Chapter 208 Fallen Ji Twin Ghost Moon!!

Fallen Ji is a winding ghost moon, and she is also seriously injured. Nature is not a character that can be seen casually.

I want her to take the initiative to throw herself into the door.

There is only one way.

That is to seduce her with “food”.

At noon the next day, the maid from the “Kyogokuya” of the flower building sent Fern Hime… Or a reply from the Fallen Hime.

“She said yes!”

Li Xia happily took the opened letter to Li En.

The soft body naturally snuggled up to him.

For Li Xia, who has followed the boss lady since she was a child to learn how to serve men, this small action can be said to be handy.

However, it can be seen from her somewhat unnatural look and eyes.

Lane was the first man she used these “tricks”.

“The time was late at night… Well, I didn’t expect her to meet during the day. ”

Lane took the letter and quickly swept it over.

“Li Xia, where is the West Wind Pavilion?”

At the end of the letter, Fallen Ji and Li Xia have agreed to a meeting place.

It is a place called “Zeikaze Pavilion”.

“It’s a high-end restaurant at the end of Flower Street.”

Li Xia, who has lived in Flower Street since childhood, quickly gave the answer.

“It’s relatively quiet because it’s remote.”

“Some rich men who come to visit the flower street, powerful people like to eat at the West Wind Pavilion.”

“But it seems to be only open during the day.”

Hearing this, Lane nodded.

“Inaccessible…… That’s pretty good too. ”

“We’ll see you at night.”

The gathering of Kyogokuya’s flower queen “Fern Hime” and the then Hanaya’s “Koi Xia” is a beautiful conversation that can sensationalize the entire flower street.

However, both sides have their own small calculations.

So there was no silence.

Naturally, there is no need to say much on the side of the carp summer.

Lane wants to lure the snake out of the hole and take down the winding land.

Certainly not out of the ordinary.

Fallen Ji wanted to directly fill his injuries with Li Xia’s flesh and blood.

It is even more unlikely to reveal the identity of the “ghost”. Late at night, Zephyr Pavilion, top floor.

Two beautiful women drink and talk to each other in the bustling street scene.

“I heard that Sister Li Xia will retire in the near future.”

The fallen Ji who appeared as Hua Kui “Fern Ji” may be better in appearance and figure. It’s just that on the pink face, there is a hidden and extremely deep anger. This is the killing meaning that belongs to the “ghost”.

In the face of this “food” of human beings, she does not need respect.

Everything you do is just for a better diet.

“Yes, there is a kind young master who paid off his debts for me.”

“He promised me that I wouldn’t have to show my face in the flower building again.”

“Therefore, I decided to serve him alone in the future.”

Li Xia poured a cup of hot tea for Fallen Ji and said in a soft tone.

“It’s just a pity that Sister Fern Ji’s kindness let you worry about me in vain.”

“Since Sister Li Xia already has a heart to belong to, as a sister, I naturally want to congratulate you.”

Ji Ji laughed softly, and a look of relief appeared on her face.

It was as if he was really happy for Koi-sha.

But her heart was constantly sneering.

Want to go?

Think beautiful! As long as it is the flower of Flower Street.

There is only one end to retirement.

That is to become your own “cuisine”. Only by eating a beauty like Li Xia, your beauty will be higher, and your strength will become more powerful! More attention by the misery of adults!

“Sister Fernia, I have a question.”

Li Xia gently placed the teapot on the table and asked seemingly casually.

“I heard that a few sisters retired before.”

“It’s your way out.”

“Are they all okay now?”

In addition to Hua Kui, ordinary wandering girls will also have a time to retire.

Only, in comparison.

Not many people pay attention to their affairs.

Fallen-Ji smiled lightly and replied with a lot of charm.

“They’re all doing well, is Sister Li Xia going to meet them?”

Of course, I met them in my stomach.

“No more.”

Li Xia looked moved, she had just received a certain signal.

“Today I just came to say goodbye to Sister Fallen.”

Wait a minute………

Hearing Li Xia’s reply, Fallen Ji was stunned.

She said……… Sister Fallen?!

Fallen! How did she know one-by-one

At the moment when the Fallen Ji reacted.

A petite figure jumped from the eaves of the roof and instantly burst into the attic where the two were eating!

The huge impact directly smashed the fallen Ji on the wall! Boom—!!!

In the hollow wall hole, night and night withdrew, and behind her were countless ribbons of teeth and claws!

“Carp Xia… How dare you deceive me! ”

“I’m going to eat you alive!”

The figure of Fallen Ji appeared with the gushing of silk ribbons, and her expression was extremely vicious, full of anger and violence. It seems to be the opposite of the graceful and luxurious appearance of Hua Kui just now. Her hair was no longer black, but pale with a light green at the end, and pink tattoos appeared on the left side of her face and forehead, which combined with her still gorgeous appearance, there was a wild beauty.

The ornate costumes on her body gradually broke into a strip, and the ribbon around her was not only tough, but also quite sharp! Like a blade that can be extended indefinitely, it is headed towards the Carp Xia crazy bag clip!

“I said… Don’t ignore me! ”

Seeing that Fallen Ji did not take care of herself, she directly attacked Li Xia, who was an ordinary person… A hint of anger couldn’t help but appear on the pretty face of the night.

She did not choose to defend Li Xia from the attack of the silk belt.

The figure suddenly accelerated, and directly attacked the body of the fallen Ji!

“So fast, she just sneaked up on me!”

Fallen Ji’s face changed, and the silk ribbons that spread out were withdrawn one after another, condensing into an umbrella-shaped shield in front of him, trying to resist the attack of the night and night.

However, at the moment before the fist of the night and the shield of the silk belt came into contact, several skill light effects suddenly flashed on the former’s body!

– Machines can burn!

One by one, the machine is charged! – Mechanical reinforcement!

Night and night, who possess the talent of “divine ingenuity”, have both the identities of “human” and “mechanical creation”. She can enjoy the bonus of bloodline ability.

The effect gain of the amplification mechanism can also be amplified.

Although she did not have the bloodline power yet.

But Lane can still bless her with various buff states!

“Such a strong force!”

“Even the pillar-level swordsmen who have been killed before can’t cause such a sense of oppression!”

Fallen Ji’s face suddenly changed, because Night’s fist seemed to have no obstacles, directly breaking the shield of silk belts that she had tried her best to condense!

The next moment, this girl with strange powers struck her again!

“Cut, it looks like you have to use all your might.”

Realizing this, Fallen Ji jumped directly out the window!

In the night, a large number of silk ribbons continued to pour into her body along the tunnel. Like a spider in the center of a cobweb, she kept retracting these ribbons.

In order to maintain the human posture, Fallen Ji needs to release a large number of ribbon doppelgangers, and the strength of Fallen Ji will also decrease, and when the Fold Silk Belt returns to the Fallen Ji body, she will restore her true strength and also be able to get the information that the Fen Ji has!

“Huh? What’s going on……… Someone is blocking my doppelganger! ”

Suddenly, Fallen Ji’s face changed, and her strength increased with the return of her doppelganger, but the increase was extremely limited………

Not even 50% of the original strength!

“I’m sorry, this young lady, to discuss something with you.”

Suddenly, a gentle male voice came from the air.

Lane looked down on the winding land.

“Let’s not waste time.”

“How about shouting out your brother and making a quick decision?”

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