Chapter 179 The House of the Pearl World! In-depth communication!!

The reason why I didn’t go to other players to grab the bounty goal.

Instead, we come to a big city where there are no ghosts.

Lane is looking for a special character named “Zhu Shi”. Although he is a ghost, Zhu Shi is not a man-eating evil ghost.

As a physician, Jushi is proficient in medicine and is dedicated to researching ways to turn ghosts back into humans.

By transforming her body, she has been able to replace the thirst for human flesh and blood in her bloodline by drinking a small amount of human blood.

【You have discovered the hidden residence of “Pearl World”! 】 The moment the prompt popped up, the wall in front of Lane’s eyes dissipated into an oil-like pattern. The smell of blood in the air is sweeter and stronger.

It seems to make people’s brains flutter lightly. – Blood Ghost Magic – The Fragrance of Visual Dreams!

[Ongoing will confrontation… Fight against success! 】

[You are exempt from the fixation effect of “Blood Ghost Magic – Visual Dream Fragrance”! 】 】

【A secret confrontation is underway… Confrontation Success:]

[You read the thinking of “Zhu Shi”! 】

For an instant, filled with panic and nervous thoughts, flowed into Lane’s mind, he reached out to stop the night and night in a fighting posture, and then spoke in a certain direction.

“Miss Jewel, I have no ill will.”

“I was commissioned by Tanjiro to bring you the blood samples you need.”

This sentence is correct, Lane actually asked Tanjiro to write a letter to prove his identity.

With his life-saving grace to Tanjiro, this kind of thing is not difficult.

As for the “ghost blood sample” just mentioned. And that’s true.

After discovering that You Beans can avoid the ghost’s cannibalistic impulses through sleep

Zhu Shi thought that there might be some unnoticed mutation in the bean’s body and decided to extract part of your bean’s blood for research

At the same time, ask Tanjiro to collect the powerful “ghost blood” with the power given by the “Ghost King”.

In other words, a side quest to “collect the blood of the Twelve Ghost Moons” was released.

Li En not only had the “Blood of the Ghost King” obtained from the lower string Ghost Moon. There is also the “Ghost King Essence Blood” from the booty box of Tong Mo.

Enough to meet the needs of the pearl world.

A moment later.

The Blood Ghost Spell Pattern in front of Lane’s eyes gradually disappeared.

A light footstep came from the hidden space behind the wall.

“You are what Tanjiro said… Your Excellency? ”

A beautiful woman appeared in Lane’s sight.

A long black hair, parted from the middle, combed into a large and low bun to highlight the graceful and dignified gorgeous temperament.

The eyes are gentle, like a lilac mist, which contrasts with the dark purple kimono worn on the body.

The temperament of the pearl is similar to that of Iluri, but in comparison, it has a more mature style.

After all, it was a human being who was transformed into a ghost hundreds of years ago, and her physical age was stuck at the age of 19 when she became a ghost.

But the heart has actually gone through hundreds of years.

“That’s right.”

Lane nodded in response to Zhu Shi’s inquiry,

“And just a few days ago, I teamed up with the worm pillar to kill the child mill of the winding two.”

“I’m sure you must be interested in his blood.”

It was said that on Zhu Shi’s exquisite face, which was not alarmed, there was finally a hint of shock and surprise.

“You killed a winding ghost moon?!”

“And it’s the second winding?!”

The Ghost Squad has not done anything in the hundreds of years since it was founded.

The young man in front of him actually said that he had killed a winding… It is even the second most powerful winding second only to the first of the winding!

After reading the inner Li En of the Pearl World, he lightly took out a glass bottle containing scarlet blood.

The blood in the glass bottle was extremely strange, as if the temperature was extremely high, constantly boiling and tumbling.

The moment he saw this bottle of blood, Zhu Shi covered his chest in pain, and at the same time suppressed the urge to reach out and take the bottle of blood and drink it.

“This is the [Ghost King’s Essence Blood] extracted from the body of the Upper Winding King.”

Miss Zhu Shi, who is also a “ghost”, should be able to distinguish between true and false. ”

“……… I see, you take it back first. ”

Zhu Shiliu’s eyebrows frowned slightly, after seeing that Lane had retracted the glass bottle containing the sperm blood.

Only finally did he show a relaxed expression.

“Come with me, this is not the place for conversation.”

As Lane and his party entered, the illusion wall that had been broken down was once again “healed” as before. This made Lane quite curious, and silently recorded the Blood Ghost Technique of the Pearl World in the sequence of the “Flashing Calculus”.

His Flashover Calculus has a limited number of queues. You can only burn up to 5 spells.

One of them was left to the practical “Shadow Avatar”.

The remaining 4 positions are recorded according to the skills cast by the enemy during the battle.

However, after Lane had fully transplanted the Shadow Avatar, into a spell. There is no need to use the “pseudo-magic” method to perform.

A burn field can be vacated.

“It’s called [Visual Dream Fragrance], it’s quite gorgeous.”

Lane looked at the mimetic form that had been burned into the calculus sequence.

After using this spell, a sweet blood fragrance will be generated, and the target of the smell will have visual hallucinations, such as the illusory wall that Lane saw before, the illusion can also be actively detonated, turning into a confused pattern, impacting the spirit of the affected unit, if it cannot be countered by will, it will be fixed in place, and the movement cannot be simply put, it is a large-scale control field type skill.

Although it does no damage, it can be done to instantly fix multiple enemies.

The premise is that one’s own volitional attribute is high enough to gain the advantage of confrontation.

“Miss Jewel, I heard that someone wants to invade here!”

While waiting for the tea in the pearl world, a youthful ghost rushed in, and the momentum was fierce. After seeing Lane and the two doll girls next to him.

It also made an offensive posture.

“Yushiro, don’t be rude to your guests.”

Zhu Shi came with a tray of hot tea.

Incidentally, the teenager’s attack was ready to be launched.


The teenager, known as Yushiro, looked at Lane and the others with a wary eye.

Mainly to look at Lane, as for the night and Iruri, after a glance, they no longer pay attention.

It was as if the beauty of the two puppet girls was not worth mentioning to him at all.

“Yushiro, Your Excellency Lee’en is the strong man who killed Tong Mo and is also a friend of Tanjiro.”

Zhu Shi sat down and introduced himself separately.

“Your Excellency, this is my assistant, Yushiro.”

“He may be a little xenophobic, please don’t care.”


Li En looked at the unkind face of Yu Shilang, who had already learned what the other party was thinking at this time by reading his mind.

If I can…… He really didn’t want to hear the cargo’s inner feelings. It is nothing more than cursing yourself not to go near Miss Zhu Shi, if you dare to touch Zhu Shi, you will slash yourself with a thousand knives and other thoughts.

Lane wasn’t surprised.

In the original work, Yushiro has the same attitude towards Tanjiro, who is the protagonist.

In the terms of the rice circle, he is the fanatical single pusher of the pearl world, and he has almost evolved into the kind of poisonous one.

Originally Lane was going to ignore this guy’s self-talk.


[Damnable human, hurry up and roll with these two ugly girls around you!] 】

“Your Excellency Lane?”

Zhu Shi watched as his hand suddenly shook and spilled the tea on the table.

“Is the tea a little too hot?” I’m sorry, since I became a ghost, I have lost my human perception of temperature……”

“No, nothing.”

The smile on Lane’s face gradually thickened.

He thought for a moment and said suddenly.

“I heard you were working on ways to turn ghosts into humans, didn’t you?”

Hearing this, Zhu Shi nodded slightly.

“Well, although for hundreds of years, there have not been many useful results.”

“It just so happens that I’m a little involved in this as well.”

Lane coughed softly.

“If I can, I’d like to have an in-depth conversation with Miss Jewel.”

“I don’t know what Miss Zhu Shi wants?”

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