Chapter 228: Corrupting the Crown of Sin!!

Spacious spherical room, the walls are relatively cold, with a sense of technology in the glass material.

At the end of the countless complex lines that are neatly summarized is the cabin type detection device placed in the center of the room.

A Sven man in a white coat and glasses scanned the contents of several data panels with a blank face.


It makes people full of spitting impulses, no matter how it sounds like the sound of the microwave oven heating up, from the inside of the cabin…

The hatch opened, and the young man lying inside opened his eyes.

“Mr. Berne, how am I doing?”

Lane asked in a respectful tone.

The man dressed as the doctor is a strong “executive” level in the [Hidden Dragon] base.

“It’s complicated, but it’s not unavoidable.”

Bai En played the paper report that had just been printed.

Make a crisp sound.

On a bony and slender finger wears a ring with a star emblem.

This means that he is an executive of the “Star Picker” faction.

[Hidden Dragon] has 3 clearly divided factions: “Night Watch”, specializing in killing, exploring and adventuring. This faction has the largest number of members, with almost 70% of the Hidden Dragon members belonging to the Night’s Watch faction. Such members are active in all corners of the Blue Star, and even outside the Blue Star. The most straightforward example is Yan Tianyi.

Although she is still in a state of further study.

However, it appeared in Jishan City.

“Dream Weavers” are mostly members of the profession with auxiliary talents.

The logistical support of [Hidden Dragon] is also the cornerstone of maintaining the operation of the entire organization. Although the combat strength is not strong and the personnel are small, it is not inferior to the other two factions. Finally, there is the “Star Picker”.

Star picker means “picking the stars and illuminating the way forward”.

It is the least member of the Hidden Dragon, and at the same time the most important component. Faction members are all research reincarnation players.

Responsible for the development of new technologies and props, according to different needs, customized the corresponding products.

The “Hidden Dragon” special spiritual protective equipment that Li En is wearing now is the result of the development of the “Star Picker”.

“Given that you just joined [Hidden Dragon], you are only D level……”

Bai En looked at Dawn and held out two fingers.

“You have two options.”

“First, consume contribution points, I customize a set of information shielding props for you.”

“The advantage is that you can completely solve the information interference problem you are facing now.”

“The downside is… You can’t afford a custom device. ”

“And that doesn’t allow you to discover the true use of your innate abilities.” Each “executive” has a reincarnation rank of at least an A.

Therefore, Lane did not have much doubt about Bai En’s words.

The knowledge of the other party is more extensive, and the conclusions drawn are certainly more professional.

“What about the second one?”

Lane asked curiously.

Since the first option he could not afford.

Then the second option will definitely have a turnaround……… Probably.

“The second kind……”

A smile appeared on Bai En’s face.

It’s just that he is dressed up with this smile.

It looks even more sinister.

It’s like the madman of science in the movie.

There is an air of madness suppressed under the sanity and calmness.

“I happened to be doing research on data collection and redundant information summarization recently.”

“Your talent is perfect for a subject I have at hand.”

“If you are willing to cooperate with my research, I will customize the solution for you for free.”

“…… Of course, because it is a technology under study, it may not be very stable. ”

Hearing this, the corners of Lane’s mouth twitched.

He became a guinea pig for experiments.

At the moment, though, he has no better choice.

“As long as I don’t do harm to me, I don’t waste too much time.”

“Smart decision.”

Bai En supported the glasses, and the lenses reflected a fine light.

“Rest assured, no matter how bad it is, it won’t be worse than your current situation.”

“As for time… Take 30 minutes a day, at any time. ”

“Today’s inspection is over, there are still many people in line behind you, you can leave.”

However, after Lane walked out of the circular room.

Bai En did not immediately let the other members of the Hidden Dragon who were waiting to come in. Instead, he took Lane’s test report and looked at it carefully.

“In general, even S-level talent needs to go through several stages of growth.”

“As the talent grows, the negative effects and legendary traits gradually increase.”

“It’s a step-by-step process and unearthing the uses of negative effects as we grow.”

“The legendary talent of the final form is a complete body that does not have a negative effect.”

“But… He is only D-level, and he already has a legendary talent…”

As a “star picker”, there are many things that Bai En can think of. But the next moment, the paper report in his hand burned to ashes in an instant.

All backups of Lane’s data in electronic devices are also cleared in the blink of an eye.

“A tech-side mechanic and a rare research player.”

“He is a good seedling to become a [star picker].”

“You can’t let the group of brain-full of muscle-killing embryos and the women who scratch their heads and pose be abducted.”

…… A month later.

“Huh? Email from Hidden Dragon? ”

Li En, who had just returned to the real world from the Iron City, noticed a shock in his wrist.

This is the personal terminal that Hidden Dragon distributes to all members. It is more portable than a mobile phone, and it uses a lot of black technology…

For example, information projections that can be mapped directly to the retina.

Lane clicked on the email and found it to be an extension notice.

“Because of the lack of numbers, the welcome ceremony for the new members has been postponed again.”

Lane shook his head in disbelief.

According to the descending sequence, he should be a member of the 100th issue of the Hidden Dragon. However, the number of members in this period is too small, so events such as welcome ceremonies, groupings, etc. have been suspended.

“Stop and stop, I’m just in time anyway.”

Today is the time when Lane makes his 5th quest world match.

He had long been prepared for this.

First register in the Hidden Dragon’s system so that Bai En or someone else will know

He spent the rest of his time in the quest world.

“And then…… Affix. ”

Lane clicks on the Quest Illustrated Talent.

Continue to lock the “bloodline” appendix in the keyword filtering interface. But unlike last time.

This time there is another fixed affix.

The “Wilderness” acfix obtained from the Devil’s Blade quest!


[Using the “Open Wasteland”, “Bloodline” appendix consumes a total of 60,000 reincarnation points! 】 】

[The screening result is: has the output of bloodline power, and has never entered a dungeon world that other reincarnated players have entered]

【Do you confirm the filter results?】 】


Lane held his breath.

I thought silently in my heart.

“Hope to have a tech-side quest world…”

“At least don’t be like Ghost Annihilation, everything that comes out can’t be used.”

[Warning: The unexplored “native world” will have nightmare corrupt affixes!]

[Nightmare Corruption affixes will greatly increase the difficulty of survival of the quest:]

[But it will also increase all loot rewards]

Do you continue to use the affix “reclamation”? 】

Using the “Exploit” affix results in increased quest difficulty and rewards. Lane already knew this.

But the way the difficulty increases…

“Nightmare corrupt affixes?”

Lane frowned.

He had seen similar terms on the [Hidden Dragon] exchange forum.

But……… This affix is generally only generated in quest worlds above level C.

The higher the quest level, the greater the number and difficulty of the affixes.

“Maybe “opening up the wilderness” will produce nightmares and corrupt affixes. ”

“The difficulty of the D-level copy cannot be higher no matter how much it is improved… Right? ”

“For the bloodline props… Spelled! ”

Li En gritted his teeth, he was now in urgent need of improving his strength.

Even if you take some risks, if you can get the right bloodline power, it is worth it.

“Confirm, continue matching!”

Soon, familiar prompts pop up in front of Lane.

【Completed copy matching】

[Current Quest Being: Natural Scourge – Crown of Evil]

[Please choose to play a role…”.

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