Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 933: Killing the 1 Realm of Eternity

The phantom avatar took the opportunity to rush to the spiritual fruit, and in the blink of an eye, it was next to a spiritual fruit...

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

Three bangs in a row!

Yu Heng and the guardian spirit were evenly matched.

In fact, Yu Heng's strength is stronger than the guardian spirit.

After all, the guardian spirit is just the projection of the lawful one, and its combat power just reaches the threshold of the first realm of eternity, and it is only used to test those who pick the spiritual fruit.

Yu Heng is the real powerhouse in the first realm of eternity. He has only just broken through for a year, but he is still stronger than these guardians.

Naihe Shenshu constantly launched soul power attacks, which affected Yu Heng's strength.

After all, soul power was Yu Heng's weakness.

This puts him in a tie with the Guardians.

Qin Feng was naturally not affected by the soul power attack, and easily defeated the guardian spirit with one palm.

On the other side, Bai Wuchuan was so confused by the soul power attack that he had no protection at all. He was slashed by the guardian spirit on the spot and turned into energy in the sky...

At this moment, there was a light click, and the phantom clone cut off the stem with a knife, and picked a spiritual fruit...

"No River!"

Yu Heng roared loudly.


The guardian spirit that killed Bai Wuchuan roared violently and rushed towards the phantom clone.

Qin Feng took this opportunity to put all the energy of Bai Wu 10 River into a storage ring with a wave of his hand...

It was at this moment that the guardian spirit caught up with the phantom clone and was about to make a move...

With the strength of the phantom avatar, it is naturally not an opponent of the guardian spirit.

But at this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred.

Qin Feng launched the summon, the phantom avatar disappeared out of thin air, and appeared behind Qin Feng in an instant, avoiding the fatal blow...

The guardian aura was in a frenzy.

Qin Feng and the phantom avatar quickly evacuated.

"Go away!

The guardian spirit, who had been knocked back by Qin Feng before, was also killed at this time, and hurriedly stepped forward to intercept Qin Feng and the phantom avatar's retreat.


A loud bang!

Qin Feng slapped the palm of his hand and sent the guardian spirit flying.

Immediately, he and the phantom avatar rushed out of the area covered by the divine tree's spiritual light, that is, rushed out of the third floor...

At this point, Qin Feng heaved a sigh of relief and was filled with joy.

According to the rules, as long as he exits the third floor, the guardian spirit will not chase after him...

In other words, the second profound spiritual fruit was successfully obtained.

Before Qin Feng could finish being happy, there was a rapid sound of breaking through the air behind him.

Seeing that the situation was not good, then Yu Heng finally tried his best to repel the guardian spirit and rushed out...

But the next second, he was stunned to find that Qin Feng and the phantom avatar were both standing on the boundary of the third layer, looking at him with a smirk...

Yu Heng suddenly felt bad.

But he didn't have time to think about it, and rushed towards the border at full speed...

But when he arrived near the border, Qin Feng and the phantom avatar shot at the same time...

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

A few loud bangs!

Yu Heng groaned and was knocked back.

At this moment, the three guardian spirits chased up together, and at the same time shot Yu Heng.

Qin Feng and the phantom avatar have already crossed the border.

According to the rules, they can't shoot.

But this guy is still within the third floor, so they can naturally take action.

Besides, Qin Feng took away the second Spirit Fruit, and they were worried that they had nowhere to breathe...

For a time, the three guardian spirits attacked Yu Heng with all their strength, but they did not hold back...

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

Yu Qian screamed again and again, was bombarded by the three guardian spirits, rolled over, and flew towards the border...

But at this moment, Qin Feng and the phantom clone shot again and blasted him into the boundary again...

For a time, a strange situation formed in the field.

Yu Heng was attacked at the border junction by the three guardian spirits, Qin Feng, and the phantom avatar.

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

For a time, both sides bombarded wildly, both attacking Yu Heng alone.

"Ah~!...Ah~! Why...why?

Yu Heng screamed again and again, and his heart was extremely depressed.

He didn't grab the spirit fruit at all!

Why deal with him alone?

Qin Feng and the others naturally wouldn't explain it to him, they were all trying their best to kill...

Yu Heng wanted to escape, but how could he escape the siege of the Four Eternal Powerhouses?

For a time, he screamed again and again, unable to break free.

The phantom avatar also sacrificed the Ding Lingzhu.

Taking advantage of Yu Heng's weak soul, he kept using the Ding Lingzhu to dazzle Yu Heng's five senses, making him unable to break through...

This bizarre scene left everyone in the South Alliance stunned.

"This... this... The Supreme Elder of the Yu Clan was besieged!"

"Haha!! Master Qin Feng is too smart, he actually used the rules to trap the elders of the Yu clan..."

Everyone was excited and admired Qin Feng even more...

In this way, Yu Heng was besieged by Qin Feng and five people, which was extremely miserable...

Time flies so fast, a quarter of an hour has passed in a blink of an eye...

Yu Heng finally couldn't hold it anymore, his body collapsed instantly, turning into a white fog that filled the sky...

His primordial spirit was exposed.

Returning to the ruins of spirits and monsters, they can also condense their primordial spirits when they cultivate to the eternal realm.

It's just that Yuanshen is weaker than the eternal powerhouses of the God Realm.

The next second, the white fog rolled over, and Yu Heng wanted to be resurrected.

Qin Feng has sacrificed the divine fire of creation, rushed into the misunderstanding, and devoured the primordial spirit...

In the sea of ​​​​fire, Yu Heng's shrill scream suddenly sounded...

The three guardian spirits changed slightly when they saw the divine fire of creation.

However, they didn't say much, and still frantically attacked Yu Heng's Primordial Spirit.

Here are the rules!

They will not go against it!

The phantom avatar also put away the Ding Lingzhu, sacrificed the Heaven Punishing Sword, and attacked wildly in the sea of ​​​​fire...

Qin Feng fully controls the God of Creation...

Obviously, the divine fire of creation was excited to swallow the primordial spirit, and Yu Heng's breath kept plummeting...

"Forgive... spare life...! Ah~!"


Not long after, a light sound came from the sea of ​​​​fire, like a cold wind blowing out a lonely lamp...

Yu Heng's primordial spirit was shattered, and he was instantly devoured by the divine fire of creation...

"Ding~! The host succeeded in beheading the ghost of returning to the ruins in the first realm of eternity... Received 500 trillion merit points....

Haha! It worked!

Qin Feng was ecstatic, and with a wave of his hand, he collected 420 of the energy transformed by Yu Heng...

A war is over.

The three guardian spirits glanced at Qin Feng with complicated expressions, then retreated and disappeared into the void...

Seeing this scene, everyone in the South Alliance cheered.

"Haha! Dead! Dead! The Supreme Elder of the Yu Clan is dead!

"Haha!! Master Qin Feng is amazing!"

"What Yu clan and Bai clan are nothing more than this!"

Everyone in the South Alliance was so excited that they were going crazy...

Qin Feng was also extremely excited.

As soon as he saw the three guardian spirits leave, he happily took out the loot just now and swallowed it again and again.

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully devouring the Mysterious Spirit Fruit (1 piece).... The host's cultivation base has increased to 39% of the Great Perfection of the True God... The combat power has been increased to 200 trillion...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing half-step Eternal Energy (Bai Wuchuan).... The host's cultivation base has been raised to 53% of the Great Perfection of the True God. The combat power has been raised to 224 trillion yuan...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully devouring the energy of the first realm of eternity (Yu Heng).... The host's cultivation base has been raised to 92% of the Great Perfection of the True God. The combat power has been raised to 290 trillion yuan...

In just a moment, Qin Feng's aura continued to improve, exaggerating every time, which was earth-shattering.

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