Chapter 145 Accident! Rookie War!!

“Really, as an engineer, I actually left the runner I was responsible for and ran somewhere else!”

Mayumi raised her face and preached to Lane, who had just returned from killing people.

“I saw that Sister Zhenyu had won an overwhelming victory and was relieved to leave…”

Lane tried to explain, but he apparently misunderstood the other person’s mind. When a girl wants to argue with you, reasoning doesn’t work.

“That’s not okay, that’s the rule!”

“What if there are special circumstances to replay?”

“At that time, the other players will have someone to maintain the equipment of the game, and only I am alone on the field and overwhelmed…”

Isn’t that right, don’t you care for the machine yourself? Lane silently complained in his heart.

But even if it was him, he reacted at this time, and Mayumi just had a little temper because she didn’t see herself after the game.

“Since that’s the case, then I’ll be responsible for the real aesthetic sister.”


Hearing Li En’s bold speech, Zhen Yumei looked confused. The perfect temperament that has been maintained has also become flustered.

“Wait, Brother Lane…… This kind of thing is not too early! ”

“Although I don’t mind, there are many rules in the family……”

“My father said that at least it must be the young generation of the “hundred families”… Whew.

Finally, Masayami, who was already a little dizzy, whispered as if she had given up on herself.

“Forget it, sure enough, elope!”

“What are you talking about, Sister Yue.”

Lane laughed.

“I mean, even if my sister goes to the University of Magic and continues to participate in the university’s magic competition.”

“At that time, I will also be responsible for the equipment adjustment of my sister.”

When Lane returned to the residence, there was a very clear tooth mark on his arm. Judging from the tooth marks, Mayumi has very healthy teeth………

No, that’s not the point.

Lane opens his friends list and sends a message to Dunfa.

“That guy named Lee Tae-woong was killed by me, what project was he in charge of the rookie competition?”

It didn’t take long for Deng Fa to send a string of ellipses.

“He was in charge of the boys’ group’s secret tablet decoding project.”

Deng Fa said with a headache.

“This is one of the few team competitions that must be played by three people.”

“It was me, he, and another Aboriginal student who competed.”

“But now there is one less player and the gap has to be filled.”

Lane thought for a moment and said casually.

“I remember there is a player named Li Chen, do you have his contact information?”

“There is… But isn’t he only E-class? ”

“With your strength, one man with two dogs can win, right?”

“Brother Leen, do you have any misunderstanding of me…… Forget it, that’s true. ”

Deng Fa sighed helplessly.

However, he did not reject Lane’s proposal.

He received a lot of side quests from Lane, so he also wanted to return his affection.

“I don’t have a problem here, as long as you can convince the student council to apply for a temporary change.”

“It’s simple, I’ve already ‘communicated’ with the student president. ”

Lane looked at the tooth marks on his arm and shrugged.

As for why Li Chen was allowed to participate.

It is because among all the Dragon Kingdom players, he only knows this one person……… The next day’s game was successfully concluded. But on the third day, the accident happened. The women’s meeting of the Student Council was held again. Only this time, the atmosphere was more serious.

And it’s not just for the girls in the senior group.

All the members of the rookie battle women’s group, including Lane, also squeezed into Mayumi’s room.

“How’s the situation with Sister Morley?”

Lane looked over at Watanabe Morley, who was sitting on the bed. Although it is still a domineering temperament.

But judging from the bandages bandaged on his body, he was not in good shape.

Perhaps with the help of prosthetics, you can recover your health in a few days. However, it will definitely affect the subsequent competitions.

“Who knew that the terminal used for the game suddenly lost control.”

Although Morley’s tone is still strong, he can hear the loss and self-blame.

“If I had been a little more careful, maybe I would have just lost a game…”

“But now, even the [Magic Star Picking] project in the back can’t participate.”

In the official women’s competition.

Mayumi took it down on her own

Champion of [Precision Shooting] and “Group Shot”. Morley could have been able to compete on the Wave Board

And achieved good results on “Magic Star Picking”. But because there was an accident in the game that was enough to exit the field. Resulting in the failure of the [wave board competition] results,

[Illusion Picking Stars] had to face the scene of substitution.

“It’s not your responsibility.”

Lane said comfortingly.

“The magic machine used in the game will never get out of control for no reason.”

“There must be an external force involved in this.”

In other words, someone is obstructing it.

“Let’s talk about these things later.”

Morley shook his head in dismay.

“Mayumi, how is our total score now?”

What she is most concerned about is whether the school’s grades will fall behind because of her. Masayuki raised an eyebrow, but still turned the screen around and faced everyone. A table on the terminal where the scores of each item are calculated.

As well as the ranking of all schools participating in the Nine Schools War. Yigao still leads by a slight advantage.

But the “three highs” scores that followed were followed very closely.

And it is that they have pulled down the results of the women’s group in several events that originally belonged to a high school.

Although Morley participated in the “Wave Board Scramble” for reasons to cancel the score. But the first place in both projects is far ahead enough.

However, the results in the men’s group were somewhat unsatisfactory. Can’t say it’s too bad, but it’s just passed.

Two seconds, one first.

The ranking of the nine school battles is determined by the cumulative score of each competition. 50 points for first place, 30 points for second place and 20 points for third place.

The score of [Secret Tablet Decoding] has doubled, so it has also attracted the most attention. Rookie scores are split in half to the total score.

This is the scoring system of the Nine Schools War.

The combined scores of the men’s three competitions are just as good as the points scored by Mayumi alone.

Moreover, the participants in the “group ball grabbing points” have also been eliminated. Didn’t even hit the final.

“Although I can keep my place next year, I want to defend the championship with such a record…”

Mayumi shook her head.

“To be honest, it’s very difficult.”

“If the official results of [Magic Picking] are no longer ideal.”

“Being able to win the top three is already the best result expected.”

Hear about all the rookie battle members including Hotaru, Shizuku, and Fukayuki.

A hint of anxiety appeared on his face.

Their game only started in the last few days. Before the start of the competition, his school was already doomed to fail to win the first place and felt lost.

“However, since Sister Zhenyu has called us over.”

“That means there’s a solution, right?”

Lane broke the somewhat muffled atmosphere.

One word said the intention of the student president.

“Hmmm… Brother Li En was right. ”

Mayumi glanced at Lane, then looked away in some panic.

I don’t know if I remembered the traces left on him yesterday.

Her eyes swept over all the women’s contestants. Then take a deep breath and say solemnly.

“The regular season scores are twice as high as in the rookie round.”

“The staff of the university concluded that……”

“Even if it sacrifices rookie warfare to some extent.”

“We must also focus our combat strength on the official tournament of [Illusion Star Picking].”

Hearing this, the expressions of Deep Snow and Hotaru changed.

Both of them are contestants in the rookie battle “Illusion Picking” project. Mayumi was keenly aware of the subtle expressions that the two men exuded. A hint of apology appeared on her face.

“Sister Fuyuki, we would like to invite you to take the place of Morley and participate in the official competition of “Picking Stars in the Illusion Realm.”

“Lyne continued to serve as an engineer for the official tournament until the end of the tournament.”

In other words, the rookie event that was originally scheduled for the two of them to participate. Only Hotaru was left alone.

Of all the 24 contestants, as the defending champion of the previous edition, Ichigo itself can only send two players. Most schools have a full lineup of 3 players.

As a result, Hotaru has to fight alone against an enemy 3 times larger than herself without any support.

On the stage of the gorgeous and chaotic competition of “Illusion Picking Stars”. No doubt like an abandoned star, dim and dull.

Hotaru bit her lip tightly, but she understood. Masayuki’s words are not negotiable.

Rather, it is an established fact and an irresistible command.

“However, there are other students who only participate in one competition.”

“Why did you choose me to play for you, even at the expense of the results of the rookie war?”

Deep Snow’s voice was very calm, and his thoughts were clear and he made a rebuttal.

She wasn’t happy to be able to compete in the official races. Instead, it responds based on facts and a calm mind.

“Because this can effectively improve the school’s overall score.”

Answering her was Morley, whose voice had calmed down.

“The biggest reason is that besides me…”

“We didn’t have a substitute for [Magic Star Picking].”

【Fantasy Star Picking】 is a limited competition event in the women’s group.

Its difficulty is not inferior to the “secret tablet decoding” limited by the men’s group. In addition to having to master the levitation style of the gravity system.

It is also necessary to have a certain amount of physical strength, keen observation and determination.

“Not to mention…”

Morley knew the weakness of the deep snow, so she did not hesitate to turn her eyes to Lane.

“Brother Lane, your sister can win the championship even if she participates in the official competition, and in the face of such an inquiry, Lane has only one answer.”

“Of course you can.”


Faced with Lane without hesitation, he answered naturally.

Deep Snow bowed her head shyly, but at the same time straightened her body and accepted Lane’s praise.

Morley grinned, knowing that the matter had come to a conclusion.

“But I also won’t give up rookie wars.”

Suddenly, Lane’s words turned sharply.

Looking at Hotaru, who had been soothed by Shizuku since just now.

“If you give up the results of the rookie battle at this point, it is too small to look at the individual efforts of the players.”

“I will give my all as an engineer and guarantee the results of the official and rookie games at the same time.”

“Classmate Lane……”

Hotaru looked up in surprise, and in a somewhat blurred vision, Lane cast an affirmative glance at her.

“But in that case, you’ll have to do nonstop maintenance for the next few days.”

Mayumi said with some concern.

“Such a schedule is too tight, and there will be a serious loss of physical strength.”

“As long as I can guarantee the results of the school, I don’t really care.”

Lane said sincerely.

His promotion task could all be pressed on the Ninth School Battle. He is not desperate who is desperate?

Even if it was Deng Fa, it was estimated that he would not have such a liver. After all, the former is only to travel at public expense, to ensure that you can harvest a certain amount of knowledge and skills.

“If that’s the case, from tomorrow onwards, I’ll ask Brother Leon.”

Mayumi sighed softly and nodded.

“I’ll bring condolences too.”

The Nine-Varsity Battle is already halfway through the race.

On the fourth day, according to the previous format, the official matches will be suspended.

In its place is the “rookie war” in which only first-year students from each school participate.

This is the track that Lane is mainly responsible for. At the same time, he also knows………

The rats hiding in the shadows are also trying to move…

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