Chapter 203 Flower Street Thinking Conjugate!!

“Hundred Ghosts Nocturnal?!”

Lane browsed the announcement in surprise.

However, compared to special campaign activities………

He was even more surprised that the Ghost Squad headquarters was destroyed.

It’s been less than two days.

The Ghost Squad stronghold has fallen by more than 50%!

“It seems that the reincarnation players of the ghost camp are very cool to brush resources…”

Without thinking about it, Lane knew that these days ghost players were almost like a carnival.

The existence of the Ghost Slayer Headquarters is not just a “headquarters”. The communication between the ghost slayer teams is through psychic creatures called “crows”, and the headquarters of the ghost slayer team is the intelligence center, which constantly transmits information to the soldiers and pillars everywhere through the crows. After the Ghost Squad headquarters was taken down without misery.

This intelligence network was instantly paralyzed, and the most intuitive consequence was…

After the Ghost Squad strongholds were attacked, there were no reinforcements coming to help.

As a result, all the scattered Ghost Slayer strongholds have become the “points package” for the players of the Ghost Clan. In the face of a sharp drop in difficulty, the reward target is almost given in vain. If you are slow, you may not even be able to drink the soup!

“This [Hundred Ghosts Night Walk] event also did not mention the content.”

“But from the trigger conditions… It should be that both camps have a copy of the event notice, only the event name and time. ”

The rest can only be known when night falls.

“After resting for so long, it’s time to go out and get active.”

Lane stretched out and did not intend to wait until the time when the event began in the knife smith village.

Almost a month has passed since the quest opened.

From the very beginning, “Nada Spider Mountain”, kill the next chord.

Then to the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Team, a hand of “blood stripping” won the favor of all the pillars.

With the help of the intelligence network of the Ghost Slayer Team, collect the intelligence of the “Ten Thousand Worlds Bliss Sect”, and join hands with the “Worm Pillar” Butterfly Ninja to kill the “Winding Two” Tong Mo, as well as the “Infinity Train” plot that just cooperated with the “Silver Knight” battle group to clear the level some time ago.

In the Ghost Blade copy, Lane also benefited a lot.

Although he originally came with the mentality of brushing resources.

But in fact, whether it happened to trigger the “madness of the Royal Sword Angel”, the technology named “Taboo” was harvested – the paint bucket of the Creator. Or through the “Pioneer’s Quest” deduced from the “blood stripping”. All of them have allowed Lane’s knowledge system to expand a lot.

Especially after completing the [Reversal of Fate] hidden achievement, his class level is also instantly full!

Saves a lot of time brushing professional experience.

After completing the level, Lane gains 3 new class skills.

Unlocked at level 10, 15 and 20, respectively.

【Thinking conjugate】

(Promoted by “Magic Guide Analysis” (Lv10)) + Level: C

+ Effect: “Thinking Conjugate” of a mastered skill, with a chance to replace it with a similar skill on the tech side or the mystery side

+ Correction: Up to the B level skill, the basic success rate is (target skill level – 10%), after failure the skill level will drop to Lv1, cooldown for 24 hours

+ Description: “The essence of all forces is no different, so is knowledge”………

【Homomorphic Reconstruction】

(Promoted from “Magic Modified (Lv10)”) + Level: C

+ Effects: Homomorphize the target item and have a chance to replace it with a similar effect item on the tech side or the mystery side

+ Correction: Up to the B level prop is effective, the basic success rate is (number of failures – 10%), after failure the item will be destroyed, cooled down for 24 hours

+ Description: “Put matter and structure into a black box, we only need the result”…

These two skills actually have similar effects, one corresponding to the skill and one corresponding to the prop.

They are all the same types of things that transform the target thing into the other side.

For example, the knowledge of space magic is transformed into the space technology knowledge of the technology side, and the magic amplification device of the magic staff is transformed into the technology side.

In short, it is the ability to break the wall between the “prop” and the “knowledge”, the mysterious side and the technology side.

In terms of practicality, the value of research is much higher than the value of actual combat.

But the ultimate class skill unlocked by Lv20 is a true combat skill!…

[Entropy change (Lv10)] + Level: C

+ Effect: Consumes up to 50% of the mechanic power, triggering “disorderly disintegration” or “ordered reforging” in the specified area

+ Correction (1): For every 100 machine points burned, the 10-meter area radius, 1 hour cooldown, 10 seconds duration are added

+ Correction (2): When in the “disorderly disintegration” area, all regeneration, resurrection, and recovery effects are prohibited, and the global speed is reduced by 50%, and 300 per second is endured. Intellectual attribute damage

+ Correction (3): When in the “Ordered Recast” area, the regeneration efficiency is increased by 500%, and when there is damage in the area, it will be automatically recast, restoring 300% will attribute health/durability/energy shield per second

+ Correction (4):( unknown, lack of relevant attributes or knowledge) + Remarks: “Entropy decrease and entropy increase, ordered and disordered”

After reading the effect of “entropy change” several times… Li En thought with some excitement.

“I finally have a big move-level skill.”

There is no doubt that as the ultimate skill unlocked after being promoted to Lv20 as a “Magic Herald”.

[Entropy change] did not live up to Lane’s expectations of it.

This skill already has the shadow of the [Quality Explosion] skill attached to the A-level technology side weapon [Third Eye].

However, [mass explosion] is a simple destruction, annihilating everything. And the entropy change can trigger two different regional effects… Orderly recasting to dramatically improve regeneration and repair capabilities!

Disintegrate in disorder and turn designated areas into a forbidden hell of constant collapse! If there is any drawback, it is that “Entropy Change” is a similar environmental skill, its effect is not divided into enemies and enemies, and it can be effective against any unit!

For example, Lane himself will also suffer from the continuous damage and healing effect of “disorderly disintegration”.

Enemies can also enjoy the recovery effect of “Orderly Recast”.

“The timing and location of the cast is important.”

“However, there will always be a suitable opportunity, depending on whether it can be discovered.”

Dawn turned off the skill panel satisfactorily and looked out the window at the street.

Despite the fact that it is already night, in this ghost-infested world.

The street where he is located, but it is still brightly lit, and people come and go to the flower street, that is, the red light street that looks for flowers and willows and finds fun.

Whether it is a dignitary or a commoner in cloth, you can find a moment of joy here.

“Eh… Li Enming obviously has a family, and he still comes to this kind of place. ”

Although Ye Ye said this on his lips, a pair of beautiful eyes also slipped around, curiously looking at the wandering girls with flowers and branches.

“I’m not here to play.”

Lane replied casually, quietly waiting for the right time to come.

The flower street after late at night is still bustling and bustling. But in the shadows that the lights can’t cover.

Gradually spread out a cold killing machine.

[Quest Notice: The special campaign event “Hundred Ghosts Night Walk” has officially begun! ] At the moment when the copy announcement appears.

On the dungeon map in front of Li En’s eyes, there were suddenly more dense red dots!

(The previous chapter was banned because of the two words…… Fan)

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