Chapter 181 Silver Knight Human Warrior Regiment!!

Although with the word “infinite”.

But the “infinite train” is just a steam train with only 8 cars. Except for the name is louder.

On a technical level, it is no different from other trains of this era.

Until recently, a series of people mysteriously died on the train.

And in a short period of time, more than 40 passengers disappeared without cause.

Behind a series of mysteries, there are hidden traces of “ghosts”…….

“That’s the background information about [Infinity Train].”

In the open space near the train platform, about two dozen people in strange costumes were gathering to discuss what was going on.

A male reincarnated player in silver armor raised his voice.

“Our [Silver Knight] clan is well prepared and willing to be the vanguard of this boss war.”

“Other players if they are willing to obey our battle orders.”

“Our warband will also distribute more materials and supplies without discrimination.”


In the corner, a golden retriever with a very conspicuous physique and appearance inquired about Li En next to him after hearing the words.

“The Silver Knights, are they very famous human player forces?”

“Don’t ask me, I don’t care about that.”

Lane shrugged, except for his contact with the official players of the 960 species of Dunfa.

None of the other player factions had much contact.

“Speaking of which, Anzenas, isn’t she here to join in the fun?”

Lane asked curiously.

After arriving at the plot location of “Infinity Train”, he found that Glenn was only one player.

“She said she would continue to hone her sword skills and have no time to be distracted.”

Glenn said as he oiled the Alloy Sword.

“Elves are all virtues, they have a long lifespan, and it’s easy to focus on something for too long.”

“Well… Don’t put on the oil, let me come. ”

Lane casually rubbed another 10% of the drawing cracking progress.

The cracking progress of these two drawings of “alloy skeletal frame” and “heavy robotic arm” has reached 40%, and if you help Greyne repair a few times, you can get two drawings for free, which can be said to be a no-cost transaction.

Anyway, Lane didn’t have to pay anything but mechanical.

“Whew… Comfortable! ”

The lion man sighed freely,

“Having a mechanic as a teammate is really the dream of every mechanic.”

“Unfortunately, you and I are not able to form a team because of our different races.”

“Otherwise I’ll invite you to form a team of players, even if you’re the captain.”

Lane smiled and didn’t answer, he shifted his gaze to the members of the Silver Knights.

“In a few hours, the infinite train will start up.”

“We’re going to the Silver Knight’s side too.”


Glenn was surprised.

“I don’t think you’re the type who listens to other people.”

“If you can use less brains and save some effort, and you can also take their supplies for free, why not enjoy it?”

Lane said half-truthfully.

In fact, he listened to the voices of these reincarnated players the whole time.

This warband called the Silver Knights… There really isn’t a bad idea. Although there is also the idea of recruiting scattered lone wolf players as coolies. But there is no obvious harm.

This level of utilization is still acceptable to Lane.

After all, the other side has also paid for resources and intelligence.

“Let’s go and listen to the information they provide.”

Lane leaned over and Gryan followed.

Because the number of other players is relatively large.

So Lane didn’t take Nightshade and Iluri with her, but hid it in the Ring of Space in case of emergency.

The beauty of the autodoll is that it is very flexible.

No one could have imagined that Lane carried with him two C-level extra combat powers.

“Wait, brother.”

A member of the Silver Knights, with the regiment’s insignia on his chest, walked over and looked at Greyne, who was clearly not a human player, with some hesitation.

Then look at Lane.

“He is…?”

“The Lion Race player, with our comrade-in-arms Lane patted Gryan on the back.”

Although because of the height problem, I can only photograph the waist part.

“Oh, that’s all right.”

The Silver Knight human player breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at Glenn with curious glances from time to time.

After all, he has been following the action of the warband, and there is rarely a chance to meet foreign players.

It took a few seconds for him to react.

“Cough, do you two want to follow our band in the next boss battle?”

“That’s right.”

Lane nodded, then said to Greyne, who was not very good at communication.

“So is he.”

“It just so happens that the regimental commander is talking about the information related to the copy, and you can register with me and listen to it.”

The white youth with freckles on his face took out a handheld terminal.

“Just describe the type of occupation and special energy.”

“When we distribute supplies, we distribute them according to the registered information.”

Ryan and Greyne glanced at each other, and it seemed that this was not the first time the group had done such a thing.

The processes are quite professional.

Should be a good partner.

“I’ll come first.”

Lane glanced at the palm terminal in the other’s hand.

He was more curious about the identity and occupation of the other party.

“Leon, mechanic, special energy is mechanic power.”

“Greyne, a mechanical warrior, the special energy is mechanics and fighting spirit.”

Hearing the occupation of the two, the white youth whispered.

“Huh? You two are also players of the Mechanics? ”

“It’s a rarity in this kind of non-tech side quest exclusive to melee players. No wonder he was surprised. ”

After all, the Devil’s Blade quest is more popular.

But with the mechanic, high-tech and other words have nothing to do with it. General tech side players, except for random matches. There is no such thing as going out of his way to find guilt in this quest world.

Only large troops who follow the regiment will bring one or two scientific and technological side members like white youth as logistics.

“So… Are you too? ”

Lane smiled and said that in fact, he had already known the answer through the [Deconstructor].

It’s just that there are some things that can only be thoroughly understood by asking.

“Well, but I should be different from your faction.”

The white youth scratched his head somewhat shyly.

“You should be mechanics who specialize in ‘real machines.’ ”

“I… He is a hacker-type mechanic who specializes in “virtual”. ”

(As mentioned in the previous chapter, the followers obtained through personal tasks are “unique”, so I will not repeat it, for example, I do not write 10 times the return now, there is a suspicion of water word count)

(New month, change the title style (:3″ >)

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