Today, this holy egg has been conceived to the last critical moment...

It's just that the success rate of the holy eggs is only 10%. Qin Feng is not sure whether the two holy eggs can succeed.

At this moment, Qin Feng kept moving the seals and spells, one after another, from the virtual to the real, to the golden runes, which poured into the two holy eggs below...

At the same time, under the control of Qin Feng, the divine water of creation slowly penetrated into the two holy eggs...

The light of the two holy eggs became stronger and stronger, and the breath became more and more prosperous, and they continued to climb from the god-level level to the half-step eternal level...

The three thousand lines naturally formed on the eggshell are becoming more and more conspicuous, and the lines are shining with golden light...

The purple glow also appeared out of thin air, surrounding the two holy eggs...

This is the symbol of the last step in the evolution of the holy egg, and it is also the most dangerous and critical step...

If there is a slight error, all efforts will be lost. . . .

Qin Feng couldn't help but feel a little nervous...

At the moment, he held his breath, controlled it wholeheartedly, and was extremely cautious...

At this moment, the eggshells of the two holy eggs changed from white to black...

There are also two strong thoughts fluctuations in the holy egg, that is the Holy Spirit awakening 10...

In just a moment, the aura of the two holy eggs rose to a half-step eternal level, and the fluctuations of the thoughts in the holy eggs became more intense...

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

In the next second, the two holy eggs began to crack...

The Holy Spirit is about to be born!

Just one last step left!

Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised.

But at this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred...

That holy egg from the Bai clan suddenly became ten times stronger.

But in the next second, it let out a scream, its mind collapsed in an instant, and its evolution failed. The black color on the eggshell instantly faded away, leaving only an incomparably huge amount of energy and life force...

"Hey~! It failed!

Qin Feng sighed inwardly.

At this moment, another holy egg from the Yu clan suddenly became ten times more active...

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!


The eggshell is broken~!

An animal covered in golden light burst out of the eggshell, and a half-step eternal breath instantly enveloped the audience...

"Hey! This is a success!"

Qin Feng was overjoyed, cut his fingertips, ejected a drop of blood essence, and flew into the light ball...

In the next second, a red light lit up in the golden light group.

The Holy Spirit in the light group took the initiative to swallow the blood essence, and automatically formed a master-servant relationship with Qin Feng, and there was an instant telepathy between the two...

Then, a bird chirping sounded in the air, very happy...

Seems very happy to recognize Qin Feng as the main...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, a new half-step eternal subordinate (Holy Spirit)... The host has gained 500 trillion life points (5 million exchange points)

Qin Feng's eyes lit up.

During this period of time, many of his subordinates have made great progress in cultivation, which has caused his life value to increase greatly, and the exchange points will naturally increase greatly.

After joining the 5 million exchange points this time, his exchange points have accumulated to more than 74 million...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for getting a lot of combat power back from the new subordinate (Holy Spirit)... Your combat power has increased to 1340 trillion..."

Not bad!

The appearance of a super pet has actually increased his combat power by 40 trillion yuan in one fell swoop...

Qin Feng smiled and was very satisfied.

At this moment, there was another chirping sound in the air, and the golden light faded, revealing the true body of the Holy Spirit...

It was a strange bird that looked like a kun and a peng...

The strange bird appeared and rose against the wind.

In the blink of an eye, its wings spread for nine thousand miles, and its wings hang down like clouds hanging from the sky...

Then, the strange bird swirled in the air and fell from the air, turning into a boy of five or six years old, carved in pink and jade, extremely cute...

"Kunpeng has seen the master!"

The boy knelt down on one knee, his voice still milky...

Qin Feng's eyes lit up: "Hey! Your name is Kunpeng?

"Yes Master!

Qin Feng couldn't help but smile.

He didn't expect that the pet he accidentally got was the future Kunpeng Patriarch...

Reminds me of the sentence: water hits three thousand li and swings ninety thousand li.

The future potential of this beast is enormous.

"Get up!"

"Thank you master!"

Kunpeng behaved very well, and his attitude towards Qin Feng was also very intimate, even a little dependent.

After all, he swallowed a drop of Qin Feng's blood and already regarded Qin Feng as his closest person...

"Little guy, seeing that your cultivation base has reached half-step Eternal Realm, this Hong Shendan is of great use to you, take it for refining...'

Qin Feng handily rewarded a Hong Shendan.

This Hong Shendan is of great use to the half-step Eternal Realm powerhouse, and it is also the best Shendan currently available to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng originally had four.

He took one himself.

Before, after Zhenji broke through to half-step eternity, he rewarded one.

Right now, he gave another one to Kunpeng, leaving the last one.

"Thank you master!"

Kunpeng happily accepted the pill.

At this moment, Qin Feng's mind sounded the system prompt again...

"Ding~! It is detected that the host's subordinate (Kunpeng) has a small universe... If the host signs a creation contract with it, it can evolve its small universe into the host's small world..."

Qin Feng's eyes lit up, this is not bad!

"Little guy, come here! This deity signs a contract with you!

"Okay! Master!

Xiao Kunpeng went over obediently, without even asking what was going on, obviously trusting Qin Feng very much...

Qin Feng looked at the innocent eyes of the little guy and felt very relieved.

I just don't know why this little guy will grow up in the future, why will his personality change so much?

At the moment, Qin Feng is no longer long-winded, his fingers are blood clotted, and he draws a contract rune in the air...

The next second, the blood-red rune merged into Kunpeng's eyebrows.

The two were shocked at the same time, and the creation contract was completed in an instant...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host and subordinate (Kunpeng) for completing the creation contract... Kunpeng's small universe is automatically integrated into your dual universe and begins to evolve into a small thousand world.

"Ding~! The evolution of Xiaoqian World has been completed.... Congratulations to the host for obtaining a 420 Xiaoqian World - Kunpeng Xiaoqian World. Your progress in creating the God Realm has increased to 2.6%. The combat power has increased to 1360 trillion Yuan..."

"Ding~! Remind the host that you can use the Great Thousand World to cultivate Essence, and upgrade the Kunpeng Small Thousand World to the Great Thousand World... It is estimated that five pieces of Essence are needed..."

"Haha!! Not bad! Not bad!"

Hearing the system prompt, Qin Feng was overjoyed.

"Master, I sensed some changes in my small universe. There was no life breath at first, but now it has..."

Xiao Kunpeng also sensed his change for the first time.

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "Little guy, that's what this deity just turned your small universe into a small thousand world. Next, I will spend some resources to upgrade your small thousand world to a large thousand world in one fell swoop, which is very beneficial to your strength. Upgrading would be of great help….”

Kunpeng was surprised.

"Master, then give it a try! I can't wait..."

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "Okay! I'll take some resources now..."

At the moment, Qin Feng's mind moved, and a shopping mall interface that no one could see appeared in front of him...

He is going to start exchanging the Great Thousand Worlds to cultivate essence...

This is the first time he has opened the mall since he was in retreat.

The interface of the mall has changed a lot, obviously it has been upgraded, and there should be more good treasures in it...  

The next second, Qin Feng entered the commodity sale interface...

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