Chapter 196 Chess Pieces Day Breath!!

“Done, succeeded?!”

Tanjiro was stunned by the sudden good news.

Then he reacted and ran to the room behind Lane.

A moment later, there was a lively movement of joy and tears inside.

Lane smiled and shook his head, brushing his sleeves away.

Anyway, he has already been rewarded, and it is not bad to leave the rest of the time to the protagonist brother and sister.

“Finally this troublesome hidden achievement is done!”

Back at the residence, Lane began to count the harvest he had just made. The first is the most visually impactful resource reward.

Exactly 1 million reincarnation points, 2 million professional experience! This directly doubled his points balance!

The second class has also been directly promoted to the full level! At the end of these tips, though, there was a message that made him care more.

[You have completed the hidden achievement “End of Reincarnation” condition three]

“The end of reincarnation… Sounds like a great hidden achievement. ”

Li En remembered that when Yan Zhu killed the “Winding Hammer”, he had also seen a similar prompt.

But I didn’t have time to look at it at that time, and it has been delayed until now.

In the copy catalogue, Lane finds the contents of this hidden achievement……….

[Hidden Achievements: The End of Reincarnation]

+ Condition (1): Ensures that all the current Nine Pillars of the Ghost Slayer Team survives + Condition (2): Kill at least two winding Ghost Moons

+ Condition (3): Complete the hidden achievement “Reverse Fate” 330 + Condition (4): Complete the personal mission “Human Glory” + Condition (5): Kill “Oni Mai Tsuji no Misery”

+ Bonus: Once all the conditions are gathered, the quest’s reincarnation will be terminated, generating a brand new “World Chess”

+ Notes: “When you choke the throat of destiny”

Browse the contents of the “End of Reincarnation” achievement. Lane fell into thought.

The difficulty of completing this achievement…

Even higher than the conquest mission of the Demon Bad quest quest world! And the rewards are also very peculiar.

“The reincarnation of the quest will be terminated, and a new world chess piece will be generated…”

“World Chess!”

Lane’s heart moved.

Other players may not know what this thing is.

But he knew!

After completing the mission of conquering the world of Demon Bad.

He got a corresponding “World Chess”!

It can be said that the chess of the world is equivalent to the “supreme authority” of controlling a certain reincarnation world!

Through World Chess, he can teleport directly to the corresponding quest world.

Even pause the flow of time in the world of Demon Bad!

And now, the end of reincarnation actually rewards a brand-new world chess.

The problem lies in the word “new.” ”

“I don’t know what the difference is with the world chess that is already bound to the dungeon world.”

Lane thought silently.

However, this hidden achievement has actually progressed more than 80% for him! Make sure that all the current Nine Pillars of the Ghost Slayer Team survive, at least in the original work, the Yan Pillar that should have died at the hands of the Nest Seat is still safe at this time.

The hidden achievement “reversal of fate” has just been completed. Kill two winding ghost moons, corresponding to Tong Mo and Yi Nest Seat. As for Zhu Shi’s personal task, as long as Li En brought back another copy of the “Ghost King Essence Blood”, it could be completed. All that’s left is… Kill “Oni Mai Tsuji no Misery”!

“The three-winded nest seat is already so difficult to deal with.”

“The ghost Mai Tsuji is not miserable, and the strength is estimated to be even more terrifying!”

Lane’s thinking was very calm.

It wasn’t a bit of a flutter because he was involved in killing two windings.

Killing Tong Mo is to take advantage of the opponent’s Blood Ghost Magic flaw.

Killing the nest seat is a group of reliable teammates.

And the strength of the “Ghost King” is far more than all the winding Ghost Moon! Like the Lynx Nest, he had exceeded the ghost’s regeneration limit, even if he used the Sun Wheel Knife to cut off his head, he could not directly die and prevent regeneration!

In the original plot, it was the Ghost Slayer who did whatever it took, after paying the lives of several pillar-level swordsmen, to drag Wu Misery to the time when the sun rose.

It was in the sunlight that he was completely destroyed.

In other words………

In addition to using the “sunlight” as an “environmental kill”, if you confront Oni Mai Tsuji in the dark………

Even if 9 “pillars” are put together, they may not be able to kill him! Just by simulating it in his mind, Lane could feel a strong sense of oppression from the “Ghost King”. If he is now a C-level strength, there may be many ways to deal with it.

But the D-grade words……… It is already a lot weaker in terms of attributes.

As a result, many instruments are ineffective.

“No, there are ways other than sunlight.”

Dawn suddenly remembered something in his mind.

“I almost forgot about this.”

“It seems that I have to go to Tanjiro again.”

“In the current relationship…… He probably wouldn’t have refused. ”

After helping You Douzi return to being human, Tanjiro’s liking for Dawn has reached 100 points, and he has been promoted to a “best friend” relationship.

So, when he offered to want one

When the Stove family passed down from generation to generation in the sacrificial dance “Kagura the God of Fire”, the unsuspecting Tanjiro agreed.

And overnight, he drew an atlas for Lane….

【Stove Gate Lineage Kagura Ritual Dance Manual】+ Level: C+

+ Demand: Orderly and kind camp

+ Effect: Enables you to learn the “Breath of the Day Lv1”, and if you have enough understanding, you can create your own derivative breathing method

+ Note: “Only a very trusted partner of Tanjiro will receive this manual”

“There is no property demand…… That’s true, too. ”

“After all, even Tanjiro’s father can learn it.”

Lane flipped through the manual, and a prompt for “whether to study” popped up in front of him. He simply nodded his refusal.

The breath of the sun is the genius swordsman who developed the breathing method “Jikokuri-ichi”, and the breathing method used is called “Ancestor Breathing”.

Because all the breathing methods circulating in this world are derived from the “breath of the sun”!

The breath of the sun first derived “rock”, “thunder”, “water”, “wind”, “inflammation”

These 5 basic breathing methods.

Subsequently, more unique breathing genres exclusive to the Ghost Slayer Swordsman were derived from these 5 breathing methods!

But there is no doubt that the breath of the sun is extremely powerful!

Its sword skills can carry special energy similar to sunlight when attacking.

You don’t need the Sun Wheel Knife to stop the ghost from regenerating!

This breathing method, Lane intends to give to the nameless to use.

Among the combat power he possesses, Butterfly Ninja already has his own exclusive breathing method “Worm Breath”, Night and Night are not good at using weapons, and have already had “Destruction Kill”. Not to mention, Iluri was a pure mage-type unit. Only the nameless who is still in the process of cultivation is the most suitable for the “breath of the day”!

“It seems that we are going to take time to go to the forging knife village.”

Although the Forge Knife Village is the secret location of the Ghost Slayer Team.

But with Lane’s current prestige and status, neither the Iyashiki clan nor the pillars of the Ghost Slayer would refuse his request.

“I remember the special metal produced by the forging knife village to forge the Japanese wheel knife.”

“By the way, there’s a special organ doll there!”

Lane remembered the plot related to the Forge Knife Village in his mind.

“It seems to be called…”

“[Edge One Zero Style]!”

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