Chapter 219 The Ghost King Kills First!!


Glenn held a pipe whip hard, and a faint silver light quickly appeared on his body. – Easy maintenance!

Lane glanced at Greyne’s state, although the health was still healthy, but in the face of no misery, even if it was 100% health, there was a risk of being killed.

“The effect of the potion injected by Shinobi should be almost exerted…”

The “glory of human nature” from the hand of Zhu Shi,

Ability to cut the Bloodline Power bonus by 50%!

Because of the power, speed, health brought by the bloodline of the ghost clan… will be weakened!

“Night and night… Above! ”

A petite figure is like a bullet out of the chamber, directly brushing past Wuxi,


Night and night squealed, and in the instant of the wrong body, her fist had already landed Wu Miserable’s abdomen! Bang———!!

An empathetic muffled sound accompanied by the crisp movement of broken bones.

“How… Hmmm… Possible?! ”

While being burned by the “Fire of the Sun”, the shock in Wu Misery’s heart temporarily suppressed the severe pain coming from his whole body. How could there be a speed that even he couldn’t catch………


And a huge enough power to surpass?!

This seemingly slender girl……… What exactly is the origin?! As if guessing the doubt in Wu Misery’s heart, Ye Ye said proudly.

“Night and night are human beings, real human beings!”

“Although it has only recently become human!”

What do you mean?

Recently became a human being………

Humans are so weak, why do they want to be human?!

An inexplicable fear rises in the heart of no misery.

The emotion known as “fear” quickly ferments.

He himself is a ghost who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

In the face of a strong enemy whose strength exceeds its own, it is even more irrepressible to retain a glimmer of life.

In other words……… When it was discovered that he couldn’t beat this group of weird guys.

He finally had the idea of running away!

“Want to run? Think beautiful! ”

A roar that seemed to come from hell suddenly erupted behind Wu Misery.

I don’t know what props were used, and Mei Meng, who had regained his peak state, emitted green flames all over his body, and his muscles were high and bulging, and the momentum was menacing.

On the other side, Faya, who had survived the shock wave, looked at the corpse of his companion, looked tragically activated the Ultimate Skill of the Class, and a pair of angelic wings condensed from light bloomed behind him, as if bathed in holy light, heading towards Wuhao!

After killing a dozen reincarnated players of the Ghost Clan, the Terran camp.

Victory seems to be at hand!

“Damn… If not this damn human…”

Wu Misery glared at Lane with extremely vicious eyes.

Subsequently, he knew that he could no longer be consumed in this way.

In the blink of an eye, his body exploded into countless pieces of flesh and blood.

As if with life, escape towards the dead corners of the Infinite City! – Blood Ghost Magic – Self-division!

Unlike other ghosts, Wu Mi has broken through the boundaries of ghost regeneration. Even flesh and blood that split into the size of nails can be revived by its unparalleled regenerative ability.

This is one of his hole cards and the strongest means of life! It doesn’t matter if the fragment of the split body is destroyed, as long as there is still a fragment left, he can survive! Hundreds of years ago, he relied on this trick to save his life from the hands of “Inheriting the Kingdom Edge One”! Even a genius swordsman with a terrifying talent only destroyed 1,500 of the 1800 pieces!

“When I return to my state, it will be the time of your death!”

Divided into thousands of pieces, the misery secretly swore a poisonous oath in his heart.

“Good idea.”

“Unfortunately… You don’t have a chance. ”

Lane felt the curse in her head and breathed a sigh of relief.

He could read the mind of no misery.

That means…… The opponent’s attributes have been weakened to the point of D-level.


He snapped his fingers.

The casting units placed near the battlefield create a whirlpool with a powerful attraction, constantly gathering the fragments of the body that have been split without misery! – Technique: Gravity Cage!

The next moment, a terrible cold wind suddenly came!

Iruri’s eyes drooped, a wave of white hair drifted in the ice and snow, and a sudden chill fell on the battlefield, covering the ground with a layer of frost.

The piles of body fragments captured by the gravitational cage quickly lost their vitality under the extreme cold and could not move!

“Each fragment has less than 200 lives, kill them all!”

Lane switches out of the dungeon map and monitors every red dot on the battlefield.

Never miss a fragment of a body…

Otherwise, all the resources invested before, including the reincarnated players who died, will all die in vain!

“Hmm, you’re too inefficient, let me come!”

The High Demon slammed into the ground, and the cobweb-like cracks spread instantly!

From the cracks, fiery red magma suddenly gushed, and the rich smell of sulfur quickly filled the battlefield. – Hell of Sulphur!

The extremely cold and fiery breath intertwined, instantly destroying most of the fragments of the body captured by the gravitational cage… Destroy along with the casting unit.

“It’s not worth a few dollars, but don’t waste it……… Never mind. ”

Seeing this scene, the corners of Leen’s mouth twitched slightly, and then his look changed slightly, and on the copy map, all the body fragments disappeared at the same time.

Not without tragedy has died…

Instead, he re-relied on a fragment of his body to condense into a human form!

Under the successive blows, Wu Xian realized that he could not escape these strange means at all.

Only fight to the death, there is still a little bit of life!

“He, he’s here with me!!”

In the back row of the Silver Knight, a fragment suddenly multiplied into a miserable flesh, frightening a priest player to turn pale and rush to call for help.

At the same time, an eggshell-like positive energy boundary is opened to prevent itself from being harmed.

Being able to achieve this level in the panic is enough to show that the members of the 623 regiment of the Silver Knight are well trained… But no matter how much it is weakened, it still has the destructive power of the “domination” level!

At the moment of transforming into a human form, the innocent whiplash blade directly pierced the cleavage of the priest player, and then quickly burst forward, directly pulling out the player’s heart……… Crush!

The next moment, he once again dragged his tattered body and attacked the livid-faced Deit like a demon god!


Aramaic’s heart went directly to the eyes of the voice, and the Silver Knight Clan had suffered heavy losses this time. If even Deit died at the hands of no misery……… Just when the tragedy was about to repeat itself, a white arm suddenly stretched out from the shadows behind Wu Misery. Immediately afterward, everyone’s eyes seemed to suddenly be left with only black and white,—— Shadow Breath—One Shape—Shadow Kill!

– Six Pure Roots – Execution!

The black and white picture lasted only a moment, and the colorful colors once again filled everyone’s field of vision.

At the same time, there is a series of crazy pop-up prompts!

【The dominant field “Infinite City” has been lifted】

[Your attributes are no longer suppressed]

[Quest Notice: “Oni Mai Tsuji no Misery” has been killed! 】

[Quest Notice: “Oni Mai Tsuji no Misery” is the first to kill, and the loot drop is increased by 1 level!] 】

[Quest Notice: The Hidden Achievement “The End of Reincarnation” has been completed!] 】

[Copy notice: The copy will be forced to close after 24 hours]

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