Chapter 155 Gene Sample! Taboo knowledge!!

Since the Ghost King Wu Misery was born hundreds of years ago.

This land has been suffering from evil spirits, and the people have no livelihood.

The Ghost Slayer was born as a result, and the Ghost Swordsman fought in blood to protect civilians from the hands of evil ghosts.

Therefore, knowing the location of the nearby Ghost Squad stronghold is the basic knowledge of surviving in this era.

Li En asked the village elder for a few rooms and told him not to approach the back at will. I focused on what was in front of me.

“Lord Lane, this is the one who is frozen… Ghost. Iruri uncovered a rag, revealing the body of a ghost frozen in ice. This is where several ghosts attacked Shiba Village.

Most lucky… It is also the most unfortunate ghost.

Luckily, he didn’t meet Lane or Night, nameless. There was no direct death at the hands of this group of foreign guests.

But that’s exactly where he’s most unfortunate.

“Well done, I thought there was no living mouth.” Lane nodded and praised Iluri.

This is the perfect assistant in his mind.

He then removed a series of surgical tools from the space ring. There are also all kinds of mechanical equipment that look chilling behind your back. The originally empty and simple log cabin is full.

“No sterile environment and disinfection… Forget it, the material won’t care about these details anyway. ”

Lenn took off the mechanical gloves and handed them to Iluri to put away. Then reach out and place it above the frozen ghost’s body. Surgical – Hot air manipulation

It didn’t take much effort.

Lane simply manipulated the warm airflow, “thawed” the ghost and then fastened several heavy shackles directly on his limbs before the other party could react. This simple electromagnetic shackle has no properties. But it is enough to bind ordinary ghosts.

“Who are you?!

When the ghost woke up, he saw that Lane immediately showed a vicious look. I just wanted to attack, but found that my limbs were blocked.

“Damn fellow, when I get out of trouble, I’m sure to eat you all!”

“Iluri, still keep his mouth shut, it’s too noisy.

“All right, Lord Lane.

Soon, the ghost was horrified to find that no matter how he shouted, he could no longer make a sound!

Then he saw Lane holding a pile of shiny metal tools in his hand

With a mysterious smile, walk towards him.

Unfortunately, he had lost the opportunity to leave his last words.

【Genetic modification surgery failed!】 】

【The target unit gets 1 layer of “gene collapse”! 】 】

【You have gained 5,000 career experience!】 (10 times earnings)】

“Spray, sure enough, the proficiency is still too low.”

Dawn frowned slightly, but soon relaxed.

This was just the first time he had had this surgery.

The target object is also a “ghost” who does not need any psychological burden, so… If you are not skilled, just do it a few times.

Li En glanced at the unconscious ghost.

[Gene Crash (Layer 1): Loses 1% of the maximum health per second, stackable]

“Yes, it seems that this material has not been completely damaged.”

“At least until the genetic collapse superimposes on it to an irrecoverable state.”

“There are several surgeries that can be performed.

Lane has already pointed out the three knowledge and skills of “genetic modification surgery” to Lv10.

This skill has also been fully developed long ago, and the breakthrough award that improves the success rate is 40% of the basic success rate, plus a 10% breakthrough success rate.

The overall success rate has reached 50%. However, the success rate in reincarnation games is completely “true random” and not like the “pseudo-random” in video games, which increases the success rate as the number of failures increases. If you’re unlucky.

Even if it is a 50% success rate, the probability of 10 failures is not nothing

Fortunately, Lane’s luck was not so back.

At the time of the 3rd surgery, he finally achieved what he wanted.

【Your “genetic modification surgery” is successful! 】

[You cut the “ghost gene” from the target]

[You get “Gene Sample: Ghost Man Gene (Grade D)”] Lane sets aside a container containing the gene sample. Then observe the change of “ghost”.

After the ghost man’s genes were removed, his appearance began to change rapidly. It’s like “rejuvenation”, or the opposite process. The ghost’s traits quickly disappeared and became more human-like.

Or rather, he has become human.

However, as a result, the recovery ability to be a “ghost” is lost.

The former “evil ghost” who is haunted by several layers of [genetic collapse] is soon in endless pain.

Flesh, bone, internal organs, and all other bodies dissolved into a transparent liquid.

“This is the way [genetic collapse] dies…”

Lane raised an eyebrow.

“The efficiency is still quite high, and there is no need to collect the body yourself.” He directly “disintegrated” the filth off his body, and then looked at what he had just extracted from the ghost.

【Gene sample: Ghost Man Gene】

+ Level: D

+ Occupancy: 45% gene chain

+ Requirements: Constitution > 20, Will > 20+ Compatible: Human (95%)

+ Defects: Sunlight (lethal), thirst for flesh and blood (instinct)

+ Abilities: Primary Regeneration, Low Death Immunity, Attribute Enhancement – Melee + Special: Blood Ghost (Low Probability)

A simple genetic sample reveals the old bottom of the “ghost”

It was also the first time that Lane had obtained genetic samples from other organisms by hand. So I’m curious.

“Is this the root of the ghost’s power…”

Lane flipped the container containing the genetic samples over and over in front of his eyes.

This gene sample can be spliced into the genetic chain of other organisms through [genetic modification surgery].

The maximum capacity of the gene chain is 100%, and the ghost gene accounts for only 45%. The remaining 55% can also be compatible with other genetic samples.

Together with each other, you can create powerful creatures with a variety of biological abilities

“It’s funny, no wonder those players of the biochemical system are so fond of doing human experiments.

“This feeling of being able to be a Creator… Very attractive indeed.

However, Lane didn’t make this kind of thing for the sake of stitching monsters. It is because of the initial career skills that come with him after he transfers.

[Launch the skill “Pioneer Quest”]

【Please specify the prop material you want to deduce】


Lane submitted the “Gene Sample: Ghost Man Gene” directly.

【Please select Quest Consumption】

【(1):5000 reincarnation points (35% success rate)】

【(2):1 attribute point (50% success rate)】

【(3):1 skill point (75% success rate)】

“Hmm… Skill points.

Lane hesitated for a moment.

He only had 1 genetic sample on his hand. There are not many points left, and the success rate is still the lowest.

Attribute points need to be kept, and the “six-in-one” that can be combined with other levels has the most skill points, and it is simply not used up.

The success rate is also the highest of the three options. Soon, the genetic sample in his hand, with 1 skill point, disappeared directly.

【Rehearsal in progress, 1 minute remaining】

“I don’t know what kind of knowledge I can deduce. Fork during the reading process.

Lane suddenly felt a heat in his fingers.

After he was promoted to the D level, he wore the “Madness of the Royal Sword Angel” on his hand.

At this time, he suddenly showed his sense of existence!

【This deduction triggered the “Royal Sword Angel’s Madness” special effect!] 】

[You have gained a taboo knowledge!] 】

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