Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 842: Creation God Fire (Subscribe)

But he said that Qin Feng started refining the Qibao Lotus Fire after entering the dual universe.

The Seven Treasure Lotus Fire is extremely difficult for others to refine, but it is extremely easy for Qin Feng.

At this moment, the cultivation secret room.

Qin Feng took out a jade bottle, untied the seal, and a colorful fire spewed out...

This is the Seven Treasure Lotus Fire!

When the fire of the gods appears, all things go to silence!

A terrifying scene appeared!

The living beings in a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, the anger in the body is inexplicably flowing, rushing to the direction of the Seven Treasure Lotus Fire...

Even Qin Feng can clearly feel that his vitality is being forcibly absorbed by the Seven Treasure Lotus Fire, and it is passing by quickly...

Qin Feng was startled and hurriedly stopped it, but found that it had no effect.

At this moment, he suddenly realized!

It turns out that the Seven Treasure Lotus Fire can plunder the vitality of all spirits, and it cannot be resisted, causing all the living beings close to it to lose their vitality, and eventually age and die.

In the same way, whoever refines it can use the vitality it absorbs to feed itself back and repair all injuries...

Thinking of this, Qin Feng opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowing the endless fire of fire...

After a while, the colorful aura of his whole body burst forth, and the power of surging vitality rose to the sky, one after another....

It turns out that this Seven Treasure Lotus Fire has been in existence for trillions of years, and no one can refine it, and the power of vitality accumulated in it is limitless...

Immediately afterwards, Qin Feng's combat power continued to soar...

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully refining the Seven Treasure Lotus Fire.... The host has obtained the infinite vitality of the Seven Treasure Lotus Fire to feed back "Three Eight Seven"... The cultivation base has been increased to 21% of the Great Perfection of the Pseudo God... The combat power has been increased to 5500 Trillions...  

For a long time, Qin Feng's eyes opened and closed, looking at the world, the depths of his eyes were full of joy.

The Seven Treasure Lotus Fire brought him a huge harvest, it surpassed the sum of the three ancestral fires, and greatly improved his strength.

Even better: the ancient fire of all spirits destroys the true spirit, the fire of burning the sky and the purple fire destroys the foundation of the gods, the fire of the Nine Netherworld devours the soul of the sky, and the fire of the Seven Treasure Lotus devours the anger.

When the Four Great Ancestral Fires are gathered together, the speed at which he kills the True God will be increased several times.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the fourth stage of the collection task... The host has received a generous reward, do you want to receive it?"


"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for your successful receipt! The rewards you have received are as follows: 800 purifying gods, 40 building gods, 5 extreme gods... 35'

"Ding~! Remind the host that the Extreme God Pill can greatly improve the cultivation of false gods, but a false god can only take it once, and eating more is ineffective. I hope the host will use it with caution..."

Qin Feng was delighted.

So many elixir, can greatly enhance the strength of the subordinates.

When he waved his hand, a figure appeared out of thin air, it was Yun Xi.

"Master, are you looking for me?" Yun Xi asked pretty lively.

The longer this girl is, the prettier she is, and the more perfect her figure is.

What is even more gratifying is that her cultivation has also broken through to a quasi-god.

Qin Feng looked at her with a smile, showing a hint of relief.

"Xi'er, take these medicine pills, you will arrange..."

Qin Feng waved his hand, and hundreds of divine pills flew over...

"So many!" Yun Xi was surprised and delighted.

She has been helping the master to manage the medicinal pills, and she recognized at a glance that these are extremely precious cleansing pills and building pills...

If these medicinal pills are arranged, the strength of the Star Alliance will be greatly improved, and the strength of the master will also be greatly improved. . . .

When she thought of this, she was overjoyed.

As long as it is good for Qin Feng, she is always active and thoughtful. …

In short, she was dead set on Qin Feng.

Qin Feng also trusts this disciple very much.

In addition to the daily alchemy, the distribution of medicinal herbs and other chores, I also occasionally enjoy her...

"Xi'er, these 5 extremely divine pills were given to Ziwei, Fengdi, Fuzhi, Panzu, Qin Baobao..."

With a wave of Qin Feng's hand, he sent out the 5 most precious Extreme Pills.

Both he and Hongjun had taken this elixir, and taking it again was ineffective.

Ziwei, Fengdi, Fuzhi, and Panzu have all entered the realm of pseudo-gods soon, and they can just take it.

And Qin Baobao's cultivation base followed closely, and he was about to break through to the realm of pseudo-gods, and it was almost time to use it.

"There are also these 9 Pseudo Pills, one of which is given to Qin Baobao, so that she can break through to the Pseudo-God earlier, and the remaining 8 will be distributed as needed..."

"Yes! Master!" Yun Xi carefully collected the medicinal pills.

Qin Feng asked her some details before letting her go...

Not long after Yun Xi left, the system prompt came again...

"Ding~! Remind the host that you have gathered the four great ancestral fires, and the host can try to condense the divine fire of creation... After the condensing is successful, there will be additional rewards!

Qin Feng's eyes lit up, revealing an overjoyed look.

It turns out that there are also rewards for condensing the Creation Divine Fire.

This is a good thing!

His mind moved, and a magic lamp was sacrificed...

As soon as the magic lamp came out, the eight scenes appeared together, and the power of the world gathered in one point, crushing the world.

Suddenly, the sky is sunken, the world is twisted, the sky is dark and the sky is dark...

Looking around the magic lamp, one white, one green and one purple, three divine fires, slowly revolving around the wick, contain the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth...

This is the top-grade spirit tool - eight sceneries and three fire lanterns!

The white is the ancient fire of ten thousand spirits, the green is the fire of the Nine Netherworld, and the purple is the fire of burning the sky...

Qin Feng opened his mouth and sprayed, and a seven-treasure lotus fire flew towards the magic lamp...

The four ancestral fires gather together, and the four poles of heaven and earth resonate...

In this way, Qin Feng began to condense the divine fire of creation......

At the same time, the major forces in the outside world are also actively preparing for the battle in the next three days, either collaborating or collapsing...

Some interesting little things happened during this period.

For example, the small forces that betrayed the Qingqiu realm at the beginning, after learning that Qingqiu had won the first place, the Star Alliance was promoted to a large-scale force.

These wallflowers are remorseful and fearful.

Especially the seven small forces who have taken refuge in the White Bone Realm, directly found the Star Alliance residence, and asked for asylum......

According to the regulations, the Star Alliance destroyed the Bone Realm, and the site of the Bone Realm would be the Star Alliance Realm in the future.

These seven small factions will be administered by the Covenant in the future.

But I don't want to, the seven small forces that Star Master Ziwei will send to the door will be wiped out directly, thus showing the position of the Star Alliance...

Time flies!

In a blink of an eye, two days passed by the outside world.

Twenty years have passed in the twin universes.

On this day, within the twin universes, a golden light shot up into the sky, illuminating the entire universe, shocking hundreds of millions of creatures...

The place where the golden light came out is exactly where Qin Feng cultivated.

At this moment, the cultivation secret room.

Qin Feng recalled the sound of the system in his mind.

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, the success of condensing the divine fire of creation... Your heaven and earth spirit tool - the eight sceneries and three fire lamps (top grade) has been promoted to the creation divine fire lamp (heaven grade)

Qin Feng opened his eyes with joy and looked forward...

I saw the front, the magic lamp hanging high.

The wick burns with a golden fire, penetrating the sky and the earth...

That golden fire is the fire that created the world, and it contains the power to destroy the universe. With just a little spark, it can obliterate a vast world. It is extremely terrifying...

"Ding! Remind the host that the divine fire of creation can be used to kill the gods, and its power is extraordinary, so the host should treat it with caution...

"Hey! This divine fire can actually kill the gods?"

Qin Feng was ecstatic.

As we all know, true gods are extremely difficult to kill.

And killing the gods is a million times harder than the real gods.

Because the gods do not die, they live the same life as the heavens and the earth.

Heaven and earth are immortal, gods are immortal.

If you want to kill the gods, even the peak of the gods can't do it.

Even if the gods made a great perfect shot, they could only suppress the seal for hundreds of billions of years, and slowly wipe out the imprint of their soul, but it was not necessarily successful.

This is the reason why the top ten top powers have a detached status.

Their leaders are immortal, even the superpowers can't do anything about them, so these people can enter the decision-making level of the Confederacy

In short, there is no one person in the southern part of the God Realm who can destroy the gods, at most they can only suppress.0

Qin Feng is just a pseudo-god of great perfection, but he has the means to kill the gods. He is truly terrifying.

This will also become his biggest trump card, shocking one of the gods.

Of course, the existence above the great perfection of the gods has the ability to kill the gods at all levels.

But the southern part of the God Realm is very weak, and the strongest is the God of Great Perfection.

Qin Feng has this method, enough to be proud of the southern part of the God Realm....

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully condensing the Creation God Fire and obtaining a generous reward... Does the host receive it? 55

"Receive! 35

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for your successful receipt! The rewards you have received are as follows: 2 Shenhuo Pills..."

Remarks: After taking Shenhuo Pill, the host can withstand the forging body of the God of Creation, with a 100% chance to obtain the body of fire virtue, a 20% chance to obtain the body of the Holy Fire, a 5% chance to obtain the eternal fire body, and a 0.1% chance to obtain the body of creation. world fire body…

Remarks: Shenhuo Pill is only effective for the first time, and the higher the fire talent, the better the forging effect. …

"That's a nice reward! 35

Qin Feng's eyes glowed.

As far as he knew, it was very easy for those who possessed the body of Fire Virtue to cultivate the Fire Element Law and become a True God.

That Huo De Tianjun is the body of Huo De, and he is also known as the first genius in the south.

And the body of the Holy Fire is even rarer than the body of Fire Virtue, and there is no one in the south for trillions of years.

And those who have the body of the Fire Saint can easily cultivate to the realm of the gods by practicing the law of fire.

The eternal fire body is even more terrifying. It is rumored that it can cultivate to the realm above the gods, which is the realm of eternity.

As for the Creation Fire Body, there are no rumors in the God Realm.

Seeing that the success rate is only 0.1%, the creation fire body is naturally much stronger than the eternal fire body...

Qin Feng's heart was moved, and when he flipped through it, a red Vulcan Pill appeared in the palm of his hand...

In the next second, he swallowed it in one gulp, and the power of the medicinal pill turned into sweet body fluid, which flowed to the limbs and bones, extremely comfortable...

Then, he opened his mouth and took a breath, and swallowed the divine fire of creation in the air...

In the next second, the violent divine fire, from the inside out, began to frantically temper his body, and severe pain also swept through.

But after a while, Qin Feng's body began to change, and his momentum continued to improve...

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully tempering your body, your physique has been strengthened, your fire talent has been strengthened, and your combat power has increased by 90 billion Zi...

"4.7 ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully tempering your body, your physique has been strengthened, your fire talent has been strengthened, and your combat power has increased by 100 billion Zi·

"Ding! Congratulations to the host....

Time flies so fast, three hours have passed in a blink of an eye...

All tempering is over!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the tempering... Your combat power has increased to 6,000 trillion Zi, your physique has evolved to the creation of fire, and the fire talent has been raised to the limit...


Qin Feng opened his eyes with joy.

He has easily achieved the creation of the fire body, not only the fire element talent has been raised to the limit, but also the combat power has improved a lot...

This may have something to do with his identity as the Lord of the Two Universes.

In conclusion, Qin Feng is very satisfied with the result.

Immediately, he thought of Emperor Feng.

Among the many subordinates, the one with the highest talent in the fire element was Emperor Feng.

He also has a Fire God Pill in his hand, which may help Feng Emperor to improve his Fire Element qualifications, even if he is the worst, he can also be upgraded to Fire Virtue Physique...

Thinking of this, Qin Feng dodged and disappeared out of thin air...

At the same time, Tiansheng Mountain was stationed.

A strange figure appeared at the entrance of the station and entered it.

That figure is a mysterious man named Wen.

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