Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 850: 1 Enemy Hundred (Seeking Complete Order)

Everyone was startled, they all looked up and saw Qin Feng walking out of the void...

"Huh! It's Qin Feng!"

"Haha!! This kid took the initiative to send it to the door!"

"Hey! Heaven has a way, you don't go. Hell has no way, you break in! Kill him together!

Huo De Tianjun and the others were extremely excited.

Immediately, an order came.

Nearly a hundred people slaughtered Qin Feng together, very tacit understanding...

They had already negotiated that as soon as they saw Qin Feng, they would take action together, and make sure to kill Qin Feng with one blow...

I saw Huode Tianjun sacrificed his natural enemy's spiritual weapon - the flame gun...

Mother Bichi sacrificed the spiritual weapon of heaven and earth - Coiling Dragon Wooden Staff...

The two attacked Qin Feng with all their might, and the half-step god's combat power was earth-shattering...

The Golden Flood Dragon Emperor and the Golden Flood Dragon Emperor transformed into two golden flood dragons, wrapped in thunder light, intertwined with each other, and their aura was piercing through the sky...

The Golden Flood Emperor and the Golden Flood Emperor do not have heaven and earth spiritual tools, but their fleshly bodies are heaven and earth spiritual tools...

These two dragons were born out of chaos when Zizai God Realm opened up.

As soon as they are born, they have their own destiny...

After countless trillions of years of air infiltration, the physical strength of the two is completely comparable to that of heaven and earth...

Every time they fight, the two brothers use their bodies to get close to their blogs. …

Both of them joined forces, and their combat power has completely reached the level of a half-step god, and their power is earth-shattering....

At the same time, the six true gods headed by Hades were consummated...

The pinnacles of the twelve true gods headed by Yan Sui and Kuidou, as well as nearly a hundred true gods, all delivered their strongest blows...

These nearly 100 people joined forces, and the attack concentrated a little, and the endless divine might covered the sky and the earth, and the power was comparable to the full blow of the gods...

"not good!

Star Master Ziwei was so frightened that her face changed greatly...

387 In the next second, she didn't even think about it, a teleport stood in front of Qin Feng, and she actually wanted to block these attacks for Qin Feng...

Huo De Tianjun and others showed their mockery one after another...

With their joint strike, not to mention the great consummation of the true god, even a half-step god would have to fall on the spot...

And this woman doesn't even have the strength of the Great Perfection of the True God, and she actually wants to help Qin Feng resist, she is really over the top...

These people don't know that Star Master Ziwei has dedicated his life and glory to Qin Feng. Facing everything in front of him, he has no fear and regards death as home...

As it is now, so it will be in the future...

"Master, let me come!

A gentle voice sounded in the ears of Star Master Ziwei.

Immediately, Qin Feng's stalwart figure stood in front of her...

The Earth Bone Spirit Book is offered!


An earth-shattering roar!

The spirit book shines brightly, a khaki-yellow mask stands in front of Qin Feng and Ziwei Star Lord...

This Earth Bone Spirit Book is made from the fusion of Earth Mother Heavenly Scripture and Jiuyin White Bone Finger.

Huo De Tianjun and the others looked disdainful...

Just wanting to block their joint attack with a mere defensive magic weapon is simply a dream!

At this moment, they were all grinning, as if they saw Qin Feng's fate being smashed to pieces...

In the blink of an eye, all the attacks fell....


A loud bang!

Heaven and Earth are shattering!

The world is collapsing!

The entire water spirit fantasy world shook violently!

Tens of thousands of players were startled by the huge movement, and looked towards the direction of the battle in astonishment...

Even the water mist spirits hidden in every corner were alarmed, and they instinctively felt fear, and they hid even deeper...

At this moment, in Lingyun Hall.

Geng Yi Tianzun and the gods are discussing the changes on the jade tablet.

Just now, the Fire Virtue Realm was still third, but in a blink of an eye, it lost more than 10,000 points and became the bottom one...

This change surprised the gods.

Only the ancestor of Tiansheng showed a smile, and he had some guesses.

But when the gods were curious and inquired, there was a loud noise in the competition area, like the collapse of the galaxy and the destruction of the universe...

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The expressions of the gods changed greatly, and they stood up one by one, looking at the entrance of the competition in astonishment...

Geng Yi Tianzun was also stunned...

Only the ancestor of the heavenly sage sat on the throne with a smile on his face. . . .

He had been waiting for so long, and Huo De and the others finally made their move. That Qin Feng was sure to die. . . .

"Fellow Daoist Geng Yi, what happened to the movement just now?

"Yeah! Judging from the size of the movement, it seems that the gods have shot. Could there be gods in the test area?"

All the gods looked at Gengyi Tianzun, and their eyes were full of questions...

The appearance of any god is earth-shattering and will attract their attention...

Whether it is from other gods or the south, it will affect their future interests...

"Strange! The three gods did not arrange god-level spirits in the examination area!

Geng Yi Tianzun is also at a loss...

The gods looked at each other and became even more puzzled...

The three gods mentioned by Geng Yi Tianzun are the masters of the three superpowers.

Since the three gods are not arranged, there will be no god-level existence.

But the movement just now, without the strength of the gods, can't be produced at all

This made the gods uneasy.

"Friend Geng Yi, do you want to send someone in to check?"

"That's right! If there are gods in it, it's not good for our southern players. No matter what, these people are the foundation of our southern region and cannot be lost..."

"Makes sense!

Geng Yi Tianzun nodded slightly, and was ready to go in and check...

But at this moment, a lazy voice sounded in the field.

"Don't be nervous (baeh) everyone! Such a movement may not necessarily be caused by the gods. As long as many people make a move together, they can also make such a movement..."

All the gods were stunned for a moment, and they all followed the sound to see that the ancestor of the heavenly sage was sitting there leisurely, the proud look in his eyes couldn't be more obvious.

At this moment, there was another exclamation from the crowd.

"Hey! Look at the points..."

With this reminder, all the gods looked at the jade tablet...

I saw that the points of Fire Virtue Realm, Bichi Realm, Shuangjiao Realm, and Hell King Realm all plummeted into negative points...

The Fire Virtue Realm has the most people and the worst fall, and has already lost more than 300,000 points...

Bichijing and Shuangjiaojing also dropped to minus 200,000 points...

Hell King Realm is negative more than 100,000 points...

In short, the bottom four were swept up by these four major forces.

Seeing this scene, all the gods suddenly realized, all of them looked at the ancestors of Tiansheng with strange eyes...

This guy is too cruel!

Geng Yi Tianzun even frowned: "Tiansheng Taoist friend, is it too much for you to do this?"

"Excessive?" The corner of Tiansheng's ancestor's mouth curled slightly.

"Fellow Daoist Geng Yi, firstly, this deity only wants to get what he wants, and secondly, this deity has not violated any competition rules, why is it too much to say?

The ancestor of Tiansheng had a light face, and he didn't take Gengyi Tianzun seriously at all.

In terms of strength, he is stronger than Geng Yi Tianzun, not to mention that he did not violate the rules.

Geng Yi Tianzun said displeased: "Tiansheng Taoist friend, Qin Feng is a genius that we have rarely seen in the south for hundreds of millions of years. It seems unreasonable for you to deal with him like this...

"Genius? Isn't there another Qin Lei! The deity didn't kill them all!

The ancestor of Tiansheng smiled coldly.

What genius?

As long as he gets Qinglin's red pill, breaks through to the pinnacle of true gods, and then gains the benefits of this time, Qin Lei will also have to kill him.

He will leave no woes behind.

Hearing those words, Tianzun Gengyi breathed a sigh of relief.

He cares more about Qin Lei than Qin Feng.

He also personally invited Qin Lei to join the True Extremist Sect, but that guy hasn't agreed yet...

Neither he nor the ancestor of Tiansheng knew that Qin Feng and Qin Lei were the same person.

However, Geng Yi Tianzun still did not want Qin Feng to have an accident.

But at this moment, the voice of the ancestor of Tiansheng sounded again.

"Daoist Geng Yi, you don't really want to go in and stop it, do you? If so, you will break the rules of the game. 35

"According to the regulations, you are only responsible for presiding over the competition, and you cannot interfere in the battle between the players.

"Besides, do you think that with Qin Feng's strength, you can block the blow just now? Not to mention Qin Feng, even that Qin Lei is not enough..."

"In other words, it's too late for you to stop it now...

The ancestor of Tiansheng was pale.

Fellow Daoist Geng Yi's heart slammed, thinking that these words really make sense...

I'm afraid that Qin Feng is already out of luck. It's useless for him to enter now, but it will break the rules of the game.

Thinking of this, he gave a wry smile and gave up.

The rest of the gods also shook their heads slightly, thinking that Qin Feng was finished...

At the same time, in the competition area, the top of the snow peak.

Huo De Tianjun and others were dumbfounded.

They looked ahead in shock.

I saw Qin Feng standing proudly in the air, without the slightest injury on his body.

He took the terrifying blow just now with ease.

"This... how is this possible! 55

"It's not right!"

Everyone's throats rolled, swallowing saliva, feeling vaguely bad in their hearts, and some people even wanted to retreat...

Even Huo De Tianjun felt extremely uneasy, and some wanted to turn around and run away...

But at this moment, Qin Feng smiled coldly.

"It's time for me to reincarnate now!"

As soon as these words fell, everyone's expressions changed.

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