"Did I let you go?""

Qin Feng's voice sounded out of thin air.

Cold and ruthless!

The atmosphere in the hall froze instantly.

Meng He and the white-haired old man froze, looking at Qin Feng with a pale face, trembling in the sieve.

Others who wanted to leave were also panicked, not knowing whether to go out or not.

"Who dares to move half a step! I killed him!

Qin Feng's tone was cold.

The whole place was stunned.

One by one stood in place and dared not move.

Qin Feng looked down at everyone.

Wherever his gaze went, the players did not dare to look at each other, some bowed their heads in fear, some trembled in fear, and no one dared to move half a step.

Even the Kui Yan seven felt inexplicably frightened.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the audience was extremely depressing!

Finally, Qin Feng's eyes fell on the baby.

"Baby, tell me!"

"Dad, they all bullied me just now..."

Qin Baobao hurriedly complained and began to describe the previous events.

She was only halfway through when Meng He fell to his knees.

"My lord, I was wrong! It was I who didn't know Mount Tai and bumped into your daughter, please forgive me!

Meng He howled.

He was frightened.

"Shut up!" Qin Feng frowned, "Is it your turn to speak!"

"Yes! Yes! Meng is wrong! Shadow

At this moment, Meng He had a strong desire to survive.

The white-haired old man beside him was furious.

Qin Feng ignored it and continued to listen to the baby.

After a while, he finished listening to the process.

The hearts of the whole audience were suspended,

They have bullied babies before.

They were afraid that Qin Feng would settle accounts.

"You want to flatten me?" Qin Feng looked at Meng He.


"No! No! Misunderstanding... Misunderstanding! That's a misunderstanding!" Meng He was so frightened that he was incoherent.


Qin Feng sneered and looked at the white-haired old man again.

"You chased my daughter out before? If she doesn't go out, you're going to kill her?

"No! No! My lord, it was just a misunderstanding!" The old man was also frightened.

"And you guys have also bullied my daughter?", Qin Feng looked at everyone around him mockingly.

"Sir, that was a misunderstanding!"

The whole place was apprehensive.

Qin Feng sneered: "Go to hell!

As soon as these words fell, the audience's face changed greatly.

Someone in the crowd exclaimed: "Sir, you can't kill people indiscriminately! Otherwise, your golden wheel of merit will disappear!"

Kui Yan and others also exclaimed.

This is indeed a problem.

Although the golden wheel of merit is easy to use, it cannot kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Otherwise, karma will accumulate, karma and sin will accumulate, resulting in the reduction of the golden wheel of merit, or even disappearance.

But these persuasion is useless at all!

Qin Feng still shot.

He has mastered the divine seal of karma, what karma and sin he is afraid of!

All constraints on the golden wheel of merit have no effect on him.

In an instant, golden light erupted!

Hundreds of millions of sword lights lasing the audience!

The terrifying screams were continuous!

In an instant, thousands of players were blasted into slag, and the blood mist rolled in the sky...

Don't wait for these people to struggle to come back to life!

Heaven and Hell are here!

Countless blood mists were swallowed up by the hell world.

Thousands of true spirits have been melted away by the heavenly realm so that nothing remains!

The screams took a long time to dissipate.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of players completely died out!

Only the seven Kui Yan were left alive!

The seven of them had been trembling with fear.

The scene just now was terrible.

If it is a low-grade star master, he can kill thousands of players with one blow, but he does not destroy the soul and true spirit so quickly.

But Qin Feng killed thousands of souls and true spirits in a very short period of time, which is extremely terrifying.

At this time, Qin Feng took back the ghost of heaven and hell.

His aura increased by one point, and his basic combat power increased to 16,000 Gai.

Swallowed so many players, and let his hell heaven complete some.

Qin Feng smiled with satisfaction.

He waved his hand, and more than a thousand storage rings flew into his hands.

These are his spoils.

This time the harvest is not small!

"Dad!", the baby ran over happily.

Dad helped her out!

At this moment, she was in a good mood.

Qin Feng fondly touched his daughter's little head and put her in the small universe.

The next second, he looked up at the Kui Yan seven people.

"I have seen Lord Qin Huang!"

Kui Yan's seven people were terrified.

"These are for you!

Qin Feng waved his hand, and dozens of storage rings flew towards the seven people.

"Sir, you are..."

Kui Yan's seven people were terrified,

"This is a reward for thanking you for getting ahead for my daughter! 35

·0 Flowers ................................

"My lord, this is what we should do, after all, everyone is from the Covenant!"

Kui Yan said respectfully.

"Take it! If you are in danger in the future, you can contact me!

Abandoning these words, Qin Feng disappeared out of thin air.

Kui Yan's seven people looked at the place where Qin Feng disappeared, and they were both amazed and delighted.

Lord Qin Huang's last sentence made them very happy.

This means that Qin Feng is willing to accept their favor.

Speaking of which, Qin Feng gave them so many storage rings, which surprised them.

It can be seen from this that Lord Qin Huang is a person with clear grievances.

At this moment, the seven people's recognition of Qin Feng rose to a very high level.

"Lord Qin Huang has become stronger again!"


"Yes! Lord Qin Huang is my role model!"

Kui Yan and several others showed admiration.

At the same time, in another inheritance temple.

The phantom avatar is suspended in mid-air.

Lori stood behind him.

There is blood all over the place, the smell is wafting, and the ground is full of potholes.

Just now, the phantom clone slaughtered nearly a thousand players.

Only he and Luo Li were left in the audience.

The phantom clone is Qin Feng's body extension.

Everything here is under Qin Feng's control.

At this moment, a light group of inheritance descended from the sky.

As soon as the phantom avatar beckoned, he put away the inheritance and recalled Luo Li to the small universe.

Another legacy has arrived!

In the next second, the phantom clone disappeared out of thin air.

He is going to grab an inheritance.

At the same time, another place of inheritance.

Qin Feng is slaughtering thousands of players.....

Chu Chu stood by and looked dumbfounded.

At this moment, Qin Feng finally started killing.

PS: Guiqiu automatic order! Guiqiu full order!!! Next chapter, update in half an hour!!!!


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