Chapter 233 Triumph Mimetic Atlas!!

Oni Mai Tsuji is the ancestor of ghosts.

But his time in human society is not short.

What we rely on is a very magical ability to transform.

In search of the “perfect” ghost bloodline.

Wu Misery developed his own body to the extreme.

Not only can it give birth to extremely powerful pipe whips, whip blades and other weapons.

It can also carry out “camouflage deformation” that is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

From the booty of the Ghost Mai Tsuji, Leeen is in addition to the “Ancestor – Ghost King Bloodline” used for trading. They also acquired B-level skills and one item each. One of the “skills” is called “Ghost King Thousand Faces”.

As long as they have the blood of a ghost, they can disguise themselves as target units that have been gnawed on by sucking blood.

After [thinking conjugate], it becomes a technical side skill.

【Gene mimetic atlas】

(Promoted from “Molecular Mimetic Lv10”) + Level: B+

+ Requirements: Lv10 in Genetics, Lv10 in Biogenetics, Recombinant Lv10, Lv10 in Molecular Biology

+ Effect: Analyze the genes of the target unit, mimic the unit from the gene level, and obtain the physical characteristics of the unit’s appearance, gender, voiceprint, etc., and inherit the unit’s camp prestige, character favorability and other social resources

+ Correction: 10% success rate of camouflage base, up to 100% depending on the integrity of the extracted genetic sample.

+ Breakthrough Rewards: You can store all the genes that have been mimetically camouflaged, ensuring that they can be called at any time.

The origin of the [genetic mimetic atlas] is a bit too bumpy. The first is the no-misery first kill reward, which raises the [Ghost King Thousand Faces] skill from C+ level to B level.

Lane then used [Thinking Conjugate] to transform it into a technology-side skill. Then invest 10 skill points and directly advance to level B+.

Theoretically, according to the experience of low-level skills.

After the breakthrough, you should be directly promoted to an A-level skill. But somehow, at most, you can only advance to the B+ skill. There should be a setting that Lane doesn’t know about.

After all……… With his current level of strength.

It is too early to reach out to Class A, even if it is Class B’s permissions.

Tech-side learning skills are tedious though.

But there are also benefits on the tech side.

That is, it does not need too high attributes, as long as you master the pre-knowledge skills.

You can meet the learning requirements and learn advanced skills.

“It doesn’t feel as handsome as Lane did.”

Night and night looked at the imitation of Li En, and commented.

“I’m not going to a beauty pageant.”

Lane chuckled and lifted the mimicry.

The previous form has been stored in the [Gene Map]. He can re-disguise himself at any time if he wants.

“And, the biggest takeaway…… It was his memory. ”

Since coming to the Crown of Sin quest, the plot that Lane is familiar with is somewhat out of touch with the worldview of the current quest because of the Nightmare corruption of the word fix.

For this, he needs an “anchor point”,

to confirm the timeline of the current quest world, near the point of the original story.

Just now, he read a very crucial message from the thinking of this member of the “funeral society”.

The Funeral Club will conduct an important combat operation in a week’s time.

The goal is to steal a copy of the “Void Genome” from the Essentia Genome Institute.

“This means that the point in time is a week before the beginning of the original work.”

Li Enliu thought about it and clarified the connection between the events.

“In a week, maybe I can pick up a pink haired singer outside.”

“But… Still can’t rely too much on plot development. ”

“It’s better to take the initiative of the incident into your own hands.”

The outlines of many action plans flashed through Lane’s mind.

There is still about a week to go before the [funeral club] combat operation. He had plenty of time to prepare to plan his next move. The most urgent thing at the moment.

Naturally, the supplies were sent back to the “First University of Tennosuke”. While thinking, Lane walked over to the airdrop supply box.

Open it directly, revealing the supplies inside.

Just the means by which he dragged the supply box back.

It is a surgical [space hand] placed on a mechanical glove.

This was after Lane’s study of the Pseudomorphomorphic Technique. The results of the few studies obtained.

Space technology was still a little too early for him.

It is extremely difficult to develop such a technique.

When activating the spell, Lane is able to “space move” the target in the field of vision…

It’s like having an invisible hand to manipulate.

However, there is no upper weight limit for this mode of movement, because the “spatial coordinates” are directly modified. Of course, the larger the moving object, the more mechanical power is consumed.

In terms of the total amount of machinery that Lane can currently use… Move up to car-sized objects.

And it is impossible to move too long at a time.

In any case, this is also the first space technology he developed.

“This should be the medical supplies mentioned in the copy notice.”

Lane took out of the supply box a medical kit with the emblem of the Double Serpent Staff emblem.

When opened, it was filled with two injections.

[“Apocalypse” antibody serum type I] + grade: D

+ Effect: After injection, the Void value drops by 50 points and offsets the maximum of 50 Void Points that are about to be obtained

+ Note: The effect lasts up to 5 days, repeated injections will only prolong the effective time

+ Quantity: 20.

[Crystallism” therapeutic vaccine type I】+ Grade: D

+ Effect: Cures mild symptoms of “crystalliosis” and slowly lowers the void value to a safe range

+ Remarks: The vaccine cannot act on moderate and above “crystallism” + Number: 20.

“It’s very targeted, but as it stands, it’s very practical.”

Lane fastened the lid of the medical kit and carefully placed it in the space ring.

Antibody Serum can cut and absorb void values.

Used without “crystallization”, it can act as a “virus shield” function.

The “therapeutic vaccine” is a prop to remove the negative state of “crystallism”.

However, it is limited to “mild symptoms”. Follow the warning messages received at night. If the Void value exceeds 100 points, there is a risk of contracting mild “crystallism”. Although there are enough vaccines.

But it’s best to keep the void value within 100.

“It’s almost time to collect supplies, it’s time to go back to school…”

Thinking of this, Li En’s face couldn’t help but have a sneering smile.

“I don’t know the students who throw ‘I’ on the street as bait. ”

“What will I look like when I go back with a bunch of supplies?”

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