Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 848 both water and fire (for subscription)

"Qin Feng, are you okay? Qing Lin looked concerned.

"I'm not fine!

Qin Feng smiled.

Qing Lin looked at it carefully for a while, and found that Qin Feng was not only fine, but his aura was also strengthened.

This shocked her!

That Rengui water essence is highly poisonous!

How could Qin Feng be fine if he swallowed it?

Hongyue and Luming also breathed a sigh of relief.

They were worried before.

The girls in Qingqiu were also relieved.

Unconsciously, Qin Feng became their support in their hearts.

Neither of them wanted to see Qin Feng have an accident.

Especially the red moon and green tea, they all handed over everything to Qin Feng.

If Qin Feng had an accident, they didn't know what to do in the future.

Only the people of the Star Alliance smiled, as if they knew it would be alright...

After getting along for so long, they knew that Qin Feng was not a reckless person...

"Qin Feng, that gui water essence can dissolve the god base, and the ren water essence can dissolve the heavenly soul, are your gods and heavenly soul really all right? 99

Qing Lin was still a little worried.

She is now all about Qin Feng, and she doesn't want anything to happen to Qin Feng.

"It's okay! Although the Guishui Essence can dissolve the God-base, it cannot dissolve my God-base. On the contrary, after the Guishui Essence was swallowed by me, it automatically penetrated into my God-base and strengthened my God-base purification. , to improve my strength..."

"The same is true for the Renshui 10 essence, which automatically penetrates into my heavenly soul, strengthens my heavenly soul purification, and also improves my strength..."

These remarks made the girls in Qinglin stunned.

The essence of Rengui water, the true gods are all afraid of tigers, and they don't dare to let the god base heavenly soul stick to the slightest.

It's incredible that Qin Feng used it directly to purify the God-based Heavenly Soul. …

"Qin Feng, you are really different! 99

Qing Lin's beautiful eyes contained joy, secretly thinking that his eyesight was really good.

When she thought that Qin Feng would take her red pill after the competition was over, she felt a little throbbing. …

"Husband, this is the first time I know that the essence of Rengui water can be used to purify the soul of the gods. In the past, it was used to refine magical powers, or add it to the spiritual tools of heaven and earth to enhance their power..."

"It's the first time I know about it. Maybe it's the opposite of things. I'm afraid those true gods don't know it yet..."

"Whether they know it or not, even if they do, they won't dare to try it. Not everyone can compare with our husband..."

The red moon and the green tea are full of pride...

Qin Feng smiled and waved...

The next second, the space shook, and hundreds of drops of Renguishui essence appeared out of thin air, suspended in the air...

Qin Feng opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowed it all, and closed his eyes to refine...

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing the essence of Gui water... Your god base has been purified..."

"Ding! Congratulations on the successful enhancement of the host's god base.... The host's physique has changed, and the water system qualification has been improved.... The combat power has increased to 6760 trillion Zi....

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing the essence of Renshui... Your heavenly soul base has been purified..."

"Ding! Congratulations on the successful enhancement of the host's heavenly soul.... The host's physique has changed, and the water system aptitude has been improved.... The combat power has increased to 6850 trillion Zi..."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, your physique has undergone the first transformation and has reached the level of water virtue... The combat power has increased to 6970 trillion Zi."

After a while, Qin Feng opened his eyes in surprise...

This time the harvest is not small!

Not only has his combat power improved, but his physique has also changed...

He also did not expect that the essence of Rengui water has the effect of quenching the body similar to the divine fire of creation.

The Creation God Fire gave him the Creation Fire Body.

This Rengui water essence gave him the body of water virtue, obviously it hasn't reached the upper limit yet...

On the body of water virtue, there is the body of the water saint, the eternal water body, the creation water body...

Qin Feng suddenly thought, what would happen if he had both the Creation Fire and Creation Water...

It must be that water and fire are both beneficial, capable of giving birth to all spirits in heaven and earth, and dominating all heavens and all worlds...

Thinking of this, Qin Feng's heart is surging....

It's a pity that too few people devour the essence of Rengui water, he still needs to swallow more essence of Rengui water...

"Qin Feng, what's the effect?

The girls in Qinglin looked expectant, and at the same time were a little worried.

After all, Qin Feng just swallowed too much in one breath....

"Very good! This thing is of great use to me, but unfortunately there are too few..."

Qin Feng's expression was a little unfinished.

The girls let out a sigh of relief and showed their joy.

Star Master Ziwei smiled and said: "Your Majesty, since this thing is useful to you, we will collect it, and we will give you all the essence of Renguishui..."

"That's a good idea! 99

"Just do it! 99

Everyone nodded.

"Everyone, it was reminded in the assessment of the jade talisman that the number of these water mist spirits is limited, we have to hurry up, so as not to be robbed by other forces..."

The red moon is a little impatient.

"Hold on!"

Qin Feng waved his hand, and more than 100 gray auras flew out, and they merged into everyone's body...

As soon as the spiritual light entered the body, it automatically merged into the sea of ​​​​consciousness of everyone, wrapping everyone's god-based heavenly soul, forming a gray protective cover...

"Qin Feng, what is this?", Qing Lin asked involuntarily.

She felt that the gray protective cover contained the breath of Renguishui, and also contained the breath of Qin Feng's soul power.

"Those gray hoods contain the properties of Renguishui, as well as some of my soul power, which can help you resist the possession of water mist spirits."

"The most terrifying thing about those water mist monsters is that they ignore all kinds of defenses and can penetrate all the way. This is also one of the characteristics of water. But with this protective cover, you don't have to be afraid of them being possessed..."

Qin Feng explained it casually.

Everyone was overjoyed.

What they fear most is the possession of spirits.

In that case, they have nowhere to go, and they can only watch helplessly as the God-based Heavenly Soul is melted...

But with the protection given by Qin Feng, they are not afraid.

Except for ignoring defenses and dissolving the god base, those spirits are not strong in other aspects...

"Father, with your means, it will be much easier for us to hunt down water mist monsters..."

"Yeah! With this method, I dare to fight against spirits of the same level..."

The crowd was excited.

Qin Feng shook his head: "You don't need to take action! It's too slow to let you hunt spirit monsters. All you have to do now is to inform me immediately if you find spirit monsters..."


"Well! This way is better!

The crowd suddenly realized.

Let them take action to deal with spirit monsters, that is a hard fight.

Let Qin Feng take a shot, it is an instant kill.

Besides, they all signed contracts with Qin Feng and could communicate telepathically.

As long as his mind moves, Qin Feng can instantly be by their side within a second...

In this way, the efficiency is hundreds of times, or even thousands of times. . .

"Let's start! Everyone spread out to find!""

"it is good!"

"Remember, if you are in danger, contact me immediately!

"Don't worry, Your Majesty! I'll remember it!

"Everyone, hurry up, these spirits are limited in number! 99

At the moment, more than 100 people from Qingqiu and the Star Alliance rushed to all directions...

Looking at the backs of everyone leaving, Qin Feng showed a satisfied smile...

He released these subordinates to 387, and if he had more than 100 clones, the speed of harvesting water mist monsters would be much faster...

Afterwards, Qin Feng also chose a direction to rush to....

It didn't take long for him to encounter a true god-level spirit.

Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised.

There are very few true god-level spirits, and his luck is really good.

As soon as the monster saw him, he rushed towards him with his teeth and claws...

Qin Feng waved his hand, and the divine fire of creation spurted out from his palm...

In an instant, the divine fire was born, burning the sky and destroying the earth...


A soft sound!

The spirit roared miserably, turned into mist, and disappeared...

There was only a fist-sized amount of Renshui essence left in the field, and the aura was shining, and the momentum was amazing...

Qin Feng opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowing it up...

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing the essence of Renshui... Your heavenly soul base has been purified.... The qualification of the water system has been improved.... The combat power has been increased to 7000 trillion Zi...

The God-level Renshui Essence is really good!

Qin Feng was still in the mood.

It was at this moment that he seemed to sense something and turned his head to look in one direction.

I saw that in that direction, the thick fog kept rolling, and the sound of breaking the air kept...  

Qin Feng clearly sensed that nearly a hundred breaths were coming here, and each breath was not under the true god...

What happened?

Why are nearly a hundred true gods coming here?

Are these people targeting themselves?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn't help frowning,

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