you use to collect it?” It can be preserved so well. ”

“Are you interested in studying medicine with me, boy?”

“Studying medicine can’t save the world.”

Lane casually spat out,

Prompts for completing the challenging task suddenly appeared in front of your eyes.

【You have completed the challenge mission ‘Hunting in the Forbidden Zone’】

【Based on your completion, you get the following rewards】

【100,000 reincarnation points, 100 attribute points, 100 skill points】

【Muroto’s liking level for you increased by 50 points!】 】

【Your relationship with Muroto is elevated to ‘intimacy’ (90/100)]

Lane gave a sample of the protoentera of Muroto.

There are quite a few ‘Phase III’ and ‘Phase II’ levels.

Instead of just filling the number with ‘stage I’ trash fish.

So, after Muroto Shigetsu registered his booty.

Lane’s IP ranking has also improved by leaps and bounds!

【Your IP ranking has increased by 20,000 places! 】 】

【Current ranking:103352 (total improvement of 20,100)】

“Up 20,000 places!”

Although Lane had a premonition in his heart,

But I didn’t expect such a terrible increase! Twenty thousand places, combined with a 10×10 reward multiplier… It’s a reward of 2 million points!

“It’s a pity that the task will end tomorrow, otherwise we can get another 1 million or so.”

Li En thought with pity in his heart.

Just then, a small white hand appeared in front of his eyes.

“That, Aunt Violet asked me to give this to you.”

A timid voice came,

The Beast-Eared Maiden who was previously saved by Lane,

Or the son of a curse named ‘Kudō Ruri’, holding a box of potions without any explanation.

Some cramped and uneasy look at Lane.

“Thank you.”

Lane nodded in greeting with a smile and took the pill box.

A hint then emerged.

[You get ‘AGV test drug’ x10].

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