Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 697 Nirvana Phoenix Fire (for subscription)

Yuanfengzhiling continued: "At that time, someone plotted against our Five Spirit Clan, and Brother Zulong and I were attacked at the same time. As a result, Brother Zulong fell, and with the help of Xiaoshi, I was reborn in Nirvana."

"It's just that the injury was too severe. After I Nirvana, Xiao Shi also ran out of fuel and could no longer fight side by side with me."

Speaking of this, Yuan Fengzhiling looked sad.

If it wasn't for Xiao Shi's silent message, she would have fallen several times long ago.

"In order for Xiaoshi to survive, I can only let her reincarnate, otherwise she will disappear completely. But the situation was very bad at the time, and the person behind the calculations actually knew of Xiaoshi's existence.

"The main target of his calculations at that time was Xiaoshi. At that time, Xiaoshi also had the strength of a top-grade peak star master, but he still fell into his trap. Although that person also escaped with serious injuries, the crisis is still there."

"So if I let Xiaoshi be reincarnated and try to cover up her reincarnation, otherwise that person might find her again. 35

'And the situation at that time was very complicated! In the Five Spirit Clan, the "two six three" masters of the Ancestral Dragon and Qilin fell one after another, and the ancient, Tian, ​​and Demon domains overwhelmed the realm. I must come forward to lead the confrontation of the five spirits and carry out the final battle! 99

"But Xiaoshi's state is extremely bad, and he must be reincarnated as soon as possible. Just when I was hesitating, I suddenly remembered something."

"That is more than 30 billion years ago, when I was just a master, and I met a mysterious old man. The old man saw that I was talented, taught me a lot of cultivation experience, and gave me a lot of cultivation resources. 35

"Because of the help of the old man, I can successfully break through the star master! 35

Speaking of this, Yuan Fengzhiling's eyes showed gratitude.

The old man was like a teacher to her.

Without that person's guidance, how could she have achieved success in the future.


A sigh, as if regretful.

Yuan Fengzhi sighed: "Back then, I was grateful to the old man for his guidance, and wanted to worship him as a teacher! The old man stared at me for three hours before sighing leisurely, with a sad expression on his face.

"He said that although he pointed me, his relationship with my master and apprentice was very thin. Since we parted, it has been difficult to see each other again.

"Because he saw that I will have a catastrophe in the future. After the catastrophe, I will definitely fall. After saying that, the old man was sad and left soon.

"Before I left, he gave me the Twelve Divine Flags. He said that he couldn't change his life against the sky, but the twelve Divine Flags could help me fulfill some last wishes, and this was the last thing he could do for me. , My fate with him is over.35

"Since then, I have never seen the old man again. Even if I searched everywhere in the future, I couldn't find it. Gradually, this matter faded away. 99

Qin Feng was surprised: "Sister, didn't the old man tell his origins?"

Yuanfeng replied: "He claimed to be an old man of ancient times, that is, the subordinate of the master of the ancient universe. After the fall of the master of the ancient universe and the destruction of the ancient heaven, he wandered around in this universe. 35

"In the following 20 billion years, my cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, breaking through to the peak of the high-grade star master, and then I encountered such a crisis. Just when it was extremely difficult, I remembered what the old man said, my fate is indeed a disaster! "

"At that time, I remembered the twelve Earthly Branch God flags given by the old man. Those twelve Earthly Branch God flags can cover up the secrets and isolate the detection."

"My thoughts at the time, it doesn't matter even if I fall. As long as Xiao Shi can be reincarnated safely, then my greatest last wish will be fulfilled. This idea is exactly the same as what the mysterious old man said at the beginning.

"Afterwards, I chose the place of reincarnation for Xiao Shi, which is your Earth. Moreover, I will use the twelve Earthly Branch God flags to set up a large array near the solar system to isolate all exploration."

"Besides that, I had a whim, secretly thinking that the five major spiritual clans suffered a catastrophe and might all perish. I need to leave some bloodline seeds for the five major spiritual clans, so I reincarnated some elites from the five major spiritual clans to on the earth."

"You should have discovered that there have been some so-called Azure Dragons, White Tigers, Suzaku, and Xuanwu existences on your earth, right?

Qin Feng's eyes lit up, it really was like this.

For example, among his current subordinates, there are Emperor Baihu and Emperor Xuanwu.

And the previous Qinglong Emperor and Suzaku Emperor...

Yuanfengzhiling smiled and said, "If you let them practice the exercises of the five major spiritual clans in the future, their progress will be faster..."

"In short, I arranged the twelve Earthly Branches Great Array, which covered all the secrets near the earth, started Xiaoshi's reincarnation, and removed the last concern..."

"It didn't take long for me to lead the Five Spirit Clan in a decisive battle with the Ancient Domain, Demon Domain, and Heaven Domain...'

"In that battle, without Xiao Shi, my Phoenix Nirvana could no longer be used, and it fell naturally. However, the ancient domain, the demon domain, and the Tian domain also suffered heavy losses..."

Speaking of which, Yuan Fengzhi was filled with inspiration.

Then, she said with a look of relief: "What makes me happy is that Xiao Shi finally succeeded in reincarnation and returned to me smoothly. My last wish was fulfilled, and the old man's words really came true..."

Qin Feng asked curiously, "Sister, could the person who planned to attack you be Xuan Ming?"

"It shouldn't be him!" Yuan Feng shook his head slightly, "The sneak attack has the strength of a high-grade peak star master, and Xuan Ming is only a high-grade star master. He doesn't have that ability!

"Actually, things were complicated back then, and it wasn't just Xuan Ming who was behind the scenes...

"Sister, what's the state of Yue'er now?"

Qin Feng looked at the altar curiously again.

Inside the altar, Emperor Feng sat upright in a phoenix egg, golden flames all over his body, and his aura was constantly rising...

Yuan Fengzhiling smiled and said: "Xiao Shi is now integrating the inheritance of his previous life, and he is also restoring the memory of his previous life.0"

"She was a top-grade peak star master in her previous life. After this inheritance is completed, her strength will increase by leaps and bounds. Maybe, her cultivation will surpass you in one fell swoop, so you have to work hard..."

Hearing this, Qin Feng was overjoyed.

Yue'er's cultivation has advanced greatly, which means that his strength has advanced greatly, and he is naturally happy.

"By the way, what is the golden flame around Yue'er?"

Qin Feng's eyes penetrated Feng Egg and looked at the flames around Feng Di with great curiosity.

Inexplicably, he felt that the flame was very magical, and he was afraid that it had a high-grade star master level.

"That's Nirvana Yueyan, the divine fire that Xiaoshi brought with him when he was born, so you should understand why Xiaoshi's nickname is Yue'er.

Yuanfengzhiling pursed his lips and smiled.

Later, she added: "Xiao Shi and I are twin sisters. When she was born, she was born with Nirvana Moon Yan, and I brought Nirvana Sun Yan. The sun is yang, and the moon is yin. The combination of Yan and Yan is the real phoenix fire of Nirvana.

"If the phoenix fire in Nirvana is 10%, even if the true spirit is extinguished, it can be reborn from ashes. This is the real secret of our rebirth in Nirvana."5

Hearing this, Qin Feng was very shocked.

Generally speaking, when the true spirit is wiped out, it is completely dead, even the high-grade star master is no exception.

But this Nirvana phoenix fire is so miraculous that it can be reborn even after the real spirit is destroyed.

This is true immortality!

This Nirvana Phoenix Fire is definitely a high-grade star master-level treasure.

At this moment, the spirit of Yuanfeng beckoned, and the hall sounded and trembled.

After a while, another altar rose from the ground.

There was a golden flame burning in the center of the altar, reaching a height of 47,000 zhang.

"Qin Feng, this is my Nirvana Riyan. As long as you refine my inheritance, you can refine it, and then form Nirvana Phoenix Fire with Xiaoshi!"

Hearing this, Qin Feng was overjoyed.

If he can master Nirvana Phoenix Fire, he will master Nirvana Rebirth, then facing the high-grade Star Master, there is a chance to escape.

This is so practical!

"Okay! You all hurry up and refine it! I'm going out to help you protect the law, that Xuan Ming should be here soon. He knows the location of my inheritance..."

Speaking of this, Yuan Fengzhi's spirit was a little anxious and a little worried.

The situation is still very urgent!

The next second, she penetrated into the void and left the hall.

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