Chapter 224 Hidden Dragon Nightmare Mentor!!

Silver-plated lilies, private dining rooms.

“I’ve reported your business to the above, and I’m solely responsible for handling it.”

The [instructor] wearing an OL uniform crossed his slender beautiful legs and looked at the youth in front of him… And the girl next to him.

“But to be honest, you can push that guy in the eye, I didn’t expect that.”

“What is the origin of that person named Liu Xusheng?”

Lane’s tone was calm, and his injuries had recovered as before, except for the attributes that had been lost due to the use of Fate Reverse.

The impact of the battle just now has basically been eliminated… Do you?

“To be able to ask this question shows that you still have resentment in your heart, which is good.”

Yan Tianyi hugged his chest with both hands and shrugged his shoulders slightly.

“If you don’t even have this bit of backbone, I’d wonder if you’re a man.”

“Liu Xusheng, the young master of the Liu family… I don’t know which Liu family it is, there are so many families with the surname Liu in this world. ”

“In short, their family is a reincarnation family, and their ancestors started with the reincarnation space14 and have been passed down to this day.”

“It’s a pity that in his generation, his talent has withered away, and now he has relied on relationships to mix with [enforcers] to be pawns.”

“Performer who?”

Lane wondered.

“There are more than a billion people in the Dragon Kingdom, and the number of reincarnated players is also innumerable.”

Yan Tianyi explained casually.

“But if 1% of reincarnated players have evil intentions, it will cause social unrest”

“The executor” is the official enforcer among the reincarnated players.”

“They are responsible for dealing with players who have bad intentions and are doing evil by gaining power from the space of reincarnation.”

Hearing this, Lane sneered.

“It sounds like I’m the “enforced” side. ”

“Your situation is special, or…… He took out a slender lady’s cigarette like this for people like you, and without any ignition action, he spat out a mouthful of white mist. ”

“He should have received a direct release from the legendary strongman.”

“Legendary Strong……”

Lane repeated the word silently.

“Although it cannot be said to be 100% covered, 80% of the area of the Dragon Kingdom is covered by the perception of the legendary strongman.”

“The moment you break away from the space of reincarnation, the high-risk innate abilities you hold have been perceived by the legendary strong.”

“Therefore, he will inform Liu Xusheng and ask him to subdue you at the first time.”

“It’s just… Liu Xusheng has always been jealous of the so-called “high-risk talent holders”. ”

“That’s why what just happened happened.”


Lane shrugged.

“If my talent makes me have to be officially controlled.”

“I don’t know what to be jealous of.”


Hearing Li En’s somewhat depressed answer, Yan Tianyi laughed softly.

“If there is no actual interest in it, Liu Xusheng will not be jealous and want to kill people.”

“[The Executor] is certainly a special presence among the official reincarnated players.”

“But compared to the organization you’re going to join next… It’s like the gap between handymen and special forces. ”

“Reincarnation Player Slicing Institute or Concentration Camp?”

“I can apply if you want to go.”

Yan Tianyi glanced at Li En.

“It’s a secret organization called [Hidden Dragon].”

“Sounds a bit earthy.”

Lane commented.


Yan Tianyi nodded in agreement.

“Because it is an organization that has been handed down hundreds of years ago, the museum is also a cultural relic-level thing.”

“However, the name is not critical.”

Yan Tianyi crossed her legs and changed to a more comfortable position.

“Enter [Hidden Dragon] and you will receive official support from the authorities at all costs.”

“It can be said that… Even a pig can be promoted to the A level smoothly. ”

“Of course, the premise is that you are more diligent than pigs.”

Resource support…

To a so-called “high-risk talent holder” like him?

“Is it weird?”

It seemed to have read the doubts in Lane’s vision.

Yan Tianyi snorted softly.

“A force that is not officially controlled is a danger, a threat.”

“If you know each other and accept official training and do things for the official, you are a talent.”

“I say so…… Do you understand? ”

Speaking of such a straightforward word, Lane is not embarrassed to pretend to be stupid again.

“It seems that I am not qualified to refuse.”

“Rejected? Slices and concentration camps choose one of your own. ”

Yan Tianyi looked at Li En’s anger in disgust.

“Liu Xusheng is a place where people like Liu Xusheng can’t get into the 797 head, and you actually want to refuse.”

“In my opinion, freedom is more important than resources.”

Li En said helplessly.

He had refused Dunfa’s invitation.

I didn’t expect to escape the fate of being targeted by the authorities.

“Freedom? Do you have any strange misunderstandings about [Hidden Dragons]. ”

Yan Tianyi looked at Li En’s surprise.

“Do you see me now as if I have been restricted in my freedom?”

The other party’s words shocked Li En, and then he remembered that the tall royal sister in front of him was also a B-level reincarnation player!

And just kicked Liu Xusheng from the shadow state to the soil directly, the latter did not dare to breathe after seeing her, and directly lifted the skill and then ran! Not true.

“Reintroduce yourself.”

Yan Tianyi cleared his throat,

“Yan Tianyi, the 98th student of [Hidden Dragon], apprenticed ‘Night Watchman’, with the title of ‘Nightmare Mentor’. ”

“Little brother who doesn’t know the height of the sky…… You should call me Sister Xue! ”

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