Chapter 201 Awakening Divine Cleverness!!

In the direction of all the winding ghost moons that Lane observed.

Only Fallen Ji is alone… A ghost.

Because she is different from the jade pot of the winding and the half-day dog of the winding.

She has her own identity in human society.

And the popularity is also very high—

One of the “flower queens” of Yoshiwara Flower Street, Fern-hime.

According to Lane’s deduction, after she was hit hard.

She must return to Flower Street, because that is her sphere of influence among humans.

It is easiest to obtain fresh human flesh and blood to help her recover from her injuries.

In the bustling flower street, even if there are few drunken guests, no one should notice.

However, Lane did not move immediately.

Because just when he made the decision to hunt and kill.

In his space ring, a throbbing suddenly sounded.

As……… Something wants to break out of the shell.

“It’s night and night…”

Lane was shocked.

Immediately release the “snow” and “flower” dolls.

“Lord Lane, the night she looks like… Very strange! ”

When Iluri saw Lane, she said in some panic.

“Miss Glass didn’t say what to do in this situation, please help 300 nights!”

“I’m not going to leave it alone.”

Lane comforted Iruri for a few words, and then looked at the night night that had fallen into a coma.

It is said that it is a coma, but in fact the night is awake at this time. But there is no usual lively appearance at all, just calmly open his eyes, like an inanimate machine.

Compared to “forbidden dolls”,

Her appearance at this time is more like a pure mechanical doll “Lucifer”. The color of the night’s hair did not know when, it had become a silver-white color, and there was a hazy sacredness more than Iruri’s hair. The skin glowed faintly, and even the eyes turned silvery. Despite being in an enclosed interior.

But the night and night seemed to be shrouded in the whole body

The same is true in the holy and pure moonlight.

“It’s not like you’re normal.”

As if feeling something, Li En stretched out his palm and stroked it to the cheek of the night.

The magic and vitality of the Night and Night “Divine Awakening” were all provided for her by Len, so at this moment, there was a wonderful “synaesthesia” between the two.

“That’s the way it is.”

Through [Surgical Deconstructor] and [Unrestrained Eye]

Lane read the “message” emanating from Night’s body.

The process of divine awakening……… In fact, it is not the puppet itself that is strengthening.

Instead, in the process of welcoming the advent of “divinity”, the vitality and magic brought by “replenishing demons” are built into containers suitable for “divinity”!

At the moment of becoming “divine ingenuity”, night and night will have both “divinity” and “humanity”. Only now her consciousness is covered by “divinity.” If you want to get back her “humanity”,

The “divinity” must be suppressed before consciousness dissolves! This cannot be achieved by night and night alone.

For she has become a vessel for the coming of the “divine.”

If you want to suppress the “divinity”, you must have an external force intervene – Dawn poured a bottle of [Intermediate Mental Protection Potion]

This is the “reimbursement compensation” he received from Arama. Instead of asking for points, he asked for all the unused Mind Protection Potions from the Silver Knight Regiment. Anyway, after killing Nightmare, this dungeon world has no enemies who are proficient in magic or spiritual attacks. To this end, Lane also posted thousands of points.

After all, these agents are very low-ubiquitous.

But the cost is there, not cheap.

“Let’s get started.”

Lane took a deep breath and lowered his head solemnly.

Gently tap on the doll girl’s lips.

The next moment, he directly used the “unrestrained eye” and entered the thinking of the night and night!

[Ongoing will confrontation…… The confrontation failed! 】

The spiritual shock of the “divinity” directly drowned out Dawn. But that doesn’t mean failure or end.

Because Lane has a specialty that can reverse fate!…

【Special Skill: Reversal of Fate – Power of Fortune (Lv10)】

+ Effects: When you fail in any judgment, confrontation, you can consume your own attributes to reset the result, and provide an additional base success rate, each reset will double the skill consumption

+ Correction: Consumes 10 (20) random attributes, providing an additional base success rate of 10 (20%)

+ Breakthrough – the power of strong luck; Attribute consumption doubles, and the success rate provided is doubled

Reversal of fate!

This is the specialty skill that Dawn acquired after completing the Reversal of Destiny hidden achievement.

The effects are amazing, and you can directly reset the results of all the anti-class effects! But the consumption is also very scary.

It does not consume mental energy or special energy.

Instead, it consumes attribute points directly!

It’s like the “burning luck” in the running group.

It’s just that Lane burns not the “luck” value, but his attribute value!

[Do you pay 20 random attributes to reset the results of the confrontation of “Divine”?] 】

【This reset will come with a 20% additional base success rate】


Lane gritted his teeth, he was not afraid of the loss of attribute values.

Because he has accumulated more than a thousand free attribute points.

But the process of consuming attributes is accompanied by indescribable pain!

[You reduced your strength by 5, physique, will by 5, and intelligence by 5]

The strength and physique were stripped away, and the body seemed to be cramping and peeling the skin, with a sharp pain like drilling the heart and cutting the bone! Mental pain had the least impact, as Lane had become accustomed to being tormented by a disorderly flow of information all the time.

[Ongoing will confrontation…… The confrontation failed! 】

“Reset again!”

[Do you pay 40 random attributes to reset the results of the “Divine” confrontation? 】

【This reset will come with a 20% additional base success rate】


Lane couldn’t help but let out a low roar.

Each time you reset, the cost of attribute points doubles.

If you fail again this time, you will need to pay 80 random attributes next time! But the incidental success rate has not changed.

He can only bet on this 20% basic success rate.

[You reduced 10 strength, 15 mysteries, 7 agility, 8 physique]

Lane’s attributes were reduced by a margin.

But in an instant, he added it back.

However, the feeling of weakness and the pain of being deprived of strength made him tremble all over his body.

[Ongoing will confrontation… The confrontation failed! 】


【……… The confrontation failed! 】


【……… Fight against success! 】


Suddenly, Lane, whose consciousness was already somewhat blurred, was embraced by a pair of arms.

“Len… Enough is enough. ”

There was a hint of crying in the voice of the night.

Crystal tears couldn’t stop dripping on Lane.

This time, her tears did not turn into magic crystals again.

Because she is no longer a doll.

Instead, it has the characteristics of “man” and “machine” at the same time………

Divine ingenuity…

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