Chapter 191 Destroy the Enemy Battalion’s Aid!!

The magic scroll that Aram tore apart was a D+ level consumable.

Although the grade is not high, the effect is similar to the “constant temperature furnace” that Dawn had previously created with the casting unit.

By changing the environment, you can weaken the combat effectiveness of strong enemies!

Not only that, but the abundant “positive energy” can provide an additional 20% stamina, mental strength, and health recovery effect for all order, good camp units in the area!

“Good idea.”

Lane sincerely praised. Through this temporary group, he also saw the difference between lone wolf players and player teams.

The former certainly has a higher degree of freedom.

But a warband organization like the Silver Knight has a huge advantage that lone wolf players can’t match! Bringing together the strength and resources of the entire team, coupled with the IQ of Aram Online, an extraordinary visionary leader.

The strength that can be exerted can be completely done to challenge the boss-level enemies beyond the level.

“Mr. Purgatory, here we are.”

Lane said to Yan Zhu.

“Well, you must be careful, the strength of the winding ghost moon is extremely strong!”

Yan Zhu did not refuse, he knew that Li En had teamed up with Butterfly Ninja to kill the Winding Blade.

In terms of strength, you should not lose to yourself.

The reincarnation player quickly took over the battlefield.

“Oh? A bunch of weak people……… Scold. ”

As a “fighting ghost”,

He had the ability to perceive the fighting qi, and he smelled a thousand strange power breaths from these people, but without exception, they were much weaker than him.

For the weak…… He never had a good look.

“Small animals flock to the idea that they can hunt lone beasts.”

“It’s really touching… Amusing! ”

At the moment when the last two words were spoken, the figure of the Lynx Nest disappeared from the spot!

“Get ready for battle!”

Arama’s face changed, and in a hurry, he only had time to issue a brief command.

The next second, he was directly knocked back several meters by the person with the shield!

“He was able to take a blow from me, and it seemed to be a relatively strong ant.”

The Nest looked at the heavily armed Aram with interest, and there was a (sacred) power in the other side that made him very unhappy.

That’s why he was the first to take a shot at him.

But then, he frowned, because at the same time as he attacked, the skills of other players also came like a rainstorm! According to the battle plan that is well formulated, most of the first wave of attacks are negative effect skills.

In an instant, a long list of negative states hung on the body!

Although because of the strength gap, the effect of each skill is greatly reduced.

But the accumulation of so many negative states is also enough to cause a certain impact!

“Oh, annoying bugs.”

This kind of painless attack greatly displeased the Lynx, and what he longed for was a fierce battle, not a siege like this……… And it was attacked by a group of weak people!

“The weak are not qualified to survive!”

The next moment, he directly used the Blood Ghost Technique! – Blood Ghost Magic – Destroy and Kill!


Snowflakes reappear at the soles of the feet of the Nest Seat! This means that he has moved his heart to kill!

“Go and die, shit!”

At a very high speed, the Nest slammed into the place where several players gathered, and the powerful fist wind swept the earth like a disorderly storm!


“Protect against the Evil Boundary!”

A member of the chaplaincy class held aloft the sacred emblem and released a brilliant holy light, forming an eggshell-like protective shield in place.

Immediately afterward, his face suddenly changed and he hurriedly reported.

“Colonel, I can only hold out for 5 seconds!”

“Full Output!”

Aram took the opportunity to crack a “Break Evil Slash”, which is a faction confrontation skill, which can take effect as long as there is a faction opposition. So there is no need for attribute determination.

“It’s finally my time.”

Li En’s fingers moved slightly, as if pulling a silk thread, and manipulated a floating cannon to fire one after another.

5 seconds is enough time for him to trigger the Magnetic Storm Crown 5 times!

Because of the removal of the “Night Grip”, the bonus of the upper limit of 300 spiritual power was lost.

So his current maximum mechanical strength is 20200 points.

A single bonus damage is 1818 electromagnetic damage!

Also count the extra 50 for “Breaking Evil – Group Judgment”. Divine damage plus base damage from floating cannons and bullets.

5 seconds of time directly caused nearly 14,000 mixed damage! As the “Winding Thorn”, after a fierce battle with the Yan Pillar, it only has about 60% of its health.

This instantaneously sliced a section of blood visible to the naked eye!

“Damn! How can the attacks of these weak people be so painful?! ”

When he was attacked by a group of people, the nest seat itself was nested with a belly fire, who knew that these painless skills were mixed with a series of extremely dangerous attacks!

Caught off guard, he directly carried all the damage down! In an instant, his figure directly accelerated with full force, and rushed straight in the direction of the attack………

“That’s him!”

Locks on to Lane and slams his fist into the air between the two! ———————————

This move had once been blocked by Yan Zhu with the sword technique of “Yan Zhi Breath”, but at this time, Yan Zhu had already retreated from the battlefield, even if he saw this scene, it would be too late to rush to help!

“Boom boom!!”

A series of fist prints appeared on the alloy shield of the Lion Man Samurai, Glenn snorted, and continued to raise the shield with some difficulty, and the next moment, several silver-white flashes appeared on his body.

“Thank you.”

Lane blessed him with “mechanical reinforcement” and “simple maintenance”, and then continued to operate the floating cannon without leaving any gap, cutting the life of the nest seat at a steady frequency. Even if the speed of the third winding is fast, in the face of the uninterrupted salvo of 10 floating guns, there is always a time to be shot! Although bullet damage to

As far as the “Fighting Ghost” who cultivated his body to the extreme was concerned, it was negligible.

But the additional electromagnetic damage can directly explode his flesh and blood into a hole! While he was attracted to Lane’s hatred, the attacks of other reincarnated players fell on him one after another.

“Troublesome bugs… Give me a break! ”

Naturally, it was impossible for the nest seat to stand still, nor could it swallow this breath and flee directly.

He slammed his fist out and bombarded the ground beneath his feet from top to bottom! The strong impact forced the ground to shatter like a leaf pattern, and the earth and stone burst out, and the entire battlefield fell into chaos.

“Save One—”

In the blink of an eye, a sudden cry for help was heard from the sand!

“Hmm, look for death.”

The dust and fog dissipated.

Grabbing the corpse of a player with only a half-amputated body left, the Nest slowly appeared in everyone’s sight.

“Leo… Damn it! ”

The players of the [Silver Knight] Battle Group were livid, and in the moment of chaos just now, in less than a few seconds of blank space, they received a death prompt from a comrade.

“I changed my mind……”

The next string wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and revealed a cruel smile.

“I’m going to kill you one by one.”

“Let you know… Even if the weak huddle together for warmth. ”

“It’s just a ragtag bunch!”

Aram frowned, the situation in front of him was beyond his imagination.

Although he already has a good estimate of the difficulty of the winding strategy.

But the intractability of the nest seat has exceeded the team’s ultimate carrying capacity.

The death of a member of the regiment is just the beginning………

The most feared thing is that he uses his own blood advantage to break through one by one and constantly encroach on his team!

This situation… To be honest, it has reached the point where a tactical retreat needs to be considered.

“Colonel, there is another situation!”

Dett’s voice startled Faya.

An ominous sense of foreboding came to his mind.

“A player of a hostile camp?!”

Of all his plans, being attacked on both sides by the three of the lower strings and the players of the opposing faction is the worst situation!

“That’s right, the number is about 5… Wait a minute! ”

Deit was stunned.

“Their target is not us.”

“Rather…… Winding up?! ”

(There is something today, the update is finished, there will be a chapter later)

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