Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 927 The Last Stand (Seeking Full Order)

This all happened extremely fast.

Qin Feng was taken aback for a moment.

Bai Wuchuan escaped!

Yu Qianhua created such a protective barrier, the divine fire of creation could not be eroded.

Qin Feng hurriedly waved his hand, and in front of him appeared several attack-type spiritual weapons, including knives, swords, axes, and spears...

In the next second, he pointed his finger, and many spiritual weapons bombarded the enchantment...

At the same time, the phantom avatar also sacrificed the four swords of slaying the sky and launched a mad attack...

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

The huge explosion sounded incessantly!

The whole void is shaking!

Qin Feng and the phantom avatar joined forces to attack for a long time, but they still failed to destroy the barrier.

"Haha~! Boy, without the strength of the Eternal Realm, you can't break the ultimate guardian barrier of this deity. With your current strength, it's still far behind! 35

Yu Qian laughed loudly, actually a little proud.

Qin Feng frowned: "What do you have to be proud of? Sacrifice most of your combat power to create this barrier, and your current strength is only at the level of God, you can't escape even if you want to!"

Yu Qian didn't take it seriously: "Haha!! So what? The deity's strength is reduced, and that's temporary. Besides, the deity has no plans to escape at all!"

"You dare to keep the deity here, and when the elders of our clan arrive, it will be your death. If you are acquainted, you should escape as soon as possible, and perhaps there is still a chance of survival!"

"420" "Hehe! Let me let you go? Dreaming!"

Qin Feng sneered and shot again.

The phantom clone also shot together.

But after some attacks, he still failed to destroy the barrier.

That barrier is like a huge white turtle shell, unbreakable.

This naturally attracted some ridicule from Yu Qian.

Qin Feng couldn't help frowning, secretly thinking that Yu Qian's words were true.

Without the strength of the Eternal Realm, he couldn't break this barrier at all, and there was no way to take Yu Qian.

But the strength gap between him and the Eternal Realm is huge, and it is almost impossible to reach the combat power threshold of the Eternal Realm in a short time.

Half-step Eternal's combat power is 400,000 to 80 trillion Yuan.

The threshold of combat power in the eternal realm is 200 trillion yuan.

And Qin Feng's combat power is only 60 trillion Rang!

"Boy, you can't break this barrier! Stop dreaming! Haha!!

Yu Qian laughed proudly.

It was at this moment that the roars of the True God Lords sounded in the distance.

"Stop them both!"

"Don't let them escape!"

"Damn! They're incarnated!"

This shout startled Qin Feng.

He followed the prestige and saw that the only remaining two elders of the Yu clan had turned into monsters like birds and fish, and their bodies had become virtual, and they were escaping rapidly...

Originally, the two Yu clan elders were completely suppressed by Zhenji and others.

Afterwards, Bai Wuchuan fled.

They knew that the situation was over, and they couldn't control their own family leaders at this moment, so they chose to run away...

At this moment, the two of them turned into a beast and rushed out to be surrounded by Zhenji and others.

The virtualized beast body is a special means of returning to the ruins, and it is the most suitable for escaping.

Zhenji, Jiuyuan, Shitie, and the eleven celestial peaks couldn't stop it, they just yelled in a hurry...

Even the people in the south who watched the battle from a distance looked extremely anxious...

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng put away the divine fire of creation.

In the next second, he chased and killed the Yu clan elder.

"not good!"

Yu Qian was in a hurry.

He wanted to rescue, but was imprisoned in place by the phantom clone, unable to move at all.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Feng caught up with the two elders of the Yu clan, and with two palms in a row, they killed them in seconds.

When Yu Qian saw this scene, he was extremely sad and angry, but he was helpless.

The SAARC people were extremely excited.

After a while, Qin Feng called everyone together and surrounded Yu Qian alone.

Looking at the huge white transparent barrier and Yu Qian with a sad face inside the barrier, everyone frowned.

"My lord, does this barrier really require the power of the Eternal Realm to break through?"

"My lord, we all attack together, I don't believe that we can't break it!""

Zhenji and others expressed their opinions one after another.

"Haha!! You idiots! Just rely on you ants, even if you attack for a hundred years, you will never try to break the barrier of the deity!"

Yu Qian laughed loudly, with resentment and disdain deep in his eyes.

Their Yu clan lost too much this time.

The five elders who came with him all perished, how could he not be resentful.

"Old thief! You have become our prisoner, why are you arrogant?

"That's right! Lord Qin Feng, let's try to attack together!

SAARC people have suggested.

"Useless! 35

Qin Feng shook his head.

"This guy is right. With our current attack power, even if we attack for a hundred years, it will be difficult to break his enchantment. Unless, our combined attack power can reach the level of Eternal Realm..."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked and took a deep breath.

"Hey~! This barrier is so strong!"

"Sir, it seems that we have no way to break through this barrier!"

"By the way, after the patriarch of the Bai clan escaped, he should bring in rescue troops, right?"

"From the old man's point of view, they will definitely send someone. By the way, there are still two half-step Eternals from the Yu Clan and Bai Clan, plus the Patriarch of the Bai Clan, that's three. Next time, if the three and a half-step Eternals come together Come……"

When the true God said this, his face was not good.

The rest of the crowd also showed fear.

Although Qin Feng is extremely powerful, there is only one person in the end.

Can he alone deal with four Half-Step Eternals teaming up?

From the current point of view, it is obvious that Qin Feng can't do it.

What's more, the Supreme Elder of the Bai Clan and the Supreme Elder of the Yu Clan are much stronger than Yu Qian and Bai Wuchuan...

At the moment, everyone looked at each other and was a little uneasy.

But at this moment, Yu Qian's mocking sound came from inside the barrier.

"Haha! You know how nervous you are now? I'm afraid it's too late! Also, you ants are too underestimated by our Yu clan. The supreme elder of our Yu clan is already a powerhouse in the first realm of eternity. Step Eternity Comparable?""


"Eternal First Realm?"

When everyone in the South Alliance heard this, their expressions changed greatly.

Qin Feng also frowned slightly.

Now it's a bit of a hassle!

With his current strength, he is definitely not an opponent of the Eternal First Realm, and it is not bad to be able to escape from the Eternal First Realm.

"Lord Qin Feng, it seems that the situation is not good! Otherwise, let's withdraw now!

"Brother Zhenji, then this guy doesn't matter? Jiu is a little unwilling!


Zhenji God looked at Yu Qian helplessly.

They have no way to deal with Yu Qian now, and if they want to evacuate, they can only ignore it.

Others also showed helplessness.

Seeing this scene, Yu Qian laughed again.

"I really laughed at the deity! You thought you could escape if you let the deity go? As far as this deity knows, it took you about 20 days to get here all the way? Now, if you want to go back, even if you try your best, you will still be able to escape. It takes ten days.

"In these ten days, wherever you go, the deity will follow you. And these ten days are enough for the elders of my clan to catch up with you. By then, it will be your death period! Haha!!""

Yu Qian laughed proudly, and the laughter was also full of resentment.0

The faces of everyone in the South Alliance changed drastically.


Even if they retreat now, it will take ten days to return to the south.

But at that time, they are only afraid that they will be caught up by the elders of the Yu clan!

The thought of being chased and killed by an Eternal Realm made everyone fall into an ice cellar and were extremely frightened.

"Is this guy true or false? Is their Supreme Elder really a powerhouse in the Eternal Realm?"

"This... No matter if it's true or not, the situation is not good!"

"Sir, what do you think?"

Everyone panicked and looked at Qin Feng.

Unconsciously, Qin Feng has become the backbone of SAARC, and it is also the support of SAARC.

Qin Feng has been watching everything silently.

Yu Qian's pride and arrogance, he also silently watched.

In fact, he has a way to make everyone return to the God Realm within a quarter of an hour.

However, he didn't want to do it yet.

Immediately, he said: "Everyone, we will withdraw now, I'm afraid it's too late. In this case, let's stay and fight!

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the South Alliance was a little stunned.

Yu Qian even sneered: "Leave a fight?! Haha! Boy, what confidence do you have to say such a big thing?

Qin Feng smiled coldly: "Anyway, the deity will destroy you first!"

"Haha!! It's up to you? If you have the ability to destroy the deity, you won't wait until now!"

"Then wait and see!

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Feng took out a storage ring.

In the next second, a huge amount of energy was released from the storage ring, which was the energy left over after the death of the ten elders of the Yu and Bai tribes.

Afterwards, Qin Feng opened his mouth to suck in the astonished eyes of everyone, swallowing them all.

It didn't take long for Qin Feng's body to continue to soar...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for devouring ten God-level energy... Your cultivation base has increased to 86%... The combat power has increased to 70 trillion yuan...

After a long time, Qin Feng opened his eyes in surprise.

The inadvertently exuded monstrous divine power surprised and delighted everyone around...

With this devouring, Qin Feng actually increased the combat power of 10 trillion Rang, reaching 70 trillion Rang's combat power......

"Hey! This combat power seems are you improving so fast?"

When Yu Qian witnessed all this, he was extremely shocked.

This kid's Secret Technique 4.7 was too terrifying, which made him a little flustered.

But immediately, he said ruthlessly: "Boy, do you think that after absorbing that energy and improving some strength, you want to break my barrier? This deity tells you that your current strength is still far behind!

Qin Feng glanced at him coldly and looked at the spiritual roots of heaven and earth not far away.

There are still twenty-seven yellow fruits on it that have not been picked, which may allow him to break through to the Great Consummation of the True God in one fell swoop.

At that time, he may be able to break Yu Qian's barrier.

"Zhenji, Jiuyuan, Shitie listen to the order!"

"Subordinates are here!

"You three lead the crowd to trap this guy, don't let him escape!""

呲tie laughed: "Haha! Master, apart from being strong in defense, this guy's strength has plummeted in other areas, that is, at the level of God. The three of us trapped him, it was easy!

"That's good!

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Feng flew to the second floor of the spiritual root of heaven and earth.

The phantom avatar is also close behind...

There is only a day and a half left, and there are still many spiritual fruits on the second and third layers that have not been picked. He must speed up the time.

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