Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 710 Breakthrough in the middle of the low end product (for subscription)

At the same time, there was already an uproar outside the chaotic star field barrier.

Especially the Tianyu side, it was completely messed up.

The strongest they sent, Pan Shen, died.

Pan Shen was the star master of the middle-grade Great Perfection, and he was the most promising candidate for promotion to the high-grade star master in Tianyu, and he just fell.

As we all know, each additional high-grade star master can greatly enhance the strength of the forces, and even affect the balance of the forces of all parties.

When Pan Shen died, Tianyu suffered a great blow.

God is very angry.

The three high-grade star masters in Tianyu were also very angry.

The people from the ancient domain, the demon domain, and the disbanded alliance were also frightened and angry.

They all have big losses.

On the other hand, looking at the list on the monument, not a single one of the Star Alliance died.

They really can't imagine what happened in the Chaos Star Territory.

"Purple Lord, your people are so cruel!" God's eyes turned red with anger.

Star Master Ziwei frowned: "Ah! It was your people who went in to kill people, but now they were killed, and they came to blame us again? It's ridiculous!"


God does not know how to respond.

Because Star Master Ziwei is telling the truth.

The ancient master, the demon master, the blue master and others were also extremely depressed.

They really couldn't figure it out, obviously their mid-grade star masters were stronger, how could they be counter-killed by several, and one of them was a mid-grade consummation.

"Haha! Master Zi, did your people set any traps inside?"

The ancient master asked yin and yang strangely.

Star Master Ziwei frowned: "What does the ancient master mean?!

"I really can't think of anyone in the Star Alliance who can kill Pan Shen? I'm afraid your members of the Star Alliance have used indiscriminate methods? 99

These harsh words made the five Stars of the Star Alliance frown.

280 Ziwei Star Master was even more annoyed: "If this is the case, you still have to underestimate our Star Alliance people. It seems that the few middle-rank Star Masters you died deserved to die! 39

Hearing this, Master Gu and others frowned, and they were also very annoyed.

The Demon Lord sneered: "Hehe! Master Zi, what are you proud of? You have to know that after all, the indiscriminate methods won't be on the table, and your people will be able to succeed for a while.

"The same method can't be used twice for the mid-rank star master. Your people will be killed soon, just wait and see!"

Star Master Ziwei sneered: "Ah! The deity will wait and see!

Up to now, both sides have already reached the point of tearing their faces.

They are only bound by the contract, both parties are not allowed to do anything, but they will not give in to each other in words

On the other side, in the Chaos Star Region, the five Gu Keng people were rushing towards the battlefield.

According to the address given by the sackcloth old man, they will arrive after another quarter of an hour.

But at this moment, the void under the feet of the five people changed.

A formation larger than the Milky Way appeared at the feet of the five people.

"Hey! This pattern..."

The five were startled.

"This array is a star-level treasure!"

Another person whispered in a greedy tone.

At this moment, the space above everyone's heads fluctuated.

Qin Feng turned into a towering giant and walked out of the void.

He was also surrounded by the Four Divine Swords of Sealing the Heavens.

"Yo! It's a low-grade little star master!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Qin Feng only had a low-grade star major.

"This little guy should be from the Covenant?!

"Haha!! In this star field, who else has a cultivation base lower than the mid-rank star master? Only the juniors of the Star Alliance."

"Hey! The swords of this younger generation are all mid-grade star master-level treasures! Haha!! I want it!

"Wait! I should have a share too! Would you like to discuss how to divide it first? We have five people, but there are only four swords!""

At this moment, these people actually regarded Qin Feng as a fat sheep, greedy for Qin Feng's divine sword, but did not take Qin Feng seriously.

Gu Keng also has hot eyes: "I want Gu to see...

But before he finished speaking, Qin Feng started.

With his sword tactic, the four great swords turned into towering giants and flew to the four directions of the array, matching the array...

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

Fengtian Divine Sword, the East!

Dingtian Divine Sword, in line with the West!

Sleepy Sky Divine Sword, join the South!

The Absolute Heavenly Sword, the North!

At the same time, Qin Feng's fighting power was also exposed, suddenly reaching 90,000 Zi, shocking the sky and terrifying all worlds...

"This... how is this possible! 99

Gu Keng and the others were dumbfounded.

Gu Keng's combat power is about 90,000 Zi.

But Gu Keng is the master of the mid-grade Dzogchen star!

The white-haired boy in front of him is clearly only in the early stage of low-grade...

The next second, Gu Keng woke up.

"Not good! Can't let him complete the sword formation! Do it!""

As soon as these words fell, everyone woke up.

At the moment, Gu Keng rushed directly to Qin Feng.

The other four rushed towards the Four Divine Swords of Fengtian respectively.

They wanted to prevent the Divine Sword from aligning with the array diagram and prevent Qin Feng from arranging the sword array.

The combat power of this young man in white is comparable to that of Gu Keng.

If you let the white-robed youth set up a sword formation, they will be finished.

At first glance, this sword formation is of high-grade star master level, and its power is terrifying.

The high-grade star master-level formation, the power is stronger than the high-grade star master-level Yuanwu, even the high-grade star masters have to retreat, let alone them.

In a split second, Gu Keng rushed in front of Qin Feng and punched Qin Feng.

He wanted to stop Qin Feng from using his sword tricks.

But at this moment, a shadow (baeh) walked out behind Qin Feng, which was the phantom avatar.

The phantom avatar instantly sacrificed the Taiji map!

Tai Chi moves, heaven and earth move, the sun and the moon are dull...

A streak of golden light shot out, knocking Gu Keng back thousands of miles.

At the same time, Qin Feng's eyes suddenly turned into silver eyes, emitting a substantial silver light...

Absolute petrochemical launch!

Wherever his eyes went, all five of Gu Keng were petrified, and they were all stuck in the void like sculptures...

He actually mastered Pan Shen's trick!

In fact, the baby has mastered it too.

This is the benefit of obtaining the Kunde Seal!

"How could he know Pan Shen's trick?!

Gu Keng's five people are extremely horrified!

In the next breath, they broke free from the petrification.

But with this delay, the four great swords were all in place!

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

Seal the Heavenly Sword Gate!

Dingtian Jianmen!

Sleepy Heaven Sword Gate!

Heavenly Sword Gate!

Four sword gates are formed!

The Heavenly Sealing Sword Formation is complete!

Time and space are all sealed!

The four sword gates erupted, and hundreds of millions of sword lights shot out, engulfing all five Gu Keng...

The phantom avatar also sacrificed the Taiji map.

Tai Polarization is Promise, No Polarization Two Instruments, Two Instruments Turns Three Talents, Three Talents Turns Four Images...

The Taiji map also erupted with golden light from above, lashing out towards the five people in the great formation...

"Ding! The beheading of the mid-grade star master (initial realm) was successful, and the host's cultivation base broke through to 3% in the mid-low grade (the master of the universe)... The combat power has been greatly improved....

"Ding! The beheading of the mid-grade star master (initial realm) was successful, and the host's cultivation base increased to 9% in the mid-low grade (the master of the universe)... The combat power has been greatly improved....

"Ding! The beheading of the mid-grade star master (mid-stage realm) was successful, and the host's cultivation base increased to 18% in the low-grade mid-stage (master of the universe)... The combat power has been greatly improved....

"Ding! The host succeeded in beheading the mid-grade star master (late stage), and the cultivation base increased to 31% in the mid-low grade (the master of the universe)... The combat power has been greatly improved....

"Ding! The host succeeded in killing the mid-level star master (the Great Perfection Crystal Core), and the cultivation base has risen to 58% in the mid-low grade (the master of the universe)... The combat power has been greatly improved....

"Ding! The six reincarnations have received a lot of energy replenishment.... The perfection has been increased to 86%.... The effect of the cosmos golden body has been increased to 8 times!

In just a quarter of an hour, Qin Feng killed all five people, and his cultivation level also broke through to 58% in the mid-low stage, and the comprehensive combat power soared to 130,000 Zi.

He was very happy, and with a wave of his hand, he put away all the storage rings of the five Gu Keng people.

At the same time, 70% of the gray robe's sacrifice to the Panzu puppet had been completed.

The combat power of the puppet has also increased to 180,000 Zi.

The puppet, who was struggling originally, also became tame at this moment, and began to obey the gray robe's command.

It's just that its eyes have no spirituality, and it looks a little silly.

The spirituality of Panzu's puppet comes from the true spirit of Panzu, and Qin Feng has been identified as the master.

What the Panzu banner absorbs is the Panzu spirit and the blood of the flesh.

That spirit is controlled by the gray robe.

After the fusion of the two, the true spirit was blinded by spiritual wisdom, and was temporarily controlled by the gray robe.

Only in this way, the spirituality is greatly reduced.

However, Gray Robe was already satisfied.

In his opinion, Qin Feng's strength will not exceed 10,000 Zi.

What he has to do is to kill Qin Feng with one blow, without giving any chance to escape, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

Therefore, the stronger this puppet is, the more satisfied he will be.

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