Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 634 Get the Way to Fly (Subscribe)

But it said that outside the Holy Land, in the forbidden land.

Star Master Ziwei and others are waiting anxiously.

"Strange! The time has come, why haven't the three of Qin Huang come out yet? 35

The crowd murmured.

Everyone is anxious.

At this moment, a strong white light lit up in the center of the forbidden area.

Everyone was startled and looked around.

After the white light passed, a door of light emerged.

Then, the light and shadow flashed, and the two figures were forcibly pushed out of the light gate.

The next second, the door of light disappeared.

Everyone looked at those two people, it was Yu Chen and Feng Di.

"Where's Qin Feng? Why only the two of you came out?'

Star Master Ziwei asked eagerly.

It stands to reason that the three Qin Feng should be sent out together.

Could something have happened to Qin Feng?

Thinking of this, Star Master Ziwei suddenly felt a little uneasy.

Everyone was also puzzled.

Could it be that something happened to Emperor Qin?

It's not impossible!

If Qin Huang was impulsive and walked out of the protection of the lotus platform, he would be killed by Hei Yuanjiefeng.

At this moment, more than a thousand people looked at Yu Chen.

Even the Five Stars looked at him anxiously.

Being watched by everyone, Yu Chen was inexplicably nervous.

"Yu Chen, hurry up! Qin Feng has an accident?"

Tianfu Star Lord asked anxiously.

Unconsciously, Qin Feng became the object of everyone's attention.

"Return to Xingzun! Lord Qin Huang is fine!" Yu Chen replied respectfully.


Some careful people were surprised when they heard this.

In particular, Concubine Yu looked at Yu Chen with a look of surprise.

It was like she knew Yu Chen for the first time.

She knew Yu Chen very well.

This guy is her man. He has always been arrogant and arrogant. He doesn't pay attention to a few people. He was even dissatisfied with Qin Feng not long ago.

But now he actually calls Qin Feng 'Lord Qin Huang'!

What the hell happened to make Yu Chen's attitude towards Qin Feng change so much.

This change in attitude is unpredictable!

The Five Star Venerables also noticed it and could not help but look at each other on the ground.

It seems that Qin Feng has completely convinced Yu Chen!

"Then why didn't Qin Feng come out?", Tianfu Star Master asked again.

"Hui Xingzun! Lord Qin Huang has a new opportunity.

"What chance?"

"He was picked up by a purple lotus pedestal. Here's the thing..."

Yu Chen briefly explained the process of the matter.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and the audience was silent.

After a long time, there was a whisper from the crowd.

"My God! Lord Qin Huang can actually hold the wind of the Black Origin Realm? This is incredible!!"

As soon as these words fell, the crowd was completely fried, and one by one heated discussions,

Everyone's admiration for Qin Feng reached the extreme.

In the air, the five great stars were shocked.

"Big Xingzun, for hundreds of millions of years, someone has finally been able to climb the purple lotus platform!"

The Tianfu Star Lord was very excited.

"Yeah! Daxingzun, this Qin Feng is worth training. I'm afraid his future achievements will be higher than ours!

The Lord of the Gods was also amazed.

At this moment, even he was completely convinced.


Star Master Ziwei nodded slightly.

Qin Feng surprised her so much!

She never thought that Qin Feng would be able to hold the Black Origin Realm wind forcibly.

The most important thing is that when Qin Feng can resist the wind from the Black Origin Realm, his cultivation will be perfect.

This is too incredible!

It seems that the previous auspiciousness from the sky was created by Qin Feng!

Qin Feng is far better than she imagined.

No wonder, in the future, as shown in the mirror of good fortune, he will become his woman...

Where can you find such a good man in the world?

It's just that Qin Feng's flower heart's fault, like a thorn, pierced deeply into her heart.

It hurts when she thinks about it...

It seems that I have to act on my own to help Qin Feng get rid of his troubles...

"Master Xingzun, you said that Qin Feng was summoned by the lingering thoughts of the Lord of the Universe, what big chance will he get?"

Star Lord Tianfu interrupted Star Lord Ziwei's wild thoughts.

Star Master Ziwei shook his head slightly: "I don't know!

Meanwhile, within the Holy Land.

Qin Feng has already entered that huge light group.

In the light group, golden light filled the sky, and purple energy surged.

Qin Feng looked up and saw a black-clothed man in front of him three hundred feet in front.

He looked closely at the person's facial features, and it was like a cloud covering them, so he couldn't see them clearly.

At this time, the man seemed to have a feeling, and slowly raised his eyes, his eyes shone with divine light, and boundless divine might rolled in...

Qin Feng felt oppressed and horrified...

This person is just a remnant, so powerful.

It is conceivable how powerful the Lord of the Universe was back then.

That must be above the high-grade star master...


The man in black opened his mouth, and the sound shook the sky!

Qin Feng understands it, sits cross-legged on the lotus pedestal, and listens attentively...

"One day can be worshipped!

"Two days can be praised! 99

"Three days to fly! 55

The man in black whispered.

Qin Feng was puzzled.

But at this moment, the man in black opened his mouth, and the sound was magnificent...

That non-human language is obscure and difficult to understand, even harsh...

But when Qin Feng heard this, his hair stood up and his eyes showed ecstasy...

This is the essence of the Three Thousand Avenues!

This time, the sermon of the man in black was a thousand times deeper than before...

This is equivalent to the black shadow opening a small stove to Qin Feng and teaching it hand in hand...

This is very much like a master teaching his disciples...

And Qin Feng only listened to it for a few seconds, then he felt dizzy, his whole body was boiling with blood, and he was about to explode...

The difficulty of hearing this time is a thousand times stronger than before.

Qin Feng quickly pulled up the phantom avatar and began to share the pressure...

In this way, Qin Feng's face became paler as he listened to it, and his chest was extremely annoyed...

But his perception was a thousand times faster than before, and his breath continued to soar...

In a blink of an eye, a day has passed.

Qin Feng's face was pale, and there were beads of sweat on his forehead.

At this moment, Daoyin stopped abruptly.

All the pressure disappeared instantly, Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked up and saw that the man in black opened his eyes, his eyes were like deep pools, with the sun, moon and stars inside...

"One day is over! You can serve God!

The man in black said these inexplicable words, and with a forefinger, a purple golden talisman penetrated into Qin Feng's body and disappeared...

Qin Feng's momentum skyrocketed, and a kind of enlightenment was used in his heart...

At this time, the man in black opened his sermon again, and the difficulty was doubled...

Qin Feng listened again.

In a blink of an eye, another day passed.

In the meantime, the phantom avatar could not bear the sound of Daoyin, and blew himself up twice, and was resurrected by Qin Feng one by one...

This 230 times, Daoyin stopped abruptly again.

"It's over in two days! You can admire heaven!"

The man in black popped out a purple golden talisman again and penetrated into Qin Feng's body...

Qin Feng has another kind of enlightenment, and his momentum has skyrocketed again...

Afterwards, the man in black continued to preach, and the difficulty was increased tenfold.

A day later, the phantom clone had self-destructed dozens of times.

Qin Feng's whole body is cracked, blood is flying, and he is just one line away from self-destruction...

On this day, the sound of Daoyin came to an abrupt end...

He finally persevered.

A gratifying voice sounded in front: "Three days are over! You can fly!"

It was at this moment that Qin Feng suddenly had a clear understanding.

The man in black said at the beginning: One day serves the sky.

Does this Fengtian have anything to do with Fengtianmen?

If it is related, what does the second day of Qin Tian mean?

Just when Qin Feng was thinking about it, the man in black popped out a third purple gold talisman and penetrated into Qin Feng's body...

Qin Feng suddenly became more enlightened, and his momentum skyrocketed.


In the next second, his whole body shook violently, as if the shackles in his body had been opened...

"Ding! Congrats to the host who has accumulated a lot of money... The cultivation base has broken through to the middle stage of mid-level domination (Three Realms)... The combat power has increased to 7 million capitals..."

"I broke through again!"

Qin Feng is ecstatic......

At this moment, the man in black in front smiled, as if everything was complete.

The next second, with a wave of his hand, Qin Feng turned into white light and was teleported out.

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