Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 937 Taboo of the Holy Egg

At the moment, Qin Feng rushed towards the Bai people's residence.

Everyone in the South Alliance has entered the dual universe, or refining the Taishen Dan, or retreating to practice...

The distribution of this batch of Taishen Pills will definitely increase the strength of a group of people, which also indirectly enhances Qin Feng's strength...

On the other side, the phantom clone also entered the double universe.

He began to take stock of his recent gains, such as the storage rings of Yu Heng, Bai Wuchuan, and Yu Qian, as well as the storage rings of the northern gods, and the leaf of the gods...

The phantom avatar is an extension of Qin Feng's body, and it can also refine magic tools for him...

In this way, in the double universe, everyone performed their duties, and Qin Feng was on his way at full speed...

At the same time, the Bai people are forbidden.

Taishang Elder Baiku has gathered all the seven elders of the Bai tribe together.

At this moment, everyone's faces are very ugly.

"Too... too high, the Wuchuan Patriarch has really fallen?"

The three elders quivered their lips and asked anxiously.

He couldn't believe what he had just heard.

These three elders are Bai Wuchuan's younger brother, how could he accept his brother's death.

"The patriarch is a half-step eternal powerhouse! Are there not many people who can kill him in the entire Guixu?"

"Yeah! I heard that the patriarch is going to deal with the people of the Southern Alliance of the God Realm. The southern region has always been weak, and there is not even a half-step eternal powerhouse. I really don't think "four-two" pass, who else can threaten To the patriarch's..."

Several elders agreed.

They also couldn't accept the fact that Bai Wuchuan had fallen.

"Hey~! Look at it!"9

With a wry smile, Bai Ku opened his palms, and a broken soul card appeared in front of the elders...

That is Bai Wuchuan's soul card!

When the elders saw it, their expressions changed greatly...

The third elder even swayed slightly and almost fell down...

His brother really fell!

This time, the elders were completely dumbfounded, their throats were dry, and they were speechless...

"Your Majesty, how did my brother fall?

The three elders asked sadly.

"Hey~! This time he went to the vicinity of Heaven and Earth Linggen to capture Jiuyuan God alive, and to find out the truth about the deaths of Bai Mi and Bai Shan, as well as the truth about the loss of contact with Yaochi God."

"Just in case, Wuchuan also pulled people from the Yu clan. But I didn't think that when they went, all the ten elders of my clan and Yu clan fell, Yu Qian was trapped, and Wuchuan was the only one who fled back. .....99

As soon as these words came out, all the elders changed their expressions and gasped.

"Hi~! 35

"No way? Isn't the SAARC very weak? Why was the patriarch defeated by them?

Bai Ku shook his head slightly: "At that time, the situation was urgent, there was no Hui tribe in Wuchuan, and he did not elaborate on the reasons. He only sent me some information. He said that there was a young man from the South Alliance, who seemed to be called Qin Feng, and his strength reached half. step eternity.

"That is the person who trapped Yu Qian, and he had to go to the rescue quickly. At that time, the old man couldn't be separated because of the holy egg. Wuchuan contacted Yu Heng, and the two set off again. But he didn't want to, it was only two days. No, Wuchuan's soul card just shattered..."

Speaking of this, Baiku is extremely sad...

"No way? Didn't senior Yu Heng break through to the first realm of eternity? With him, how could something happen to the patriarch?

"Yeah! Even if Qin Feng from Nanmeng is a half-step eternal powerhouse, it is difficult to escape in front of the first realm of eternity. How do I think that the fall of the patriarch has nothing to do with Nanmeng?"

The elders looked puzzled.

Accompanied by Yu Heng, Bai Wuchuan has fallen, which makes them really puzzled.

The entire Gui Ruins, I am afraid that few people can do it!

"By the way, Taishang, since you are accompanied by senior Yu Heng, then you should contact senior Yu Heng now and ask the patriarch what happened, everything will be clear..."

Bai Ku smiled bitterly: "The old man has contacted Yu Heng, but there was no reply for a long time. This time the situation is too complicated..."

Only after these words fell, someone sent a message from Baiku's communication talisman.

He quickly took out the communication talisman, and his divine sense penetrated.

In the next second, his face changed greatly, his whole person was dumbfounded, and his eyes widened in astonishment.

"Master, what's the matter?"

The elders asked anxiously.

Only then did Bai Ku come back to his senses and looked at everyone with a gray face.

"The old man has just received a message from the great elder of the Yu clan, and both Yu Qian and Yu Heng have fallen..."

"What... what?!"

As soon as those words came out, it was like thunder, and the whole audience was dumbfounded.

For a while, the audience was silent, and even the air froze.

After a long time, everyone looked at each other and recovered.

"Master, is the news just now true?"

"Of course it's true! The soul cards of Yu Heng and Heng have both shattered, what else is there to doubt?

Bai Ku took a deep breath, his face gloomy.

The elders also sank their faces...

The current situation is very wrong!

After a while, the three elders spoke first.

"Your Majesty, Senior Yu Heng is already a strong man in the first realm of eternity. Even if the weakest of the Four Great Sages is the weakest, it would be extremely difficult to kill him. How could he have fallen? of young people?

As soon as these words fell, there were people who objected.

"Impossible! Nanmeng definitely doesn't have that kind of strength. As for that Qin Feng, it's only half a step of eternal strength. With such strength, can he destroy Senior Yu Heng and the two patriarchs alone?

"That's right! I also don't think it could have been done by that kid, I'm afraid someone else..."

"If you want to kill Senior Yu Heng, you must at least be a powerful person at the Holy Venerable level. Then who would it be?"

The elders were discussing.

Bai Ku frowned: "No matter who the murderer is, this matter has nothing to do with the SAARC. Perhaps, if we find the SAARC people, we will be able to know some truths..."

The third elder's eyes lit up: "Tai Shang is right, this matter has something to do with the South Alliance. Tai Shang, should we send people to arrest the people of the South Alliance now and force them to tell the truth. The hatred of the patriarch cannot be Don't pay!"

As soon as these words fell, Bai Ku's communication talisman came with information again.

He quickly took a look.

After a while, he frowned slightly, revealing a strange color.

"Master, what's the matter?"

"The four great sages jointly issued a wanted order, and asked Wanzu to send people to search all corners of the ruins and hunt down the traces of people in the realm of the gods. If you find anything, report it immediately! Those who have the ability to capture will be rewarded!"

"Hey! Why did the four holy clans issue such a wanted order?

"Someone destroyed the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, and picked the most essence of the divine leaves above..."

After Bai Ku finished speaking, he quietly put away the communication symbol.

The elders opened their eyes in astonishment.

To be able to pick the divine leaves from the divine tree, at least one must have the combat power of the threshold of the Eternal Realm!

This man is not something they can handle!

The third elder's eyes lit up: "Everyone, isn't the South Alliance just for the spiritual roots of heaven and earth? I'm afraid this incident has nothing to do with the South Alliance..."

Bai Ku nodded slightly: "The old man thinks so too. Whether it is the fall of Wuchuan or the loss of this god leaf, it all involves the South Alliance. If we want to find the truth, we must first find the people of the South Alliance..."

"Your Majesty, then we will unite with the Yu clan now and use the strength of the whole clan to find them...

"No!" Bai Ku shook his head, "Even Yu Heng has disappeared. We are so reckless, I'm afraid the odds will be worse. According to this old man, there may be an extremely powerful powerhouse hidden behind the South Alliance..."

The three elders said anxiously: "Then what should we do? Now that the spiritual roots of heaven and earth have disappeared, the people of the South Alliance will return to the gods. We watch them return to the gods? If we wait for them to return to the gods, we will If you want to avenge the patriarch, it will be difficult..."

"Yes! Your Majesty, we can't wait for SAARC to return to the God Realm!

The elders also expressed their opinions.

Bai Ku nodded: "That's right! The revenge of Wuchuan has to be avenged! However, you don't have to worry. According to the past, it takes seven or eight days for the SAARC to return to the God Realm, and we still have time..."

"Sir, what are you going to do?"

"Contact the Holy Venerable and let them avenge us! 55

As soon as these words fell, all the elders showed strange expressions.

Even the third elder hesitated.

Afterwards, an elder smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty, if you invite the Holy Venerable to come, our secret cultivation of holy eggs will be exposed. If we don't make it right, we will be exterminated by the holy Venerables..."

"Yeah! Supreme, the Four Great Sages forbid all clans to cultivate holy eggs in private. We Bai and Yu clan must not leak out the secret cultivation of holy eggs...

It turned out that the holy eggs cultivated by the Bai and Yu tribes will be returned to the ruins after they are born in the future.

But this kind of holy egg spirit is different, it is born with primordial spirit, and it is the master of the universe.

When the holy egg monster grows to the eternal realm, it can turn its own universe into a holy land, making the Bai people the fifth holy race like the four holy races.

The ambition of Bai and Yu to cultivate holy eggs lies in this.

But the four holy clans do not allow new holy clans to be born, so all clans are prohibited from cultivating holy eggs.

If they are found, their entire clan will be wiped out.

Seeing the panicked appearance of the elders, Bai Ku had expected it.

"Everyone, you don't have to worry. We only notify Wu Tiansheng to come, and the other three saints will not. Wu Tiansheng is the weakest, and he is not good at the six senses. As long as we hide the holy eggs in advance, all signs will be eliminated. It's alright..."

Bai Ku comforts everyone.

"Your Majesty, do you have to invite the Holy Venerable Wu Tian? 35

Bai Ku smiled bitterly: "If you don't ask him to help, I'm afraid we won't be able to take revenge. If you don't want to take revenge for the patriarch, let this matter go. We will let the South Alliance return to the God Realm...""

"No!", the third elder immediately objected, "I think it's feasible to do it too high. As long as we hide it well, Wu Tianshengzun 4.7 will find the unsacred egg. Besides, we only use his power to avenge, not let him Has been staying at our station..."

As soon as these words came out, the elders thought.

After a while, everyone nodded slightly in agreement.

"By the way, Taishang, you can ask Wu Tiansheng to help. We also need to inform the Yu clan and let them hide the holy eggs too, so as not to reveal anything, our two clans will be finished! 35

"Makes sense! 55

At that moment, Bai Ku sent a message to the chief elder of the Yu clan.

Soon, the two tribes reached a consensus.

The Yu clan also eagerly wanted to avenge Yu Heng and Yu Qian, and agreed to invite Wu Tianshengzun.

In this way, the two tribes began to hide the holy eggs.

A day later, the two clans completely hid the holy egg and erased all traces of the altar.

After doing this, Bai Ku sent a message to Wu Tiansheng for help......

On this day, Qin Feng had unknowingly arrived near the Yu Clan's residence.

Bai Ku and others did not know that Qin Feng and the people from the South Alliance, not only did not return to the realm of the gods, but killed them instead.

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