Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 923 The benefits of being delivered to your door (seeking full order)

At the same time, Bai Wuchuan and Yu Qian also killed him.

The two roared and rushed towards Qin Feng, and they were going to join forces to deal with Qin Feng...

In the blink of an eye, the two rushed to Qin Feng and shot at the same time.

Qin Feng hurriedly confronted them, one against two.


Another loud bang!

It is several times more terrifying than the previous two!

Countless huge cracks burst out in the void, extremely terrifying.

In the next second, Qin Feng groaned and was blasted away, a distance of 700 million miles...

In the end, he was defeated by the team of Bai Wuchuan and Yu Qian.

This scene made the Bai and Yu people cheer.

The hearts of the SAARC people sank and they felt very uneasy.

Bai Wuchuan and Yu Qian were overjoyed and hurriedly pursued the victory.

In the blink of an eye, the two caught up, joined forces again, and blasted towards Qin Feng together...

Qin Feng met the enemy again.


Another loud bang~!

Qin Feng was blasted out again.

But this time, Qin Feng was only blasted out 600 million miles, much less than last time.

This change, everyone saw it and was amazed.

However, the Bai and Yu people didn't care.

Their patriarch firmly prevailed.

The situation is entirely in their favor!

The SAARC people are naturally extremely worried.

The battle of their subordinates is secondary.

The key to the absolute victory or defeat is naturally the top combat power.

If Qin Feng was completely defeated, it would be useless even if their subordinates won.

At this moment, Bai Wuchuan and Yu Qian caught up with Qin Feng again.

Double 10 parties fight again~!


Once again, a loud bang like a cracking earth~!

Qin Feng was blasted out here.

But this time, Qin Feng was only blasted out more than 500 million miles, and it was less than the last time...

"Hey! This kid is a little weird!"

"Yeah! He seems to be getting stronger and stronger! 35

Bai Wuchuan and Yu Qian looked at each other with a hint of disbelief deep in their eyes.

The Yu and Bai people also found out, and they were very puzzled.

Everyone in the South Alliance seemed to see hope, and their eyes gleamed, rekindling their fighting spirit.

Naturally, they didn't know that in Qin Feng's body, those subordinates were refining the spirit fruit at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

As the strength of his subordinates increased, so did his combat power.

At this moment, his combat power has reached 51 trillion yuan, a whole increase of 1 trillion yuan...

"Brother Wuchuan, did this kid hide his strength before?"

"This... this guy is only a true god, and he has to hide his strength? 35

"That's it! Whether he hides or not, it's still weird! We'd better kill him quickly and don't give him a chance to breathe."

"This is exactly what Bai means!"

As soon as the words fell, Bai Wuchuan and Yu Qian slaughtered the past again...

They don't believe it, with the two of them working together, they can't subdue a human true god...

In the blink of an eye, the two sides fought again.

But in the next second, Bai Wuchuan and Yu Qian discovered in horror that the distance Qin Feng was blown away was getting shorter.

This kid is really getting stronger and stronger!

Bai Wuchuan and Yu Qian finally panicked and started strangling with all their strength...

For a time, the field fell into a fiery battle.

On the other side, the battle between the people of the South Alliance and the Bai and Yu tribes has also become incandescent.

The phantom avatar has one enemy and six, and has the upper hand.

True God, Jiuyuan God and their opponents are all equally divided.

The nine celestial peaks were besieging a Yu clan elder, and they began to fall behind. The situation was precarious, and it seemed that a celestial peak would fall at any time.

When Zhenji and Jiuyuan saw this scene, their hearts were extremely anxious.

Every peak of the gods cannot be lost to the South Alliance, which lacks talents.

They wanted to help, but couldn't.

The phantom avatar could not pull away for a while.

On the other hand, although Qin Feng became stronger and stronger, his two fists were no match for four, and he was still suppressed and beaten by Bai Wuchuan and Yu Qian, and he was completely at a disadvantage.

In this way, the group battle in the field fell into a state of anxiety.

The overall situation is still biased towards the Bai and Yu clans...

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

Shocking explosions continue to be heard...

The most fierce battle is the duel between the three half-step eternity.

In the blink of an eye, the battle passed for a quarter of an hour.

Qin Feng has fought against Bai Wuchuan for thousands of rounds.

His combat power has increased to 52 trillion jo...

Bai Wuchuan and the two became more uneasy the more they fought...

"Damn it! What the hell is going on with this kid?"

Bai Wuchuan became more and more panicked.

Yu Qian frowned: "Brother Wuchuan, it's time for a trick! I can't let this kid continue to improve!"

Although Yu Qian didn't know what was going on, he realized that he couldn't continue like that.

The two of them joined forces and could not cause substantial damage to Qin Feng, but instead delayed Qin Feng for time.

They must use a unique trick to determine the victory and defeat in one fell swoop!

"Brother is right!"

When Bai Wuchuan thought about it, the vertical red line between his eyebrows slowly split open, and a strange pupil appeared, emitting a faint nine-color light...

Seeing this, Qin Feng looked alert.

He has seen the strange eyes of the elders of the Bai clan, and knows that their power is extraordinary.

This half-step Eternal Realm's different eyes should be more powerful.

At this moment, Qin Feng's mind continued to send system prompts.

"Ding~! Your subordinate, Qinglin, refined five spirit fruits at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and his cultivation base has broken through to the peak of the gods... The host has gained a lot of combat power back..."

"Ding~! Your subordinate, Star Master Ziwei, refined five spiritual fruits at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and his cultivation base has broken through to the gods... The host has gained a lot of combat power back..."

"Ding~! Your child Hongjun fetus has refined five spiritual fruits of the early Yuan Dynasty, and his cultivation has broken through to the gods... The host has gained a lot of combat power back...  

So far, all the spirit fruits of the early Yuan Dynasty have been refined.

Qin Feng's combat power has also increased to 54 trillion yuan in one fell swoop, and it has increased by 2 trillion yuan...

It was at this moment that a shrill scream came from the field~!

An elder of the Yu clan was defeated by the phantom clone and turned into a mist of water energy in the sky.

The audience was horrified.

The group battle that had been anxious for a long time broke the balance at this moment.

What people did not expect was that the SAARC side took advantage.

These people did not know that as Qin Feng's strength increased, the combat power of the phantom avatar also increased.

Just now, Qin Feng's combat power has skyrocketed by 2 trillion yuan, and the strength of the phantom avatar has also greatly increased.

The elder of the Yu clan who besieged him did not pay attention, and was defeated in one fell swoop, and he fell.

"Elder Yulian!"

"Damn it!"

The Yu people roared sadly.

Immediately, there were several muffled hums.

The Yu clan elder, who was besieged by the nine Heavenly God Peaks, flew three Heavenly God Peaks, rushed out of the encirclement, merged with the remaining five Heavenly Lord powerhouses, and wanted to continue besieging the phantom avatars.

The nine Heavenly God Peaks in the south also followed closely, assisting the phantom avatar.

And the phantom avatar took the opportunity to wave his hand, and put all the energy of the Yu clan elder who had been killed before into a storage ring, and then let the body refine it afterward.

It wasn't over yet, he then waved again.

The space changed for a while, and the star masters Qinglin and Ziwei appeared one after another and joined the battle group.

Today, Qinglin is the pinnacle of the gods and is qualified to participate in the war.

Star Master Ziwei is only a god, but the fetus Hongjun is also a god. The combined power of mother and son is comparable to the limit of the peak of the gods, and it is even stronger than Qinglin.

At the moment, the phantom avatar brought eleven peak-level powerhouses of the gods and fought against six gods, and in an instant, he gained the absolute upper hand...

Seeing this scene, Zhenji God and Jiuyuan God 420 were very excited.

" actually killed Elder Yu Feng! You ants are all going to die!

Yu Qian was furious.

With a wave of his hand, the void behind him split open, and the monstrous three-color water poured out from the void, instantly turning into a sea of ​​three colors, exuding the aura of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

Bai Wuchuan was overjoyed when he saw the three-color divine water.

"Brother Yu, you finally got your trump card! With this divine water in hand, this time you will definitely be able to turn that kid into scum!"5

Having said that, Bai Wuchuan looked at Qin Feng proudly.

But Qin Feng was stunned.

The three-color divine water that Yu Qian released was the Sanqi Ancestral Water.

Could this be Yu Qian's trump card?

Could it be that this guy wants to melt himself with the water of the Three Qi Ancestors?

Qin Feng was amused at this thought.

After Qinglin, Ziwei, and Hongjun broke through, it represented that all the spiritual fruits were refined.

He also has no source of strength improvement.

The only hope is to see the iron.

This is also Qin Feng's only remaining chance to improve his strength.

But I don't know how long it will take to smelt Huangzhongguo.

This made Qin Feng worried.

But he didn't want to, Yu Qian actually released a large amount of Sanqi Ancestral Water to use it against him.

For Qin Feng, Sanqi Zu Water is not poisonous water, but a great tonic!

It was at this moment that the Three Qi Ancestral Water had formed a boundless three-color sea.

Judging from the amount that Yu Qian controlled, it was more than ten times that of Qin Feng.

"Little thief! This old man must melt you into a pool of yellow water! Go to hell! 55

Yu Qian has already attacked, and the boundless Sanqi Ancestral Water has turned into turbulent waves, swallowing Qin Feng away...

At the same time, Bai Wuchuan also shot together.

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