Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 668 Er and other ants (for subscription)

Chapter 668

At the same time, in the place of inheritance of the White Tiger, in another hall.

The second test has ended.

Tens of thousands of assessors are waiting for the start of the third assessment.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the field was lively, and the crowd murmured.

It was obvious that the audience was divided into two groups.

More than a thousand people from the Star Alliance gathered together.

On the other side, more than 8,000 people gathered together from the four major forces of Tianyu, Moyu, Guyu, and Sanmeng.

The two sides are clearly divided, and there is even some hostility.

At this moment, the Star Alliance side.

A dozen masters surrounded Yan Mao and the grave sheep and whispered.

"Brother Yan, Lord Qin Huang has disappeared since he appeared last time. I didn't see him participate in the second assessment this time. Where did he go?

a Master asked curiously.

Yan Mao shook his head: "I don't know either! However, is Lord Qin Huang an ordinary person? You can see the attitude of the Spirit of Inheritance towards him."

"As far as I can see, the inheritance assessment this time is just a passing game. The inheritance must be acquired by Lord Qin Huang, which is also acquired by our Star Alliance."

Speaking of which, Yan Mao was extremely proud.

The grave sheep also said happily: "Looking at the attitude of the spirit of inheritance, you can know that Lord Qin Huang is the heir he believes. People in the demon domain and Tianyu can only be jealous!

As soon as these words fell, the people of the Star Alliance showed joy.

The inheritance of high-grade star masters is extremely important.

Even if they can't get it themselves, they hope that people outside the Covenant will get it, and they must not let other forces take it away.

"Brother Yan, I'm afraid those people won't be reconciled! You see what they are negotiating furtively, isn't it about some conspiracy? 35

A master reminds.

Yan Mao and the others looked up, and sure enough, they saw the leaders of the Demon Domain, Tian Domain, Ancient Domain, and scattered alliances, where they gathered and whispered.

Yan Mao smiled coldly: "Even if they play tricks, they can't beat Lord Qin Huang..."

The grave sheep sighed: "Not my race! Their hearts must be different!"

The leaders of the four forces were indeed discussing how to get rid of Qin Feng.

At this moment, a ruler of the Demon Domain whispered: "Everyone, what happened before, you are all watching. Emperor Qin killed in public, but the spirit of inheritance stood by.

"This shows that the spirit of inheritance has recognized Emperor Qin. We are just a foil. You say, what's the point of our continuing assessment?"

The sovereign looked indignantly at the crowd,

Another Heavenly Domain Lord agreed.

"Brother Cheng is right! Everyone, if we keep waiting like this, this inheritance will be acquired by Emperor Qin sooner or later, which will be detrimental to our forces in the Quartet!

Hearing this, everyone was anxious.

They don't want Qin Feng to inherit.

"Several, what do you say? Is there any way we can prevent Emperor Qin from getting the inheritance?"

"Oh! Of course there is!", the Demon Lord sneered.

"Brother Cheng, what can I do? 95

The Demon Lord said proudly: "You forgot? In another day, the low-grade star masters will be able to come in. We only need to wait another day, and we can send a message to them, and let them come over to grab the inheritance~".

When this suggestion came out, everyone's eyes lit up.


They are not the opponents of Emperor Qin, but those inferior star masters are!

The Chaos Star Region has an enchantment, and they cannot communicate to the outside world.

But when the star masters come in, they can communicate.

Figured this out, everyone was overjoyed.

"It's still smart as a brother!

Everyone looked at Chengdao with admiration on their faces.

Chengdao smiled proudly: "So everyone, stay safe and don't be impatient. At most, one day, the low-grade star masters of our four families will come, and they will definitely be able to grab the inheritance. In addition, Qin Huang must die!"

"Why? 39

Everyone was surprised.

The star masters will not easily attack the masters, and are bound by causal talent.

Cheng Dao sneered: "Several, haven't you understood yet? That Qin Huang is clearly the ruler, but he has the strength close to the low-level star master. This talent is too terrible! If he doesn't get rid of it, it will be a big problem!"

Everyone was stunned.

"Not bad! This Emperor Qin must die!"

"Yes! He must be dissipated, not let him live!

The crowd quickly reached an agreement.

At this time, someone else worried: "A few, have you thought about it? If Qin Huang got the inheritance before the Star Lords came in, what would happen?"

Hearing this, everyone smiled and shook their heads.

"That's impossible! Brother Li, you think too much!"

"Yeah! This is the inheritance of the high-grade star master. Even if the low-grade star master makes a move, he will not be able to win the inheritance without ten days and a half months. And it has only been five days since the inheritance started!"

Cheng Dao also smiled coldly: "Brother Li, you look down on Emperor Qin too much. Don't worry! He has no chance to get the inheritance. When the Star Masters come in, it will be his death! 35

These words just fell, and there was a space fluctuation in the sky above the hall.

Everyone was alarmed and looked up, and saw Qin Feng walking out of the void.

"Lord Qin Huang!

The people of the Covenant cheered.

"he came!"

The people of the four major forces were extremely nervous.

They looked at Qin Feng one by one, not daring to move.

But at this moment, Qin Feng looked at them.

The people of the four major forces were even more panicked.

"Brother Cheng, what should I do? Emperor Qin came over!"

A master whispers.

Chengdao took a deep breath, and then said to everyone: "No matter how strong Emperor Qin is, he is still young, so there is nothing to be afraid of. I will go and stabilize him first! 99

After saying this, Chengdao looked up at Qin Feng: "Brother Qin Huang, Chengdao is in the Lower Demon Realm..."

But before the words were finished, Qin Feng raised his hand and smashed him to pieces.

In the air, there is only a cloud of blood mist, wrapped in true spirit, slowly rising.

Confused all over the place!

Qin Huang kills people, how come there is no warning.

In the blood mist, the true spirit of enlightenment was extremely frightened.

He wailed: "Lord Qin Huang, I didn't do anything! Why did you kill me?"

Qin Feng was puzzled: "I'll kill you! What's with you?"

Chengdao was stunned.

What does this mean?

But before he could understand, his blood essence and soul were sucked into the hell world, and his true spirit was sucked into the heaven world.

All of them were strangled in an instant, and they didn't even have time to let out a scream.

The next second, Qin Feng waved again, and the Four Divine Swords of Fengtian came out together, turning into billions of sword lights, sweeping across the audience in an instant....

More than 8,000 people were instantly killed!

The screams come and go!

At the same time, hell and heaven appear at the same time!

Instantly drained the blood, soul and soul of the audience...

"Ding! Devouring blood essence and breaking soul energy successfully... The perfection of the hell world has increased to 76%... The host's combat power has been improved...'

"Ding! Devouring the energy of the true spirit successfully... The perfection of the heaven has increased to 44%.... The host's combat power has been improved...

"Ding! Killing 8,754 people... The evil spirit transformed karma successfully, and obtained 70,000 karma..."

In fact, killing ordinary people does not have much karma.

The more slaughtered the strong, the higher the karma.

Another improvement!

Qin Feng smiled.

On the other side, the people of the Star Alliance were extremely shocked, and they were all stunned.

Qin Huang killed more than 8,000 people in one move.

Among them, there are one or two hundred master-level powerhouses.

I'm afraid that even a low-grade star master can't do it.

In the crowd, in Yan Mao's mind, Qin Feng's words just now echoed: I will kill you! What is it with you?

This is so arrogant!

This is like if humans want to eat whole grains, should they discuss with them first?

The answer is no need!

In other words: I eat you! What's with you?

Just hungry, eat whatever you want!

The sage is not benevolent, and regards all things as a dog, nothing more than that!

Yan Mao silently looked at Qin Feng, and his expression became more and more awe-inspiring.

At this time, Qin Feng collected the storage rings of more than 8,000 people, stepped into the air, and came to the sky above the people of the Star Alliance.

`I have seen Lord Qin Huang!

Everyone came forward to salute, and they were extremely respectful.

"There is no need to wait here! I have been inherited!

Qin Feng said lightly.

Cheers from below.

The Star Alliance finally got a top-grade inheritance.

"Congratulations to Emperor Qin! Congratulations to Emperor Qin!"

Everyone congratulated.

"Lord Qin Huang, can you leave us your communication imprint? In the future, I will notify you as soon as I discover the traces of other high-grade inheritance places!

Someone made this suggestion.

The crowd joined in.

Qin Feng waved his hand and left his communication mark.

Everyone remembered.

A quarter of an hour later, Qin Feng opened the Inheritance Temple and released everyone.

More than a thousand members of the Star Alliance resigned to Qin Feng and continued to hunt for treasures.

Qin Feng also joined the ranks of exploration.

There are still four top-rank inheritances that have not been found, and he still needs to work hard.

At the same time, Chaos Star Territory, outside the enchantment.

A white-haired old man and a man in Tsing Yi stood in the air, looking at the five major forces in the distance.

They silently watched the movements of the Star Master Ziwei, the Ancient Master, the Demon Master and others.

But the masters of the five major forces did not find their existence.

These two are Changbai and Yuanqing of Fengtianmen.

"Junior Brother, do you really want to do this?", Changbai sighed.

"I want to avenge Shakyamuni!"

Yuan Qing's tone had a hint of sadness.

The disciple he raised with his own hands died in it like that.

He wants to send his avatar in to take revenge, and at the same time to get what he wants!

"Junior Brother, you are only one step away from breaking through to the top of the high-grade star master. Now, you have to cut out an avatar, which will greatly damage your cultivation. If your avatar falls in it, it will take billions of years. The hard work was in vain.

Changbai still wanted to persuade.

Yuan Qing looked sad: "I won't avenge my disciples! I feel uneasy!

"That's it! It's up to you!

Changbai shook his head, no longer persuading.

Yuan Qing silently looked at the barrier in the distance.

At this moment, sadness poured out of his heart.

Poor disciple, for the sake of his great cause, he can only...

Aw! Sixteen billion years of planning...he...

Second Senior Brother, I hope you don't let me down.

Yuan Qing let out a long sigh, feeling inexplicably distressed.

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