Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 949 The treasure is in hand, and the whole body retreats (seeking full order)

"Huh! Why is it only a half-step god?!"

At this moment, Zhu Tian Shengzun has turned into a red-haired old man.

As soon as he approached, he could clearly see the cultivation of Qin Feng and the phantom avatar, and his eyes were full of unbelievable colors.

He could not imagine that the two half-step gods joined forces to kill Wu Tiansheng so miserably...

But the situation was so critical that he could no longer think about it.

Qin Feng also killed him!

"Go away!""

I wish Tian Shengzun was irritable, waved his hand at will, and wanted to sweep Qin Feng back so that he could rescue Wu Tian...

"Oh! If you want to save people, pass me first!"

Qin Feng blocked it directly and met Zhu Tian's blow with a punch.

"court death!

Zhu Tiansheng sneered, as if seeing a big joke.

He is a strong man in the second realm of eternity..

Of course, he is considered to be at the bottom of the second realm, but sweeping the first realm of eternity is extremely easy, and it is not something that Qin Feng, a half-step god, can stop...

In an instant, the two fight!

Hand in hand!


Ka~! Ka~! Ka~cha!

A loud bang~!

All the heavens and voids collapsed, and all beings in the world were shocked!

In the next second, Qin Feng and Zhu Tian Shengzun both groaned and were shaken back...

Zhu Tianshengzun was shaken back 700 billion miles...

Qin Feng was shaken back 900 billion miles...

In the first round of the two sides, Qin Feng was only slightly inferior.

Zhu Tian Shengzun has no obvious advantage, which makes him stunned...

" is this possible!

I wish the heavenly saints a roar!

He really can't accept that a half-step god's combat power can also reach the threshold of the second realm of eternity...

"Save... me...! I wish... God... brother, save me!

At this moment, Wu Tiansheng's cry for help came again, and he was almost at his limit...

"Damn it! 35

Zhu Tian Shengzun was in a hurry and rushed directly to the phantom clone, he wanted to rescue Wu Tian quickly...

"Your opponent is me!

Qin Feng dodged and stopped in front of the Holy Venerable Zhu Tian again...

"Go to hell!

Zhu Tian was furious, and a golden flame spewed out of his mouth.

That is his trump card - Creation Divine Fire!

Qin Feng was caught off guard and was instantly engulfed by the fire...

"Haha!! Little thief! You are also worthy of fighting with the old man~"!

Zhu Tian looked at the vast sea of ​​golden fire and laughed wildly in the sky. . . .

Creation God Fire, but one of the four creation spirits.

If you don't take precautions in advance, even if you touch the second realm of eternity, you will suffer a big loss...

What's more, Qin Feng was completely swallowed up by the divine fire, and he was bound to be burned half to death...

But without waiting for Zhu Tian Shengzun to be happy, the sea of ​​​​fire suddenly rolled, and a figure rushed out of the sea of ​​fire in an instant, punching Zhu Tian with a punch...

The person who rushed out was Qin Feng!

I saw Qin Feng in the sea of ​​​​fire not only without the slightest injury, but also like a duck in water...

He has been tempered by the divine fire of creation, how could he be afraid of the divine fire of creation?

On the contrary, calcining him with the divine fire of creation will make him feel extremely comfortable, and the whole body will be warm...

But Zhu Tian Shengzun was completely dumbfounded when he saw this scene...

This guy is not at all afraid of the Creation God Fire, this method is exactly the same as their Zhutian Saint Clan!

Of course, not every disciple of the Holy Clan Zhu Tian can do this, only a few saints and their descendants can do this...

But this kid is not from their holy clan at all!

Before Zhu Tian Shengzun thought about it, Qin Feng had already killed him.

The two sides fought together again...

That Creation God Fire is useless to Qin Feng, Zhu Tian Shengzun has no choice but to put away the God Fire......

This means that he has lost the most powerful means of combat power, and a feeling of suffocation that has nowhere to use, spontaneously arises.

In this way, Qin Feng will entangle Zhutian Shengzun to death...

In the blink of an eye, the two sides fought for hundreds of rounds.

Zhu Tianshengzun can't help Qin Feng at all, he just has the upper hand...

And Wu Tiansheng has reached the final limit...

But at this moment, two high-speed air-breaking sounds sounded in the distance, and a black giant beast and a yellow giant beast came together...

Those were actually two spirits at the peak level of the Eternal First Realm, each of which was above Saint Venerable Wu Tian...

"I wish you a brother, we are here to help you!

"Little thief in the realm of the gods! Hurry up and stop!"

The two giant beasts spit out human words and shouted loudly...

Zhu Tian was overjoyed: "Two brothers, these two little thieves, come and help this old man!

Those two giant beasts are the other two saints of the four great saints of Guixu...

The black giant is the Holy Venerable of the Common Heaven, and it is just one line away from the Second Realm of Eternity. It is the second strongest among the four holy Venerables...

The yellow giant beast is the Sage of Huang Tian, ​​and its strength ranks third among the four Sages...

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng frowned slightly.

These two guys are here at the right time!

The faces of everyone in the South Alliance changed greatly...

"Oh my God! How... how come the other two saints are also here! 35

"Hey~! The situation is not good!

"It seems that His Majesty is going to withdraw..."

At this moment, everyone sighed...

At this time, the mutation regenerates...

The Wu Tian Shengzun in the sea of ​​​​fire finally couldn't hold it anymore, the primordial spirit collapsed in an instant, and the shrill screams continued to echo in the void.

"Little thief Lin Feng! Wu will definitely seek revenge for you! Ah~~!"

`Damn! Damn! Brother Wu Tian..."

I wish Heavenly Venerable a grief-stricken roar...

Qin Feng was overjoyed.

At this moment, the phantom clone took out a jade bottle and put away all the energy transformed by Wu Tiansheng...

There is also Wu Tianshengzun's storage ring, which is also collected...

And Wu Tiansheng's creation divine wind has been entangled with creation divine water...

At this moment, as soon as Wu Tian died, the Creation Divine Wind became an ownerless thing.

The phantom avatar also took the opportunity to collect that group of gods, this is a super treasure!

Zhu Tian Shengzun saw this scene, his eyes were red with anxiety...

There are only two groups of Wu Tian Sheng Clan, one group is in the hands of Wu Tian Sheng Zun, and now it has been lost, and the other group is in Wu Tian Holy Land...

"Damn boy! Today, none of you can escape!

Zhu Tian roared loudly and entangled Qin Feng tightly...

"Brother Zhutian, let's come too! 39

"Little thief, you must die in this ruined ruin today, to be buried with brother Wu Tian!

The Holy Venerable Gongtian and the Holy Venerable Huang Tian roared while speeding up....

(Is it gone) "Haha! I'm afraid you can't keep me!

Qin Feng laughed.

At this time, the phantom clone had finished cleaning the battlefield and joined the battle group.

One person, one avatar, one body, one face-to-face will shock Zhutian Shengzun back hundreds of billions of miles away... Yang...

In the next second, Qin Feng and the clone disappeared at the same time, leaving only a sesame-sized light spot in the void...

"Little thief! You can't even try to escape!"

Zhu Tian roared and killed him.

At this time, Gongtian and Huangtian just arrived...

The three saints rushed to the sesame-sized light spot at the same time...

But when they arrived near the spot of light, the spot of light disappeared out of thin air, leaving no breath at all...

The three saints were immediately stunned on the spot!

It turned out that Qin Feng had already returned to the southern part of the God Realm through the teleportation formation of the Temple of Reincarnation.

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