Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 959: The world returns to the heart, and the strength skyrockets

Three thousand faith pillars are carried out at the same time, and the efficiency is extremely fast...

In about two quarters of an hour, nearly 10 million people completed the contract signing...

Qin Feng's combat power has unknowingly increased by 5 trillion yuan, which has improved a lot

In the battle against Zhu Tian and Huang Tian, ​​he gradually gained the upper hand...

The same is true for the phantom avatar.

This made the three saints and Luo Fu more and more frightened, but they couldn't understand what was going on...

However, Qin Feng's advantage is not yet obvious.

But all these changes are not over.

The 10 million people who just signed the contract is just the beginning, accounting for less than 1% of the total number of people in the SAARC...

Soon, under the organization of Zhenji, the tens of thousands of forces returned to the teleportation formation at the foot of the mountain and returned to their respective forces...

When they came, they came through these teleportation arrays.

At this moment, they want to return to their own power territory and let all their children sign the contract...

Jiuyuan also brought people back to Jiuyuan Mountain.

There are also millions of people in Jiuyuan Mountain who have not signed the contract...

The eight top forces, including Ming Lin, also returned to their respective...

Their subordinates add up, and there are 20 to 30 million people who have not signed a contract...

However, Zhenji took a large group of people to Yaochi Mountain.

There are still millions of children in Yaochi Mountain.

For these people, Zhenji will not be soft-hearted, either sign a contract or kill them on the spot...

After a while, hundreds of teleportation formations under the mountain continued to flash with aura...

Nearly 10 million people went away like this, and after a while, they were all gone...

A grand contract ceremony that swept the entire South Alliance, so mighty unfolded......

In order to improve the progress as soon as possible, those leaders have not returned to the station, so they ordered their subordinates to gather in advance and wait...

In this way, the efficiency is greatly improved. . . .

Time flies!

An hour later, more than 70 million people have completed the contract, Qin Feng has increased the combat power of 11 trillion yuan...

Three hours later, the number of signed contracts exceeded 500 million, and Qin Feng increased by 26 trillion yuan......

Unconsciously, Qin Feng's combat power increased from 1,650 trillion yuan to 1,700 trillion yuan...

All this is not over, the entire southern contract is signed and continues...

But the battle over Kunwu Mountain has undergone significant changes...

Qin Feng and the phantom avatar have clearly gained the upper hand...

I wish a few people were terrified....

Between a few people, a voice transmission secretly started...

"Brother Zhu Tian, ​​this is not right! Others are getting weaker and weaker the more they fight, why is this kid getting stronger and stronger? If this goes on like this, we will lose! 99

"Yeah! It can't go on like this! Brother Zhutian, can you change the situation?

Huang Tian and Wu Tian started to transmit their voices one after another, and their mentality began to panic.

Zhu Tian is also anxious.

At this time, he suddenly thought of the Holy Venerable Common Heaven...

"By the way! We still have brother Gongtian! You hurry up and let him chase the traitor, and come back to support. With his help, we can turn around immediately~"! …

"Yes! Brother Gongtian has just broken through to the second realm of eternity. With his help, we can definitely make a comeback...'

With this reminder, Wu Tian and Huang Tian's eyes lit up, showing joy...

"You two, Wu will call him now!"

At the moment, Wu Tian Shengzun took advantage of the interval to send a message to Gongtian Shengzun...

The three of them are all looking forward to waiting for a reply...

But a full quarter of an hour has passed, and the Holy Venerable Gongtian has not responded.

On the contrary, Qin Feng is still getting stronger and stronger, and his advantages are becoming more and more obvious...

This made the three of them anxious, and they all sent messages to Gongtian, asking them to come back to support...

In the blink of an eye, another quarter of an hour passed.

Gongtian Shengzun still hasn't responded to the message....

And Qin Feng's strength has improved again, and the advantage is already obvious....

Zhu Tian and others panicked.

Luo Fu tried to escape several times, but was intercepted by the phantom clone...

His own strength is not strong, and his current combat power is all obtained by relying on the Daluo Divine Sword...

But Daluo Divine Sword focuses on offense and is not good at speed, which greatly increases the difficulty of Luo Fu's escape...

Luo Fu's careful thoughts were all watched by the three saints.

The three of them were a little annoyed. Sure enough, they are not my race, their hearts must be different...

"Two people, that person already has the intention of withdrawing, so it will be bad sooner or later. Brother Gongtian has no news, so we can't count on him. Otherwise, we withdraw first, and we will avenge it later!

Wu Tianshengzun offered to retreat...

"Okay! Then let's withdraw! 35

I wish the two of them responded accordingly.

They were originally angry for Wu Tian.

At this moment, Wu Tian personally proposed to withdraw, and they will not insist on it anymore...

At the moment, the three holy venerables are about to evacuate...

But at this moment, the communication symbols of the three people moved...

The three took the opportunity to check.

Seeing this, the expressions of the three of them changed greatly.

That message was actually sent by the Holy Venerable Gongtian, who asked the three of them for help...

There really is something wrong with the Holy Venerable Gongtian...

At the same time, the number of contract signings in the South has reached billions, and the penetration rate has reached one in five...  

This time, the contract signed by Zhenji and others is very thorough. As long as it is a creature from the south, even if the cultivation base is extremely low, it must sign a contract, otherwise it will be driven out of the south...

It can be said that men and women, young and old, up to trillions of years old, down to three-year-old children are not spared, all must sign...

This not only greatly increased Qin Feng's combat power, but also caused Qin Feng's life value to increase wildly, and the exchange points increased by more than 20 million...

But it's not over yet, and four-fifths of the creatures are still waiting to sign...

And Qin Feng's combat power has unknowingly increased to 1780 trillion Rang...

The combat power of the phantom avatar has also simultaneously increased to 660 trillion yuan....

As a result, the situation in the field began to completely turn to Qin Feng's side...

Zhu Tian and others couldn't hold it anymore.

"We withdraw! Return to the ruins first! 39

"Good! 95

Zhu Tian gave an order to retreat...

Qin Feng sneered: "You guys want to retreat now, I'm afraid it's too late!

Zhu Tian was furious: "Humph! Although we are not your opponents, but if you want to withdraw, you can't keep us! Two, let's go! 99

As soon as the voice fell, the three holy venerables turned around and fled towards the entrance to the ruins...

"Three, wait for me!

Luo Fu shouted in horror.

This escape, his speed disadvantage is revealed, far behind the three saints...

The phantom clone completely stopped it.

With one-on-one, he instantly gained the absolute upper hand, completely slaughtering Louvre. . .

Luo Fu was killed so he couldn't even fight back...

"Three fellow Daoists, save Luo Mou! Escape with Luo Mou!"

He resisted and shouted loudly.

But the three saints did not regard him as one of their own, and he did not pay any attention to his pleas for help, and only focused on running away...

In just a moment, Luo Fu was bombarded by the phantom clone...

In the next second, the phantom avatar will start to cast the sword array, strangling its primordial spirit, which will take time...  

The three holy venerables were terrified when they saw this scene, but they still did not intend to rescue them, and they even thought of escaping...

Naturally Qin Feng will not let the three saints escape, and pursue them all the way...

But this time, it was the three saints who joined forces to fight against the enemy.

Qin Feng fought one against three, and it became a tie again...

He wants to stop the three saints, it is extremely difficult...

The two sides are like this, fighting and retreating.

Soon, the three holy venerables retreated to the entrance near the return to the market...

Qin Feng frowned slightly.

Guixu is the site of the three great saints.

If the three of them are really allowed to return, I'm afraid they won't be able to keep it...

Thinking of this, Qin Feng was a little anxious.

He doesn't want to let go of the three great saints just like that, it's like letting the tiger return to the mountain....

It was at this critical moment that a system prompt sounded in his mind...

`Ding~! Congratulations to the host, your subordinate (Kunpeng) refined the Hong Shendan, successfully broke through the bottleneck, and was promoted to the first realm of eternity... The host has obtained 10 million life points (10 million exchange points)...'

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, from the subordinate (Kunpeng), you have received a lot of combat power back... Your combat power has increased to 1900 trillion yuan...."

At this moment, Qin Feng's momentum skyrocketed.

(Okay?) The original tie situation was broken in an instant.

Qin Feng has the upper hand with one opponent. . . .

The three of them were terrified.

What the hell is this kid?

How come the strength has skyrocketed a lot, nearly 10%...

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

Wu Tian shouted in horror.

He has completely lost the idea of ​​revenge...

"Haha! You can't escape!"

Qin Feng was ecstatic.

He also did not expect that Kunpeng would break through at this moment.

Kunpeng is not an ordinary eternal first realm, he is the master of the universe.

His breakthrough, even if it is only the threshold of the Eternal Realm, the comprehensive strength is not under Wu Tianshengzun at all...kill.

Immediately, Qin Feng waved his hand, the space in the field fluctuated, and a child in his eighties or nineties appeared out of thin air...

This is exactly the Kunpeng who just broke through, and even his appearance is a few years older...


When Kunpeng saw Qin Feng, he was overjoyed.

"Stop that man!"

Qin Feng didn't have time to explain, and pointed at Wu Tiansheng...

"Yes! Master! 99

Kunpeng pounced directly on Wu Tianshengzun and entangled him.

Qin Feng also stopped Zhu Tianshengzun and Huang Tianshengzun, and completely gained the upper hand, hanging and beating them.

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