Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 659: White Tiger Evil (For Subscription)

On the other hand, Qin Feng and the three entered the secret realm and soon entered a huge inheritance temple.

The hall was quiet and the atmosphere was solemn.

Qin Feng did not dare to neglect.

The inheritance spirit of this high-grade star master is very powerful, and it is not difficult to kill them if they don't obey the rules.

"Sir, do you think this will be the inheritance of which high-grade star master?

Yan Mao and Fen Yang both asked excitedly.

This is the place where high-grade star masters inherit!

It is a great opportunity for them to come in.

"I don't know!" Qin Feng was also a little excited.

He has already obtained the inheritance of sixteen middle-grade star masters.

But the sixteen added up are not as valuable as a high-grade inheritance.

Having said that, Chaos Star Territory has five high-grade star master inheritance.

They are: Yuanfeng, Lord of White Tiger, Lord of Xuanwu, Emperor Shi (Demon Domain), Lord of Holy Light (Heaven Domain).

These five star masters were all extremely tyrannical in their lifetime, and they could kill the middle-grade star masters in a flash.

As long as one party can obtain a high-grade star master inheritance, it will not be in vain.

At this moment, a space fluctuation surged over the temple, and the monstrous divine might shrouded down.

The voice of the spirit of inheritance sounded in the air.

"Why are there only three? The cultivation base is not high!

The tone of voice was a little disappointed, and it seemed that Qin Feng and the others did not look down on them.

In fact, the Spirit of Inheritance expects the successor's cultivation base to be above the half-step star master, otherwise it would not have set up such a strong barrier.

Qin Feng was silent.

Yan Mao and the two were a little embarrassed.

The Spirit of Inheritance did not struggle with that issue for a long time.

It is just an obsession, as long as you can enter this hall, no matter what method you use, you are qualified to participate in the inheritance assessment.

"This is your assessment point token! In one minute, the first assessment begins! 35

As soon as these words fell, the space fluctuated, and three assessment tokens fell from the sky.

Qin Feng and the three received the token one after another.

At the same time, information came from the token.

After the three read it, they immediately understood.

The first test is to control karma.


Within three days, if you cannot control your karma, you will be eliminated immediately.

Only those who control the karma can go to the next level.

The power of karma and merit are opposite in nature.

Merit is the creation of the common people in the world.

Karma is obtained by killing all the people in the world.

Generally speaking, those who have mastered the true meaning of the slaying path attribute are more likely to control their karma.

Moreover, the higher the level of the true meaning of the killing dao, the easier it is to control the karma.

For example, the true meaning of destruction mastered by Qin Feng belongs to the category of killing, and it is easier to use it to perceive karma.

Yan Mao and the grave sheep were worried.

All the true meanings they have grasped are not in the category of murder.

"Brother Yan, this karma is not easy to control!" The grave sheep was worried.


"Yeah! The assessment time is only three days, I'm afraid we will be eliminated soon.", Yan Mao looked helpless.

"Hey! Let's see luck!" Tomb Sheep smiled wryly and shook his head, "By the way, Lord Qin Huang, you probably haven't grasped the true meaning of the category of killing, right?

Tomb Sheep suddenly thought of something.

Qin Feng is the one who has mastered the Golden Wheel of Merit.

Generally speaking, the golden wheel of merit is difficult to refine.

Especially for those who have mastered the real meaning of killing, it is even more difficult.

For those who have mastered the category of the true meaning of creation, it is more effective with less effort.

The so-called creation leads to life, and killing leads to death.

Infinite merit!

Karma is boundless!

Once in a lifetime, the road is endless!

The grave sheep thought that Qin Feng was so young, so he refined the golden wheel of merit and virtue, and he must be good at the true meaning of good fortune.

And the attributes of creation and killing are opposite, Qin Feng should not be good at killing the true meaning.

If so, this assessment of controlling karma is not good for Qin Feng!

When the grave sheep said this, Yan Mao frowned slightly, and was also worried about Qin Feng.

Even if he and the grave sheep were eliminated, if Qin Feng was eliminated too, it would be bad!

Elimination of this first level is equivalent to losing the inheritance qualification.

Then the inheritance of high-grade star masters here will be cheaper than others.

Of course he didn't want to see this result.

"Grave sheep, you don't have to worry! Mastering karma does not depend entirely on true meaning, but also on perception. Lord Qin Huang's perception, don't you know yet?!

Yan Mao muttered angrily.

"That's right!" Grave Sheep nodded again and again.


It's just that there is still some worry between the two's expressions.

After all, the assessment is only for three days, and understanding alone is not enough.

Qin Feng saw the expressions of the two in his eyes, smiled slightly, and did not explain.

He refines the golden wheel of merit and uses God-level devouring, so there is no need to consider the issue of true meaning.

In fact, the assessment of perception karma this time is beneficial to him.

The true meaning of destruction he masters belongs to the category of killing, which is conducive to mastering karma.

His understanding is also first-class.

Therefore, Qin Feng is full of confidence in this assessment.

At this moment, there was a wave in the center of the hall, and a door of light appeared out of thin air.

"Sir, the door to the assessment is open!" Yan Mao said excitedly.

"Let's go!", Qin Feng entered first.

Yan Mao and the grave sheep followed closely.

When Qin Feng passed through the gate of light, he found himself entering a huge temple.

There is a huge stone tablet in the center of the hall with many characters engraved on it.

There is also a huge altar next to the stone tablet.

A strange cloud of white gas was trapped inside the altar.

The three Qin Feng walked to the stone monument and watched.

After a while, the three suddenly realized.

What is recorded on the stone tablet is the secret technique of how to convert evil spirits into karma.

The evil spirit is invisible and intangible, and it is the product of slaughtering sentient beings.

In other words, if a person kills too many people, his temperament will change quietly, making people inexplicably fearful.

What affects his temperament changes is that invisible evil spirit.

The secret technique on the stone tablet is the method to convert one's evil spirits into karma.

As masters, Yan Mao and Tomb Sheep have naturally killed people, and they are not lacking in evil spirits.

And Qin Feng slaughtered more people, and the evil spirit was stronger.

Seeing this secret technique, the three were relieved.

This level was easier than they thought.

With the secret technique, it is much easier to gather karma.

Afterwards, the three of them continued to look down and were surprised again.

It turned out that the white energy in the altar next to the stone tablet was actually the evil energy of the top-grade star master, called the white tiger evil energy.

According to the description on the stone tablet, after the examiner converts all the evil spirits into karma, they can absorb the evil spirits of the white tiger at will and convert them into their own karma.

How much you can absorb is up to you.

After reading it, the three of them were pleasantly surprised.

The concentration of the white tiger suffocation is terrifyingly high, and there are invisible qi condensed into a visible white fog.

Perhaps as long as a lump is absorbed, it is comparable to refining a black sky crystal.

So many white tiger evil spirits are equivalent to tens of thousands of black sky crystals.

Convert (baeh) into Zhongtian crystal, that is nearly one million.

This is definitely a great opportunity!

It is a pity that any player can only stay in this temple for three days.

How much white tiger suffocating energy can be absorbed depends on one's own ability.

Not only that, but one must first comprehend the secret technique of transforming evil spirits into karma.

Therefore, the time to truly absorb the white tiger's suffocating energy is not three days at all.

If you can't even comprehend the secret technique within three days, it will be even worse, and you will not even be qualified to absorb the white tiger's evil spirit.

Immediately, after reading the contents on the stone tablet, Yan Mao and Tomb Yang said hello to Qin Feng, and they sat down next to the stone tablet and realized their feelings.

They have not grasped the true meaning of the Killing Dao series, and their comprehension is not extremely high, so they must seize every minute and every second to comprehend, and it is possible to succeed.

At this moment, Qin Feng was very excited.

He now knows who this inheritance belongs to.

This is the inheritance of the Lord of the White Tiger!

Therefore, there is a white tiger suffocating here.

His super-god-level mission is to obtain the inheritance of the five spiritual masters: Zulong, Yuanfeng, Qilin Master, White Tiger Master, and Xuanwu Master.

After the task is completed, there will be extremely rich rewards.

He has obtained the inheritance of the ancestral dragon and the unicorn master.

Now, he saw the inheritance of the White Tiger Lord again.

This inheritance, he must get.

Immediately, he glanced at the secret technique on the stele, and felt something, and closed his eyes involuntarily.

At the same time, Yan Mao and Fen Yang were both feeling bitterly.

At this realization, their hearts sank.

The optimism from before is gone!

This secret technique is too difficult!

The two of them can cultivate to the high-grade master Dzogchen, and their comprehension will definitely not be bad.

But they pondered for a long time, not to mention the comprehension, and they couldn't even find the entry point.

In other words, they were still confused and couldn't feel the diameter of the door.

"Grave Sheep, this secret technique is more difficult than we imagined. I am afraid that within three days, it will be difficult for me to understand this secret technique. Let alone absorb the evil spirit of the white tiger!

Yan Mao's voice transmission sounded in the ears of the grave sheep, full of helplessness.

He felt the same way, and hurriedly sent a voice over: "Brother Yan, listening to your tone, I'm a little sure. I'm not sure at all, I only have a 10% chance of success at most! Hey!"

The grave sheep also sighed.

But just after his voice transmission ended, strange energy fluctuations came from the front.

The two were startled and turned their heads to look, only to see Qin Feng opened his eyes with joy.

At this moment, Qin Feng's temperament has undergone some changes. It is neither cold nor ethereal, but natural and natural, which makes people involuntarily admire them.

His aura seemed to have grown a little bit stronger.

How could there be such a change?

Lord Qin Huang won't have an epiphany so quickly, will he?!

Yan Mao and the two looked at each other and thought it was impossible.

It's only been a few minutes before and after, not so fast!

If so, that would be an exaggeration!

But as soon as the two of them had this idea, Qin Feng walked to the altar and took a breath.

The white tiger suffocating in the altar turned into a white line and poured into his mouth...

This is devouring the evil spirit of the white tiger!

Yan Mao and the two were shocked and shocked.

Lord Qin Huang absolutely understood the secret technique.

If one does not comprehend the secret technique and forcibly swallow the evil spirit of the white tiger, the true spirit of the soul will be corroded and die, even a mid-rank star master would not dare to do that.

Oh my God!

Lord Qin Huang understood it too quickly!

They didn't even feel the fur.

What's even more exaggerated is that the way Lord Qin Huang refines the white tiger's evil spirit is too special!

It was swallowed directly!

This speed is a million times faster than refining!

For a time, Yan Mao and the two were petrified.

The two stared blankly for a long time before looking at each other, speechless...

The two guessed right, Qin Feng realized the secret technique in just a moment.

That secret technique is almost tailor-made for him, and it is extremely easy to understand.

At this moment, system prompts kept ringing in his mind.

"Ding! Successfully swallowed the white tiger's evil spirit... The host's combat power has increased by 1 million capital..."

"Ding! Successfully swallowed the white tiger's evil spirit... The host's combat power has increased by 1 million capital..."

"Ding! Successfully swallowed the white tiger's evil spirit... The host's combat power increased by 1 million capital...  

"Ding! Devouring the white tiger's evil spirit successfully...

As the reminders continued, Qin Feng's momentum continued to soar, and his mood was extremely happy...  

This is a great opportunity!

In the blink of an eye, Qin Feng sucked one-fifth of the white tiger's evil spirit.

At the same time, the group of people closest to the inheritance land will arrive in ten minutes.

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