Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 855: Yuxi and White Marsh (for full order)

"Your Majesty, god-level spirits are coming out!"

"Two more! Be careful!"

Star Master Ziwei and Qinglin were very nervous.

"It's all right! I've been waiting for them! 95

Qin Feng opened his mouth to inhale and swallowed the hundreds of drops of Rengui water essence in front of him...

roar~! roar~!

Before Qin Feng could finish digesting it, there was a violent tumbling in the depths of the dense fog, and two giant beasts rushed out...

A fish body and bird wings, the whole body is as black as ink, and it is as huge as a mountain...  

This beast is named Yuxi, a god-level spirit monster.

A sphinx deer beast, the whole body is like snow, the third eye is born on the forehead, it is very majestic

The name of this beast is White Marsh, a god-level spirit monster.

Two beasts appear, killing intent is monstrous...

The crowd was terrified!

This god-level spirit monster is very different from the previous spirit monsters. It already has a substantial body, and the light of wisdom flashes in its eyes. Obviously, it has a high spiritual intelligence...

At this moment, they saw that Qin Feng was devouring the essence, and rushed towards Qin Feng with incomparable anger...

Surprised all around!

Qinglin and Ziwei were also shocked!

This is a god-level water mist monster, even if a god of the same level can resist one, it will be extremely difficult...

Now, the two have joined forces to kill Qin Feng together, and even the gods are about to escape. . .

Obviously, the thousands of spirits Qin Feng killed before were all their subordinates...


At this moment, they want to avenge their own men...

At this moment of crisis, the phantom avatar flashed forward and sacrificed the Earth Bone Spirit Book, and a huge defensive mask blocked the front...

Boom~! Boom~!

Two loud bangs!

The mask is broken!

The phantom avatar was bombarded and killed on the spot!

Surprised all around!

"Oh my God! Lord Qin Lei was bombarded to death!

"It's over! It's over! It's over!

"Oh my God! How come a god-level spirit appears here? 35

"Escape! Escape!

Nearly 10,000 players were so frightened...

In the minds of the players, the phantom avatar is the existence of the half-step god, the supreme power...

Now that they have been bombarded by two gods and spirits, they are not worth mentioning...

For a time, thousands of players fled in all directions...

But in the next second, there was another exclamation from the crowd.

"Look! Look! Lord Qin Lei is alive again!"

Everyone was shocked and turned around to look...

I saw where the phantom avatar was killed, countless black mists in the depths of the air, gathered together in the blink of an eye, and turned into a stalwart figure, it was the phantom avatar!

Looking at his momentum, he is still at his peak, and there is no injury on his body. . . .

Yuxi and Baizhu were dumbfounded.

(baeh) They clearly felt that the phantom avatar in front of them had not yet reached the strength of the gods.

Not even a single injury!

What made them even more annoyed was that the phantom clones completely blocked their attacks, gaining a little strength for Qin Feng...

The combat power of these two beasts is more than 6,000 trillion Zi...

The combat power of the phantom clone is one-third of Qin Feng's, which is more than 3,000 trillion Zi...

But the combat power of the phantom clone is increased by 200 times, which is twice as strong as these two uncivilized spirits...

Although these two spirits have special abilities, their growth rate is not as good as that of humans, only about a hundred times...

More importantly, the phantom clone is immortal.

As long as Qin Feng is alive, he can be resurrected infinitely...

For this, even if Geng Yi Tianzun and others do not know, let alone these two spirits...


A deafening roar!

The two beasts became angry with shame...!

They are also the supreme beings among spirits and monsters. They usually don’t even care about human beings at the god level. How can they be blocked by a human being in the pseudo-god realm now…

At the moment, the spirit called Bai Swamp's eyes lit up with divine light, illuminating the world...

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

Wherever that divine light goes, all air, all sound, all wind, all time, all space, and all laws are frozen...

It's as if the whole world is frozen...

In the blink of an eye, the phantom clone was frozen into an ice sculpture...

Another spirit monster, Yu Xi, took the opportunity to spew out a three-color spiritual mist...

In less than a second, the group of three-color spiritual mist merged into the phantom avatar...

The eyes of the two beasts showed joy, and they even breathed a sigh of relief...

Not far away, Qing Lin saw the three-color spiritual mist, and his delicate body was shaken violently, and an inexplicable throbbing surged from the depths of his soul...

She seemed to have touched something, and the memory of her past life hidden in the depths of her soul was loosened at this moment...

She looked at the three-color spiritual fog in horror, and she felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity...

In fact, she has never seen...

But she knew that the three-color spiritual mist was extremely dangerous...

Qing Lin's feeling was correct, the three-color spiritual mist was extremely dangerous.

She suffered from it in her previous life, so the first time she saw it, it touched the dusty memory...

That instinctive fear made her want to remind the phantom clone.

But all of this is too late, the three-color spiritual mist has been completely integrated into the phantom avatar...

Qing Lin was extremely anxious...

Yuxi and Baizhu's beast eyes showed gloating.

They are waiting for the phantom avatar to transform into a pool of yellow water...

You must know that the three-color spirit mist is a hundred times stronger than the possession of the water mist spirit monster.

Because the three-color spiritual mist contains not only the essence of Rengui water, but also the very rare essence of Kanshui...

The essence of Renshui dissolves the soul of the sky!

Gui water essence dissolves God base!

The essence of Kanshui dissolves the true spirit and the flesh!

The combination of the three types of essences Ren, Gui and Kan can increase the power by a hundred times, and even the true spirit of the gods, the gods, and the gods can quickly dissolve...

In other words, the three-color spiritual mist can turn the gods into a pool of stinky water...

How could this little false god be able to resist?

The two beasts were thinking proudly, but after waiting for a while, the phantom had no tendency to turn into a pool of water...

These two spirits are a little suspicious...

It was at this moment that the phantom avatar finally moved...

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!


Ice sculpture burst!

The phantom avatar escaped, the whole body was full of momentum, how could it turn into thick water...

The three-color thick fog is ineffective!

Yuxi and Bai Zhuo were immediately stunned!

For hundreds of millions of years, they have used the three-color spiritual mist to deal with human beings, and they have tried many times, but this time they have failed?

It's the first time they've seen this kind of situation...

At this moment, they looked at the phantom clone in astonishment, as if seeing a monster...

How do they feel that the humans in front of them are more like ghosts than them!

Naturally, these two guys didn't know that the phantom avatar was just an extension of Qin Feng's body, the other side of the yin and yang.

In other words, the phantom avatar has no physical body, no true spirit, no god base, no heavenly soul......

Yuxi and Bai Zhuo tried to deal with him in the same way that they dealt with human beings, and it was completely ineffective...

But it is said that as soon as the phantom avatar escapes, it instantly sacrifices the four swords of slaying the sky...

Those two spirits were startled and were about to start again......

But at this moment, a monstrous sky rose not far away, and the boundless heavenly power instantly enveloped the entire mountain range...

Everyone was shocked and looked at each other, and saw that Qin Feng's momentum was constantly rising...

At the same time, a system prompt also sounded in his mind...

"Ding! The host has swallowed a lot of Renguishui essence... Your god base and heavenly soul have been purified and strengthened again...

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, your physique has been promoted to the body of the water saint... The host's combat power has been greatly improved...

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