Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 944 comprehensive massacre

As soon as Qin Feng's thoughts moved, he sensed the position of the Void Avatar and activated the Space Summon.

In the next second, he disappeared out of thin air

In the blink of an eye, Wu Tiansheng rushed to the scene...

"Huh! Where are the people?"

Wu Tianshengzun was stunned.

His consciousness swept hundreds of millions of miles, but he still didn't find Qin Feng, and he didn't even sense any breath...


Wu Tiansheng roared furiously...

He knew that Qin Feng must have teleported away...

It's just that he can't figure it out. The return space is unstable. Except for the teleportation array, there is no way to teleport. Even he can't do it. How did Qin Feng do it?

In short, he had a feeling of suffocation that had nowhere to go, and roared furiously...

"Damn it! Damn it! Little bastard, if you dare to destroy my children, the deity will never let you go!

In the void, his roar continued to echo.

After a long time, he gradually calmed down...

"Hey! By the way, this kid is still from the realm of the gods. He appeared near the Bai people's station by coincidence before. Could it be that he is a member of the Southern Alliance who is afraid of Bai Ku? If it is him... Not good! The Bai people are in danger. !"

This calm, Wu Tianshengzun is much smarter.

He suddenly thought of something, turned around quickly, and rushed towards the Bai people's station

At the same time, some important things are happening in the residence of the Bai nationality.

Bai nationality residence.

White withered suspended in the sky.

Behind him, there were more than a dozen god-level elders of the Bai and Yu tribes.

Below, millions of children have already taken their places, activated the defense formation, and released a transparent protective shield that enveloped the entire station...

At this moment, Bai Ku waited for a group of high-level executives, looking up at the top of the mask...

Just outside the mask, a young man in a blue shirt stood with his hands behind his back, looking at them blankly...

That blue youth is the phantom clone.

At this moment, he did not start, but was waiting for the main body....

Bai Ku and the others frowned, feeling very strange...

They have been staring at the phantom clone for a long time.

This guy has the aura of the realm of the gods, and his previous cultivation was still the perfect god, but a quarter of an hour ago, he inexplicably rose to a half-step god.

Such a change surprised them a little...

Naturally, they didn't know that with Qin Feng's breakthrough, the phantom avatar's cultivation also broke through.

Now, Qin Feng's combat power has reached 600 trillion rang, and the phantom avatar's combat power has also increased to 200 trillion rang, just reaching the threshold of the eternal first realm.

However, the combat power of the phantom clone is increased by 200 times, surpassing all the eternal first realms.

In other words, the strength of the phantom avatar is even stronger than the original Yu Heng...

"Boy, you've been looking outside the protective shield for half an hour. Who are you? Why did you come to my Bai family station~"?"

An elder of the Bai tribe asked.

The phantom avatar's expression was unwavering, and he was too lazy to answer at all.

The elder frowned: "Oh! A small half-step god, who dares to ignore the deity, do you really think I dare not come out to clean you up? 55

The corners of the phantom avatar's mouth twitched slightly, and the sarcasm was very obvious.

The elder was furious, and was about to rush out, destroying the need-for-use clone, but was stopped by Baiku...

"Bai Zero, don't be impulsive! You can't go out!"

"Tai Shang, why? He's not just a half-step god, or he has just broken through, what's there to worry about? If your subordinates go out, they can kill him in one round!

The elder was extremely angry.

"Yes! Your Majesty, why have you kept us from going out against him so many times?"

The elders were also puzzled.

Not only them, but also the millions of children of the Bai people are puzzled.

For half an hour, the two sides are you looking at me, I look at you facing each other.

The elders of the Bai clan asked questions to the phantom avatar, but the phantom avatar never replied.

The elders were so angry that they rushed out to kill him, and Baiku came out to stop...

Seeing the puzzled faces of everyone, Bai Ku sighed helplessly...

The ghosts of returning to the ruins are not good at strategies, and thinking about problems is not enough...

At the moment, he sighed: "The old man stops you from going out, just because I don't want you to fall for it..."

"Zhongji? Taishang, how do you say this?

"Everyone, don't you think this kid in front of you is weird? Even though his cultivation base is very low and he is from the realm of the gods, he dares to appear outside the shield and confront me. Why would he dare to do this?"


The elders could not answer.

Bai Ku smiled coldly: "If the old man guesses right, this kid is only a bait. If we rush to open the protective formation, I'm afraid we will fall for it!"

Hearing the words, everyone suddenly realized, and cold sweat broke out from their backs.

This person from the God Realm is really cunning!

"Sir, what should we do now?"


"Wait? 35

"That's right! Wait for Wu Tiansheng to come back. Or, wait for the person behind this kid to come out..."

These words just fell, and the air suddenly changed.

I saw the space beside the phantom avatar, the space flickered slightly, and a very handsome young man came out from the void...

The visitor is Qin Feng!

Bai Ku and others were extremely nervous at first, thinking that the person behind the phantom avatar could not hold back and was about to show up...

But when they saw Qin Feng's cultivation, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief...

It turned out to be another half-step god!

"Boy, who are you?"

Bai Ku took the initiative to question.

Qin Feng glanced at him lightly, then looked at the protective mask below...

The Bai people are indeed prepared!

In the next second, he strikes at will, slamming into the mask...

This scene made the Bai people laugh.

"Haha!! Even a half-step god dares to break through our clan's shield? It's a dream!"

"Boy, just save it! Don't say it's you, even if Wu Tiansheng makes a shot, he can't destroy the protective shield with one palm! If you can shake the mask, Laozi will..."

Before the words were finished, Qin Feng's palm slammed on the mask...



A crisp sound!

Qin Feng smashed the protective cover into pieces with one palm...

The millions of children who were presiding over the great formation immediately screamed in agony. Thousands of children were shocked and killed on the spot, turning into a mist of water...

Bai Ku and the others were suddenly dumbfounded!

In the next breath, they reacted and shouted in fright...

"Oh my God! The defense... the protection is broken!"

"Escape! Hurry up and escape!

Bai Ku let out a startled roar, and took the lead to escape...

At this moment, Qin Feng waved his hand, and all the people from the South Alliance and the true gods of the Youth Alliance appeared. There were thousands of people.

One-fifth of the 3,000 congenital spirits Qin Feng has nurtured by himself have been cultivated by a large number of Taishen Pills, and one-fifth of them have reached the true god...

46 `Kill them all!

Qin Feng gave an order, and under the leadership of the phantom avatar, all the subordinates rushed to the Bai people's station...

"Look! That's the true God!"

"There is also the Nine Yuan God!

"Oh my god! They are SAARC people!"

"Hurry up and ask the Holy Venerable for help!"

At this moment, the Bai people became a mess, and everyone fled everywhere...

A powerful man who can smash their protective shields with one palm comes, and they still have the courage to resist...

Here, Bai Ku and the elders of God escaped the fastest...

Qin Feng took one step and caught up with Baiku...

That Baiku was fleeing while asking for help from Saint Wu Tian...

Suddenly, there was a cracking sound behind him.

He turned around quickly and saw Qin Feng coming.

"Sir, please forgive me!" Bai Ku wailed and begged for mercy.

"You Bai people colluded with Yaochi and killed several gods in my South Alliance. You still want to beg for mercy today, what a joke..."

Qin Feng sneered and slapped it with the palm of his hand...

"Sir, Bai... ah~!"

With a shrill scream, Bai Ku was slapped with a palm and fell on the spot...  

This scene completely shocked the Bai people up and down.

Bai Ku is the pinnacle of the Half-step Eternal Realm, more powerful than Bai Wuchuan and Yu Qian, and he couldn't stand Qin Feng's palm...

The youth of the South Alliance is too terrifying...

At the moment, the Bai people fled wildly...

But there are Qin Feng and phantom avatars on the southern side of the eternal level combat power, where can those Bai children escape...

The scene fell into a one-sided slaughter, crazy, bloody...

As the killing progresses, Qin Feng's exchange points are also increasing wildly...

At the same time, Wu Tianshengzun was rushing towards the Bai nationality station... Yang.

Suddenly, he received a call for help from Bai Ku.

When Wu Tianshengzun saw it, he was shocked and angry, and he wanted to speed up and rush over...

Suddenly, he thought of a question.

He once played against Qin Feng, and the two sides were evenly matched.

Even if he rushed over, he might not be able to do anything to Qin Feng.

It seems that he needs help.

With this in mind, Sage Wu Tian quickly sent a message of help to the other three Sages.

After sending the message, he continued to rush towards the Bai people's residence.

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