Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 918: The Birth of the Spiritual Roots of Heaven and Earth

Time flies so fast, seven days have passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past seven days, Qin Feng has refined all the newly obtained inheritance jade.

Along the way, he continued to search for the last half of the inheritance jade, but found nothing.

This made Qin Feng a little puzzled.

He has searched all the Broken Continents, but there is no whereabouts of the last half, so where did the last half go?

Qin Feng wanted to ask Jiuyuan God, but everyone had already reached their final destination.

At this moment, on the edge of a vain continent.

Qin Feng stood in the air, his clothes fluttering, his long hair flying, and he was very handsome.

True God, Jiuyuan God and others are standing behind him.

At this time, everyone's faces were filled with joy.

"That's right! It's here!"

"Yeah! Look at that broken stele, it's the stele of reincarnation in the Jiuquan universe. 35

"Haha! It's here! We're finally here!

The crowd was excited.

In the crowd, when He Tie saw the remnant monument of reincarnation that was hundreds of millions of feet in the middle of the continent, his expression was filled with emotion.

This continent is the shard of God the Father!

Qin Feng was puzzled.

He glanced at the entire continent, except for a ruined monument, he did not see the ten spiritual roots of heaven and earth, nor did he see other special things, not even a single beast.

"Fellow Daoist Jiuyuan, is this really the terminal?" Qin Feng looked back and asked.

"Master back, this is the final stop! That reincarnation monument is a sign, and every time we see it, we know we have reached the last continent."

"Really? But the deity didn't see the spiritual roots of heaven and earth!" Qin Feng looked puzzled.

God Jiuyuan smiled and said: "Sir, you don't know that the spiritual roots of the earth did not grow on this continent, but were rooted in the void of Guixu..."

Hearing this, Qin Feng swept through hundreds of millions of miles of void at a glance, but did not find any spiritual objects...

Jiuyuan God quickly explained: "Sir, the spiritual root of the earth was extremely miraculous that day. Usually, it was hidden behind the void, invisible to the naked eye, and invisible to the spiritual sense. Only by breaking through this space with force can we see its true face. 35

"Are you going to break the space?""

Qin Feng couldn't help frowning.

This ruined space and cosmic space are not at the same level at all. Without the strength of the Eternal Realm, it cannot be broken.

Even a half-step eternal powerhouse can only leave a few cracks in the space, and it is a joke to want to break the space.

It is difficult, if you want to get the fruit of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, you also need to break the space of returning to the ruins yourself.

But this step, he can't do it!

Jiuyuan saw Qin Feng's concern and quickly continued to explain.

"Sir, you don't have to worry about breaking the space. The spiritual roots of this world are extremely strange. Every trillion years, after the first layer of spiritual fruit matures, it will automatically break the space and appear in this void, Only show up for nine days at a time..."

"It's just that we came a little earlier this time, so we haven't seen it yet. If it had been in the past, it would have appeared long ago.

Hearing this, Qin Feng suddenly realized.

No wonder he didn't see anything, it turned out that the spiritual roots of heaven and earth had not appeared.

Having said that, they had frequent accidents along the way, and they did not dare to stay in many places for too long. They did go faster than before, and it was common for them to arrive early.

"Fellow Daoist Jiuyuan, it is truly extraordinary that the spiritual root of this world has such spirituality! I don't know, it will appear in that void?"

"It should be there!" Jiuyuan God pointed to the front, "The spiritual root of heaven and earth has no fixed position, it has been floating behind the void and cannot be traced at all.

"Back then, when the Lord of the Universe of Jiuquan fell, his residual thoughts locked in the spiritual roots of heaven and earth. And this broken continent has been moving in this void with the spiritual roots of heaven and earth. Finding this continent is equivalent to finding the spirits of heaven and earth. root."

"I see!

Qin Feng was stunned, and he understood the cause and effect.

"Then when did the spiritual roots of the world appear?"

"If you count the time, it will only be within this or two days. 35

"That's good! By the way, why did I not find the remaining half of the jade shard? 35

Qin Feng was very concerned about the remaining half of the jade ultimatum.

As long as he finds the half piece, he will be able to obtain a great world, and his strength will be greatly increased.

"Didn't your lord find out?" Jiu Yuan was also a little surprised.


"Then...that battle..."

Jiuyuan began to think about memories.

"I vaguely remember that the Lord of the Universe of Jiuquan was surrounded by the four eternal beings. With one blow, I was affected, my body collapsed, my primordial spirit almost collapsed, and finally even the inheritance jade was shattered into two halves..."

"My primordial spirit was attached to half of the jade and escaped, and the remaining half disappeared, but it is very likely to stay on the battlefield, and it is not clear where it went..."

Qin Feng frowned: "If you stay on the battlefield, you won't be picked up by one of the Eternals, right?"

"'s hard to say!""

Jiu Yuan smiled wryly and shook his head.

He couldn't imagine that if he was really picked up by an Eternal Realm, it would be too difficult to get it back...

Qin Feng also thought of this possibility and felt a little troublesome.

"By the way, the spiritual fruit of the spiritual roots of this world is so precious, why are we the only ones from the south to pick it, and why don't the ghosts from the Returned Ruins come to snatch it?

Qin Feng asked another doubt.

At this time, the true God interjected: "Sir, you don't know. The spiritual fruit of the spiritual root of the heaven and earth is only valid for our gods, not for ghosts returning to the ruins, so they don't fight for it..."

"It's strange to say that the spirits of heaven and earth are a special product of the ruins, but they are useless to the ghosts of the ruins, useful to the spirits of the gods, and I don't know what secrets are hidden behind them. In short, this world is always wonderful!

Speaking of this, the true God sighed.

Qin Feng was puzzled: "Since the spiritual roots of heaven and earth are useless to the ghosts of Guixu, why did the four masters of the Eternal Realm in Guixu 403 join forces to surround and suppress the Lord of the Universe in Jiuquan?"

True God God sighed: "Hey! Your lord, you don't know something. Back then, the Lord of the Universe of Jiuquan didn't just want spiritual fruit, he wanted to transplant the entire spiritual root of heaven and earth into his own universe."

"This shook the foundation of the entire Returning Ruins, which led to the Four Eternals coming to the door and killing them...

Qin Feng was dumbfounded, secretly thinking that the way the Lord of the Universe of Jiuquan was really bold.

However, it would be a good idea to snatch away the entire spiritual root of the world!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng rolled his eyes and felt a little moved.

At this moment, there was a sudden rumbling sound in the air ahead, and the whole void was shaking...

"Come! Come! There is movement!

"The spirit root of heaven and earth is coming out!"

Everyone was shocked and cheered.

Qin Feng hurriedly followed the reputation.

Seeing the void not far away, the space suddenly distorted.

A purple light spot appeared in the center, bursting with dazzling purple light...

In the next second, a leaf tip slowly stretched out from the light spot, with nine colors of light, and a monstrous aura...

Heaven and Earth Linggen is finally about to show up.

Qin Feng was also excited.

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