Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 666 High grade star master level Yuanwu (subscription)

As the laughter fell, the spirit of inheritance walked out of the void.

"I've seen senior!" Qin Feng bowed respectfully.

Panzu puppet, Styx, and phantom clones also followed.

Qin Feng waved his hand and took the three into the small universe.

"Qin Feng, you did a very good job, far exceeding my expectations!"

The Spirit of Inheritance smiled, and the more he looked at Qin Feng, the more satisfied he became.

Then, he waved his hand, and the four divine swords shrank rapidly, turning into a three-foot green peak long sword, suspended in front of him.

He waved his hand again, and the Heaven Sealing Array, which was bigger than the solar system, was reduced to a slap-sized array.

He kept choking.

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

Five consecutive beeps!

The Four Divine Swords and the soul imprints in the Heaven Sealing Formation were actively shattered by the Spirit of Inheritance.

"Okay! Qin Feng, refine this Heavenly Divine Sword and Formation Plate!

With a wave of the Spirit of Inheritance, the Four Divine Swords and the Formation Plate of Fengtian flew towards Qin Feng.

"Thank you senior!

Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised.

These five treasures are all mid-grade star master-level Yuanwu.

The five-piece set, the power is comparable to the top-grade star-level treasures, and the value is immeasurable!

As far as Qin Feng knows, most of the high-grade star masters do not have high-grade star master-level Yuanwu.

They are still using mid-grade star master-level Yuanwu.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng was excited.

This time the harvest is too great.

Just getting this set is worth it!

"247" "Qin Feng, refining the Heavenly Sword is the identity symbol of the successor of the White Tiger Lord. You refine them first. After refining, I will give you the inheritance!

"Thank you senior!"

Qin Feng bowed his hands in a salute, put away the treasure, and disappeared out of thin air.

He went back to Little Universe to refine the Divine Sword.

Qin Feng also made a plan. In the future, the four swords of Fengtian will be his main weapon, and Abi Yuantu will be used by the virtual shadow clone.

Time flies!

In a blink of an eye, three hours passed.

One day in the outside world, one hundred and twenty days in the small universe.

Since Styx hatched, the time force field of the small universe has increased to 120 times.

Now, three hours outside, fifteen days have passed in the small universe.

In the past fifteen days, Qin Feng has completely refined the Four Divine Swords and the Heaven Sealing Formation Plate.

At this moment, in a hall.

Qin Feng looked at the Four Divine Swords in front of him with joy.

"Finally, the refining is over! It turns out that the Four Swords of Fengtian are actually the swords of humanity. That being the case, Angelica is the world of the world!

With a wave of Qin Feng's hand, the four divine swords and the Heaven Sealing Array flew to the human world...

After a while, there was a rumbling sound in the world...

"Ding! Fengtian Divine Sword (mid-grade star master level) has been successfully integrated with the human world, and the perfection of the human world has increased to 53%.... The host's combat power has increased to 240,000 Gai (basic combat power)...

"Ding! The Dingtian Divine Sword (mid-grade star master level) has been successfully integrated with the human world, and the perfection of the human world has increased to 63%.... The host's combat power has increased to 260,000 Gai (basic combat power) ....

"Ding! The Heavenly Divine Sword (mid-grade star master level) has been successfully integrated with the human world, and the perfection of the human world has increased to 73%.... The host's combat power has increased to 280,000 domain (basic combat power)

"Ding! The Heavenly Excalibur (mid-grade star master level) has been successfully integrated with the human world, and the perfection of the human world has increased to 83%.... The host's combat power has been increased to 300,000 Gai (basic combat power)...""

"Ding! The Heaven Sealing Array (mid-grade star master level) has been successfully integrated with the human world, and the perfection of the human world has increased to 93%.... The host's combat power has increased to 320,000 domain (basic combat power) ....

"It's really unintentional to plant willows and willows!

Qin Feng was ecstatic.

He originally thought that the hell world (71%) would be perfected first, but he did not want the human world (93%) to progress faster, approaching 100%.

Simply put, he is one step away from breaking through the half-step star master.

Not only that, his basic combat power has also increased to 320,000 Gai, and his comprehensive strength has completely reached the late stage of a low-grade star master.

The only ones who can really threaten him now are those low-grade star masters who have achieved great consummation.

But there are only a few Dzogchen masters.

There are two great perfections in the ancient domain, one in the demon domain, and one in the scattered alliance.

There are no great perfectionists in Tianyu, only three late stage ones.

But those late stage powerhouses can no longer threaten Qin Feng.

"It is said that our Star Alliance does not have late-stage powerhouses, so I can be considered one of them now!

Qin Feng smiled slightly and was ready to leave.

It's time for him to inherit the legacy.

But at this moment, the sound of the system sounded in his mind.

"Ding! It is detected that there is a three-life spirit bottle on the host, which contains a large amount of soul essence energy and true spirit energy...

"Ding! Remind the host that the hell world absorbs the energy of soul essence and blood, which can improve the perfection...'

"Ding! Remind the host that heaven absorbs true spirit energy to improve perfection..."

"Hey! There's still this!"

Qin Feng quickly took out a pile of storage rings and rummaged.

After a while, he found the three-color spirit bottle from the storage ring of the twin uterus master.

That is the three-life spirit bottle that specializes in collecting blood essence and true spirit.

Qin Feng clearly sensed the large amount of energy contained in it.

He had checked it before, but he didn't know what the bottle was for.

Now the system prompts him to realize something.

The next second, open the seal of the Sansheng bottle.

From the blood bottle, the monstrous blood water rushed out like a sea of ​​blood, and rushed to the hell world.

At the same time, hundreds of millions of soul fragments rushed out of the soul bottle, and like a river, they also rushed to the hell world.

Countless broken true spiritual light clusters poured out of the spirit bottle, flocking to the heaven...

"Ding! The hell world has successfully absorbed a lot of blood and soul power, and the perfection of hell has been raised to 75%... The host's combat power has been greatly improved・

"Ding! Heaven has successfully absorbed a large amount of true spirit power, and the degree of heaven has increased to 32%... The host's combat power has been greatly improved..."

"It seems that killing people has some effect. However, the promotion of this heaven is somewhat difficult. It seems to only absorb true spirits!"

Qin Feng was a little worried.

Only the powerhouse who dominates more than half a step will produce true spirits.

Where in this world are there so many half-step masters above.

"Ding! Remind the host that consuming merit points can improve the perfection of heaven

"Ding! Remind the host that consuming karma can improve the perfection of the hell world...

"Ding! Remind the host that consuming life value can improve the perfection of the human world...'

"It turns out that it can be done!"

Qin Feng was surprised and delighted.

He now has 100,000 karma points and more than 23 million merit points.

The karma value is too low, Qin Feng did not use it.

He also wanted to improve the rank of the inferior fiery red lotus.

Whether it is the golden wheel of merit or the red lotus of karma, the karma and merit required for the early grades are less.

That sample level improves quickly and helps a lot.

In the later stage, each level of promotion consumes a huge amount of karma and merit.

Even if the promotion is successful, the increase is only doubled, which can be said to be twice the result with half the effort.

Qin Feng thought about it, the promotion of the Golden Wheel of Merit can be delayed, and even if it reaches the seventeenth level, the increase in combat power is limited.

Simply, he used more than 23 million merit points to improve the heaven.

When the merit value is exhausted, the perfection of the heaven world is 43%, and the combat power increases again.

Today, Qin Feng's basic combat power has reached 350,000 Gai, the perfection of the human world is 93%, the hell world is 75%, and the heaven world is 43%...

Inside the hall, Qin Feng opened his eyes with satisfaction, feeling very happy.

His strength has improved a bit.

The three worlds are all elevated!

"It's weird! I know both merit and karma. What is the life value? 35

Qin Feng has some doubts.0

The life value can improve the perfection of the human world, and he can't figure out where it comes from.

He thought about it for a while, but still couldn't figure it out, so he left the small universe directly.

It's time for him to inherit...

At the same time, Chaos Star Territory, out of bounds.

Next to the Heavenly Cause and Effect Monument, the faces of the ancient master, the devil master, the god master, and the blue master are not good-looking.

Not to mention the Yanmao tomb sheep that were sealed by the Star Alliance, all of them were released, and the number returned to eighteen.

The high-ranking masters of the other four major forces dominate the Great Perfection, and the number of people is small.

There are still thirteen remaining in the ancient domain, while the demon domain and the sky domain have dropped to fourteen, and the scattered alliance has dropped to six.

That Youtong, Bai Shi, and the Lord of the Twin Palaces were all killed by Qin Feng.

They are all high-grade masters of the Great Perfection cultivation base.

What made the master of the four major forces even more depressed was that 17 orange lines appeared on the blood lotus representing the star master of Ziwei.

That means that all seventeen mid-grade inheritances have been obtained by the Covenant.

This result made everyone in the Covenant very happy.

The people of the four major forces were so angry that they wanted to vomit blood, and all of them were jealous to the point of death.

This time, they had completely lost to the Star Alliance as the master-level disciples, and they didn't even have a chance to turn around.

"Master Xingzun, we have achieved a good harvest this time!"

The Tianfu Star Lord stroked his beard excitedly.

Star Lord Ziwei smiled without saying a word.

She guessed that all this should be attributed to Qin Feng.

Now, she is very satisfied with Qin Feng's performance.

Seeing the happy appearance of the people of the Star Alliance, the Demon Lord was extremely unhappy.

He said yin and yang strangely: "Oh!! It's not just a dozen middle-grade inheritances. Frankly speaking, even if twenty or thirty middle-grade star master inheritances add up, they can't compare to a high-grade star master inheritance.

The ancient master also smiled and said: "Yes! As long as you can get a high-grade inheritance, this trip will not be in vain. The Star Alliance's master-level players this time are very good, but in the face of high-grade inheritance, they can do nothing!

God also smiled and said: "Of course! High-grade inheritance, but still have to rely on low-grade star masters. Dominant-grade players are incapable of winning! 99

The blue master also said: "There is still a day and a half left, and the half-step star masters and the low-grade star masters can enter. At that time, the competition will really start!

The tone of the master of the four major forces is very sour.

They actually joined forces to suppress the Star Alliance together.

It is true that the Star Alliance has performed so well this time that it is difficult for them not to be jealous.

Star Master Ziwei sneered in her heart.

4.7 She naturally heard that the four were jealous.

"There's still a day and a half left, what are you four worried about? Maybe there are new changes that will surprise you even more!"

Star Master Ziwei said with great meaning.

The Demon Lord looked disdainful: "Cut! The seventeen middle-grade inheritances are gone, what else can be changed. Is it possible that your Star Alliance can still get a high-grade inheritance?"

The ancient master also sneered: "Yeah! Is it possible that your Star Alliance can still get a high-grade inheritance? You are too high for your own subordinates!

God shook his head and said, "Purple Lord is joking..."

As soon as these words fell, several people burst into laughter.

The laughter just started, and the mutation suddenly occurred.

A dazzling red light suddenly burst out from the blood lotus representing the star master of Ziwei.


Heaven and Earth resonate!

Road transmission!

The audience was shocked!

The next second, an extremely bright red line appeared on the blood lotus, emitting an amazing aura, very dazzling...

Fuck it~!

The Star Alliance really got a high-grade star master inheritance!

Totally shocked!

The Lord of the Four Powers is extremely embarrassing!

The smile is so stiff!

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